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RIP Rob Bazylewicz (Flood This Earth)

[Apr 12,2017 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
The four of us have often talked about the fact that Flood This Earth is Scott, Paul, Rob, and Randy. Change out any of the four, and it's music, but not Flood This Earth. Saturday, we lost our brother, friend and guitarist Rob Bazylewicz. Our hearts go out to his wife and her great loss at a time like this. Everyone is still trying to process things right now, and just keep going. She has requested that we complete what has been recorded, so his work can be appreciated. That being said, Flood This Earth is folding up, and calling it a day when these recordings are finished. We can not and will not continue to perform FTE songs without our brother on stage by our sides. Thanks for the years of support, and for understanding
Randy, Paul, and Scott


[Apr 12,2017 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
dude did the finances for my car too.
[Apr 12,2017 5:37pm - Hoser ""]
Was this the same rob that was in the band with Junior and Scott years back?
[Apr 12,2017 5:45pm - Hoser ""]
Any idea what happened to him? He looks pretty young. Fentanyl again?
[Apr 13,2017 8:04am - the_reverend ""]
yes, I'm guessing he was in a band with Junior. It seems like it was rather sudden so idk. I feel for his family.
[Apr 14,2017 6:47pm - Hoser ""]
I think he used to work at Daddy's back in the day.
[Apr 26,2018 1:41am - Alice O'Reilly  ""]
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