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Thursday February 23rd 2017: Muert (Spain), Belial (NY), Brazen Gate, & Servant @ Ralph's in Worcester

Ralph's (Worcester, MA) - [belial][brazen_gate][muert][servant]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Dec 27,2016 12:53pm - KEVORD ""]


Thursday February 23rd 2017 9pm

Metal Mafia Records, Codex Obscurum & MT Booking present:

Muert (Spain, Canarian Terror Black Metal. First time in New England)

Belial (Long Island, NY Black Metal)

Brazen Gate (Boston, Black Metal members of Human Bodies & ex Morne)


Ralph's Rock Diner
148 Grove St.
Worcester MA.

21+ $12
[Feb 16,2017 5:42pm - KEVORD ""]
Next Week!
[Feb 16,2017 5:44pm - susurrate ""]


Joking aside, good lineup.
[Feb 17,2017 8:48am - the_reverend ""]
Idk... going to try
[Feb 23,2017 7:18am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 23,2017 1:55pm - KEVORD ""]
[Feb 23,2017 1:59pm - thedudewhoworkswhereyouwork  ""]
drat that link is blocked :(
[Feb 23,2017 2:03pm - susurrate ""]

thedudewhoworkswhereyouwork said:

I thought for sure after seeing that handle the text was going to be "i heard you're in a metal band! is it like metallica?"
[Feb 23,2017 10:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Brazen gate on bow.
[Feb 23,2017 11:39pm - the_reverend ""]
What a tense belial set... I wonder what annoy trolls are going to say about this.
[Feb 24,2017 2:17am - the_reverend ""]
muert was worth the drive!
[Feb 24,2017 7:53am - Annoy troll  ""]
Where's the fucking hi hat?
[Feb 24,2017 8:12am - THE REAL Annoy troll  ""]
18 hi-hats
[Feb 24,2017 8:41am - high hat  ""]
[Feb 24,2017 8:46am - clueless  ""]
what happened?
[Feb 24,2017 9:07am - susurrate ""]
i'd rather see a band play without a hi-hat than a band with no toms. (epicardiectomy)
[Feb 25,2017 9:00am - the_reverend ""]

clueless said:what happened?

Belial didn't bring a hi hat. Keyword and a back and forth with them. Aril remixed the audio into gold.
[Feb 25,2017 9:43am - KEVORD ""]
Belial didn't bring anything. No amps, no drums, nothing. They had a massive van full of merch and corpse paint but didn't brink breakables for the drum kit they were borrowing. Dude from Belial got pissy with me because they didn't have a high hat. I yelled at them.
[Feb 25,2017 10:45am - susurrate ""]
that's inconceivable. they don't even have any releases on the internet that I could find. rockstars.
[Feb 25,2017 10:59am - KEVORD ""]
They had two tables full of merch and couldn't bring a cab or amp. They even borrowed a bass. While Brazen Gate is packing drums, cabs, and amps into small cars.
[Feb 25,2017 11:36am - susurrate ""]
borrowed a bass too? this keeps getting better. never in my life have I heard of a venue offering a 'house bass'
[Feb 25,2017 11:42am - KEVORD ""]
It gets worse. There's a way longer story that I don't feel like typing out. But the guitar player/ tour manager from Belial had the nerve to say "you're the promoter. It's your job". When I asked him why he thought id magically have a hi hat for him.
[Feb 25,2017 12:57pm - grandmotherweb ""]
i always keep a spare band in my back left pocket for just such an occasion. #NotInvitedBack
[Feb 23,2022 7:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 26,2022 1:27pm - grandmotherweb ""]
u hacked, rev?
[Feb 26,2022 8:58pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Naw the link is to the Mortal Kombat Hi Hat remix thing!
[Feb 27,2022 12:24am - the_reverend ""]
Yeah, I didn't want to lose it.

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