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[Aug 1,2004 4:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
wow, what a fag!!!! :shocked::pukeface:

"MISERY INDEX drummer Kevin Talley (drums, ex-DYING FETUS, SUFFOCATION, M.O.D.) has quit the band and has joined CHIMAIRA. Filling his shoes in MISERY INDEX is Adam Jarvis from the band ALL WILL FALL from St. Louis, MO. "Adam had sent in a audition video many months ago and has been in the band's favor ever since," MISERY INDEX write on their web site. "His first show with the band will be at the world-famous Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany on Aug. 6th."

MISERY INDEX recently finished recording and mixing their new EP, "Dissent" (view cover here). A late August release through the group's own Anarchos Records on 10" vinyl and CD is expected. It contains the "diverse, multi-piece" 13-minute title track and a song called "Defector". Also included will be multiple Quicktime movies of live stuff, and studio and road antics. MISERY INDEX also recently completed work on a DVD, titled "Misery Index DVD Volume 1". The disc features a full live set from Athens, Greece last November, as well as highlights from a few shows in Quebec, and bonus on and off stage footage from the 2003 tours in US and Europe, roughly running about 90 minutes. It can currently be ordered for $10 postpaid from the band's web site. "
[Aug 1,2004 4:40pm - succubus ""]
i wanna say..old news.... =)
2 people told me this (one being Kevin himself) but i wasn't allowed to say anything

so i guess it's official
[Aug 1,2004 4:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
chimaira is gay... talley is too good for their nu-bullshit.
[Aug 1,2004 4:45pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
what makes him a fag? He joined a band that finally got their shit together and have some decent Fear Factory-esque riffs?
[Aug 1,2004 4:46pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 1,2004 4:49pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
that, and if you haven't figured out by now Kevin Talley tries to drum for as many different things as possible. He's done death metal, grind, hell he quit MI for a rock band. All hell breaks loose when someone has a diverse musical taste.
[Aug 1,2004 4:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
attendmyrequiem said:what makes him a fag? He joined a band that finally got their shit together and have some decent Fear Factory-esque riffs?

fear factory hasn't put out anything good since demanufacture.
[Aug 1,2004 4:51pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
RustedAngel said:attendmyrequiem said:what makes him a fag? He joined a band that finally got their shit together and have some decent Fear Factory-esque riffs?

fear factory hasn't put out anything good since demanufacture.

I happen to enjoy the new album, but you missed the point completely.
[Aug 1,2004 4:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
a band that plays shitty music does not count as having their shit together to me.
[Aug 1,2004 4:53pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
I Agree with RustedAngel they fucking suck...there a nu-metal band as far as im concerned with the same chuga-chuga breakdown every 2 seconds. How can u go from Brutal misery index to that jesus...whats the world coming too. But whatever floats your boat i guess?!?!
[Aug 1,2004 4:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
I already predicted he's going to disturbed next. maybe korn?
[Aug 1,2004 4:57pm - Jellyfish ""]
RustedAngel said:a band that plays shitty music does not count as having their shit together to me.

what he said.
[Aug 1,2004 4:57pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
I just put in The Impossibility of Reason and fail to hear where the "nu" is coming from. S0uNdZ So0o0o0 MuC|-| L1K3 KoRn do0odZ.
[Aug 1,2004 5:04pm - mike_fod ""]
Fear Factory's Obsolete is the perfect follow up to a masterpiece like Demanufacture. If you like Demanufacture and dislike Obsolete, there's something wrong with that, since it's the definitive FF sound. Misery Index is a boring band and I don't know too much about Chimaira to even care.
[Aug 1,2004 5:08pm - Jellyfish ""]
misery index is not a boring band. chimaira is ridiculously boring and i think everything fear factory ever did sucks, demanufacture included. That shit is fucking boring.
[Aug 1,2004 5:10pm - Kalopsia ""]
how many times is he gonna leave misery index???????????
[Aug 1,2004 5:11pm - Jellyfish ""]
they should have all stuck with dying fetus. They were all so sick together. Now dying fetus sucks and misery index is falling apart.
[Aug 1,2004 5:13pm - mike_fod ""]
Fear Factory takes the time to think up riffs that will stick with you long after the disc has stopped playing. Plus their stop and go parts shit on anything Homosexual Index will do with their lame career. Raymond Herrera > Kevin Talley.
[Aug 1,2004 5:19pm - Jellyfish ""]
mike_fod said:Raymond Herrera > Kevin Talley.

