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Another Great Post By Turtleboy

[May 5,2017 8:19pm - Feminazi Daily  ""]
[May 5,2017 10:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]
sports bros are typically batshit, but this androgynous TurtleBoy-writer takes the cake.

not that there’s anything wrong with having a midlife career switch. i mean, hell, i’m posting on RttP..
[May 6,2017 3:30pm - Hoser ""]
The difference is that you're a certifiable nutjob.
[May 6,2017 3:31pm - grandmotherweb ""]
correct, hence my disability check. go discredit a therapist about it.
[May 7,2017 4:26pm - Hoser ""]
No, I will not. You are a nutjob, but also an overly theatrical faker with an agenda that you spread on a website viewed by about 100 people at the most (no offense peepeeless.) I do not believe in the slightest that you cannot get a job. Being on SSI because you think that you're better than people who work at Burger King is no excuse. At least they have enough dignity to hold down a job. I'll bet you're the same kind of person that bitches about the minimum wage being so low, all while stealing money right out of minimum wage workers' pockets so that they can support your "disability" while you sit at home on your fat ass. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm on disability so I can't flip a burger for a living, but I CAN come to your event and blow fire!"
[May 7,2017 5:22pm - Hoser for Pres  ""]
He'd be better than the current one and if you disagree with his above post, you're a traitor libtard snowflake
[May 7,2017 6:09pm - grandmotherweb ""]
my next scheduled event is in August: https://www.facebook.com/events/606786466188846/?hc_location=ufi
i paid my dues making drones for the military, motherfucker. i'm hoping to be working at least part-time again by June or July at the latest. SSDI exists for a reason - my tax dollars at work.

P.S. DARPA funded the Dragon's Den. when's the last time you booked a show?
[May 7,2017 6:17pm - Hoser for Pres  ""]
uh oh hoser. she called you an MF!!! do something dude!
[May 7,2017 6:17pm - Hoser for Pres  ""]
[May 7,2017 9:59pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[May 8,2017 8:29am - Hoser ""]

grandmotherweb said:my next scheduled event is in August: https://www.facebook.com/events/606786466188846/?hc_location=ufi
i paid my dues making drones for the military, motherfucker. i'm hoping to be working at least part-time again by June or July at the latest. SSDI exists for a reason - my tax dollars at work.

P.S. DARPA funded the Dragon's Den. when's the last time you booked a show?

You "paid your dues"? What are you, 28 at most? You haven't paid shit. Time to start adulting. Get a fucking job.
[May 8,2017 12:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i'm 32. DOB 11/5/1984. graduated magna cum laude from Tufts Engineering School in 2007, worked at 4 startups, and volunteered at burns.

how old are you, then, Waldorf? when's the last time you even went to a show, let alone booked one in a DIY venue that you run?
[May 8,2017 12:38pm - Tree & Rope  ""]

Hoser said:No, I will not. You are a nutjob, but also an overly theatrical faker with an agenda that you spread on a website viewed by about 100 people at the most (no offense peepeeless.) I do not believe in the slightest that you cannot get a job. Being on SSI because you think that you're better than people who work at Burger King is no excuse. At least they have enough dignity to hold down a job. I'll bet you're the same kind of person that bitches about the minimum wage being so low, all while stealing money right out of minimum wage workers' pockets so that they can support your "disability" while you sit at home on your fat ass. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm on disability so I can't flip a burger for a living, but I CAN come to your event and blow fire!"

100% correct.
[May 8,2017 12:54pm - grandmotherweb ""]
fire-eating is not a career, FYI.
[May 8,2017 12:56pm - grandmotherweb ""]
does that photo make me look fat?
[May 8,2017 7:58pm - Hoser ""]

grandmotherweb said:fire-eating is not a career, FYI.

Right, but if you're telling me that flipping a burger is more physically demanding than dancing around like a dildo and blowing fire you're just full of shit. You need a job, not a gig.
[May 8,2017 8:05pm - grandmotherweb ""]
working a job that requires one to be on one's feet for hours at a time is WAY more physically demanding than twirling tiny torches for 10 minutes, duh.

though the risk of contracting chemical pneumonia is slightly lower at Burger King..
[May 9,2017 6:40pm - bobgumlers  ""]
This argument got a lot more entertaining when I started picturing you two as John Goodman and whats-her-name in 10 Cloverfield Lane
[May 9,2017 6:51pm - Random poser  ""]

bobgumlers said:This argument got a lot more entertaining when I started picturing you two as John Goodman and whats-her-name in 10 Cloverfield Lane

Ha! Well this thread has just taken on a whole new tone. hilarious.
[Jul 18,2017 8:13pm - susurrate ""]

bobgumlers said:This argument got a lot more entertaining when I started picturing you two as John Goodman and whats-her-name in 10 Cloverfield Lane

^just noticed this comment now. that's a hot take, ha.
[Jul 19,2017 12:09am - Grandmotherweb ""]
I'll give YOU a hot take, provided you sign my waiver first. ;)

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