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Trump busy as a beaver walking back everything he promised

[Nov 11,2016 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
no wall, mexico no pay, but great campaign device:
[Nov 11,2016 9:25am - war hag  ""]
[Nov 11,2016 9:54am - war hag  ""]
[Nov 11,2016 10:23am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 11,2016 11:24am - largefreakatzero ""]
Even if he does a shit job, all the tears are so fucking worth it.
[Nov 11,2016 11:51am - war hag  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Even if he does a shit job, all the tears are so fucking worth it.

[Nov 11,2016 11:57am - Damage control  ""]
Its all Facebook's fault!

[Nov 11,2016 12:16pm - susurrate ""]

Damage%20control said:Its all Facebook's fault!


lame to think that facebook and social media had even a measurable effect on how people dealt with this election. it's even scarier to think that voters of a certain age bracket and iq likely made their decision based upon memes and other egregious press shared by a network of retards.
[Nov 11,2016 12:42pm - war hag  ""]

susurrate said:
Damage%20control said:Its all Facebook's fault!


lame to think that facebook and social media had even a measurable effect on how people dealt with this election. it's even scarier to think that voters of a certain age bracket and iq likely made their decision based upon memes and other egregious press shared by a network of retards.

meme magic

triumph of the kek

[Nov 11,2016 6:47pm - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:Even if he does a shit job, all the tears are so fucking worth it.

Watching these whiny liberal cuntbags cry is absolutely PRICELESS.
[Nov 11,2016 6:48pm - Hoser ""]
Rev needs his safe space.
[Nov 11,2016 7:42pm - What's real funny is  ""]
Obama had all the illegals vote and they still lost. :lol:
[Nov 13,2016 1:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]
KKK has a rally for Trump
[Nov 13,2016 1:20pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 13,2016 4:11pm - Rolling Thunder  ""]
Varg chimes in:
[Nov 13,2016 9:01pm - the_reverend ""]
gay marriage
[Nov 14,2016 12:59pm - xmikex ""]
Maybe we'll get that probable revolution after all........

[Nov 14,2016 1:07pm - CNN is the new Infowars  ""]
I hate to hear that, I mean I hate to hear that. I am so saddened to hear that. And I say "Stop It!".
[Nov 14,2016 2:54pm - ghosts of rttp past  ""]
I give it 6 months before Trump resigns. Dude is way over his head here. You can't preside over a nation when its clear your main objective is to cross something off your ego-maniac bucket list. He's quickly learning that (I think/hope) that the reality show aspect of this election is over and now the responsibility of leading a nation is coming into view. One way or another its going to get real dicey real quick.
[Nov 14,2016 3:06pm - ^_^  ""]
[Nov 14,2016 7:35pm - the_reverend ""]
hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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