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Majority Whip Steve Scalise and 2 police officers shot at a baseball game

[Jun 14,2017 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 14,2017 8:21am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 14,2017 8:24am - susurrate ""]
TIL theres a "congressional baseball team".
[Jun 14,2017 9:00am - remove liberal  ""]
remove liberal

The gunman, dressed in running gear, asked whether the politicians were Republicans or Democrats, MSNBC is reporting.
[Jun 14,2017 9:11am - IAMNOTKRUSTY ""]
Liberals - Spreading the values of the Nazis and the Communists. Ideals are peaceful, history is violent.
[Jun 14,2017 9:35am - Deporterrrrr  ""]
[Jun 14,2017 1:09pm - In-care-ious Basterds  ""]
struggling to care

[Jun 14,2017 1:21pm - susurrate ""]
[Jun 14,2017 2:30pm - Fag detector  ""]
Shooter was 66 year old Bernie-Bro. Probably a new hero for many of you little whining cunts.
[Jun 14,2017 3:37pm - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 14,2017 5:08pm - grandmotherweb ""]

susurrate said:http://turtleboysports.com/we-dont-blame-d...da-because-turtleboy-is-above-that/

TurtleBoy could've gotten decent advertisers, but they couldn't because they work for the mafia.

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