Absolutely not. Even though I dislike fear factory theres certainly no denying that they have a very talented drummer. He still couldnt hold a candle to Talley. His rolls and blasts are far beyond Raymonds, both in speed and complexity.
[Aug 1,2004 5:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I like when we played the palladium with Chimaira... we were about to play pretty soon, and and the side-stage area was PACKED with shit.. I start setting up my drum shit in this tiny fucking space and this guy comes up to me and asked if I can move my stuff over. I have no idea who this guy was but I ASSUMED he was in a band that was going on next or something and he had to set up some drums or guitar amps or something. So I move my shit to some other place and then this guy wheels over this huge rack thing with like 10 guitars on it and he starts pollishing them. I start laughing and I found out it was the guy from chimaira. Obviously they went on like 10 bands after us and they sucked no matter how many nicely pollished guitars they used.
[Aug 1,2004 6:06pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Fear Factory is awesome. enough said.
[Aug 2,2004 1:13pm - xmikex ""]
misery index are a bunch of gayasses anyways. enough said.
[Aug 2,2004 1:29pm - xmikex ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I like when we played the palladium with Chimaira... we were about to play pretty soon, and and the side-stage area was PACKED with shit.. I start setting up my drum shit in this tiny fucking space and this guy comes up to me and asked if I can move my stuff over. I have no idea who this guy was but I ASSUMED he was in a band that was going on next or something and he had to set up some drums or guitar amps or something. So I move my shit to some other place and then this guy wheels over this huge rack thing with like 10 guitars on it and he starts pollishing them. I start laughing and I found out it was the guy from chimaira. Obviously they went on like 10 bands after us and they sucked no matter how many nicely pollished guitars they used.

chimaira played the palladium like 6 years ago with all out war. they got on stage and started in on some rant about how they hated everyone there and the joke was on them because they were gonna be on mtv. so kids started throwing things at them. then someone, i think it might have been the singer from the Bad News, jumped off some kids back and almost knocked the singer out with a punch to the face.
[Aug 2,2004 1:39pm - assuck ""]
imagine your first show with a band being wacken? talk about pressure...
[Aug 2,2004 1:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
xmikex said:
chimaira played the palladium like 6 years ago with all out war. they got on stage and started in on some rant about how they hated everyone there and the joke was on them because they were gonna be on mtv. so kids started throwing things at them. then someone, i think it might have been the singer from the Bad News, jumped off some kids back and almost knocked the singer out with a punch to the face.

I was there for that... Some friends and I pitched in to buy a chaimira CD, we broke the entire disc/case into pieces and threw it up on stage while they were playing. Maybe they said all of that because they saw the broken cd all over the place. hahahaha.
[Aug 2,2004 2:27pm - hey  ""]
obselete had its moments. demanufacture was great.

digi mortal was complete garbage.
[Aug 2,2004 5:15pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Misery index is gay anyways.lol anything with mike harrison is pathetic Its just Sub rate dying fetus. They took the title of an assuck cd for their name thinking they will be true grindcore. Talley was an insane drummer in fetus just litsen to KOA. Let him join chimira or whatever they are called. Dying fetus sucks now and misery index has always been weak as hell.
[Aug 7,2004 11:15am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I do like misery index. But I agree that old dying fetus was better. Also, if anybody doesn't know, Mike Harrison hasn't been in the band for over a year I think.
[Aug 7,2004 3:15pm - Terence ""]
Raymond and Danny Herrera are directly related to me.
[Aug 8,2004 12:55pm - intricateprocess ""]
brujeria.....enough said

kevin talley can suck my ball bag

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