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First Date?

[Aug 9,2017 2:57pm - MotleyGrue ""]
So am I supposed to meet up later with a white collar professional for some drinks. Haven't asked her about 420 yet, is it bad to show up somewhat stoned? Don't know if this is really a first date, so I say fuck it, what does the board think?
[Aug 9,2017 3:10pm - IAMNOTKRUSTY ""]
What are you going to do, smoke in the closet the rest of your life?, Just do what you want to do, and if she asks, it way easier to just tell the truth, (especially in a decriminalized state like ours). If she gets pissed, she buys her dinner and you go smoke a fattie, problem solved. Be yourslef, it worked for me, but now I'm married and have a kid on the way...Yay aldulting...
[Aug 9,2017 3:51pm - susurrate ""]
Rip it. Who cares? It's legal and isn't as harmful as alcohol (which you two are going to consume anyway). Can't speak for anyone else, but as a regular 420 user, I don't exactly look/act stoned when I smoke anymore.
[Aug 9,2017 4:14pm - MotleyGrue ""]
I'll spark it before I leave, then eat some breath mints before I arrive.
[Aug 9,2017 4:26pm - posbleak ""]
Do it dude. I smoked before every date when I was single, it was the only thing that made the idea of spending time with strangers tolerable
[Aug 9,2017 4:49pm - susurrate ""]

MotleyGrue said:meet up later with a white collar professional for some drinks.

if she is real white collar pro, I'd be more concerned about telling her you play in a black metal band.
[Aug 9,2017 4:51pm - susurrate ""]
also- enjoyed the new album preview on bandcamp by the way. organ intros rule.
[Aug 9,2017 5:33pm - grandmotherweb ""]

IAMNOTKRUSTY said:What are you going to do, smoke in the closet the rest of your life?

closets are overrated.

and this board is EXACTLY where i would go for new relationship advice. ANYTIME.
[Aug 9,2017 6:12pm - susurrate ""]
In response to the above; I can't say for sure, but I'd suspect that a good portion of logged-in posters, if not the majority here, are in committed relationships and/or married.
[Aug 9,2017 6:17pm - grandmotherweb ""]

[Aug 9,2017 11:03pm - MotleyGrue ""]
No real connection, but made a cool friend who is open minded, and might be open to smoke out.
[Aug 10,2017 8:56am - Sarahah Burn  ""]
You're a piece of shit loser, no wonder you can't maintain a relationship
[Aug 10,2017 9:24am - Grandmotherweb ""]
^ FTR, one date does not equal a relationship.
[Aug 10,2017 10:53am - Sarahah Burn  ""]
Keyword was 'maintain' you crazy-ass mother fucker.
[Aug 10,2017 12:03pm - Grandmotherweb ""]
right. totally keep wasting time with someone you're not really into, out of loneliness. way to maintain, bro.
[Aug 10,2017 12:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I learned a lot here.
[Aug 10,2017 12:33pm - RTTP Department of Relation Ships  ""]
My first date:

- Smoked a joint together on cruise around the area
- Fart jokes + real farts
- Funny movie
- Hooked up above her parents bedroom

= Married now.

Good luck!
[Aug 10,2017 1:00pm - Sarahah Burn  ""]

Grandmotherweb said:right. totally keep wasting time with someone you're not really into, out of loneliness. way to maintain, bro.

Spoken like someone who has never had a healthy relationship. You should see a conselor.
[Aug 10,2017 2:22pm - IAMNOTKRUSTY ""]
Fun Fact, The night I met my wife to be, we went to a Razormaze Warehouse show in Allston. I drank a lot of beers, smoke joints, and got in the mosh pit, trying to hide that fact that I was interested in her.
[Aug 10,2017 5:17pm - Fag detector  ""]
You fags care way too much about weed.
[Aug 10,2017 5:26pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Sarahah%20Burn said:
Grandmotherweb said:right. totally keep wasting time with someone you're not really into, out of loneliness. way to maintain, bro.

Spoken like someone who has never had a healthy relationship. You should see a conselor.

spoken like someone posting anonymously on this forum. i totally come here for Extreme Band Therapy all the time.
[Aug 10,2017 10:57pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Fag%20detector said:You fags care way too much about weed.

And whiskey, women, music, I mean really what's truly left in life to give AF about? Lame genres, under cooked meats to eat for dinner???
[Aug 30,2017 1:51am - MotleyGrue ""]
Like I don't know is it mating season, or is every female on the same cycle? Lot's of ass being thrown my way, getting lit up with lets meet up over drinks or some bullshit, becoming like a job, they must know I am a fuck up, don't understand what I am doing different.
[Aug 30,2017 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
JUST DO IT. Wait, people are still knocking boots?
[Sep 4,2017 2:30pm - Swipe critic  ""]
Swipe right = rejection = reverse rape.
Or is it swipe left? I forget.

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