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If meat eaters acted like vegans

[May 16,2016 11:43pm - Hoser ""]

[May 16,2016 11:46pm - the_reverend ""]
you sure love that guy
[May 17,2016 5:38pm - xmikex ""]
Meat eaters do act like vegans.

[May 17,2016 5:52pm - alx_casket ""]
Looks like it's hitting all those vegan areas of the country.

[May 17,2016 7:28pm - Hoser ""]
The video is not only funny, but depicts almost perfectly how vegetarians and vegans act. Now just laugh and stop getting so butt hurt.
[May 18,2016 7:29am - the_reverend ""]

xmikex said:Meat eaters do act like vegans.


only comes in XXXL-XXXXXL.
Also, has a handy break away chest crease for direct heart access.
[May 18,2016 8:37am - largefreakatzero ""]
I eat bacon periodically and I'm pretty fucking healthy. I also save the fat for cooking with -- nothing better for starting a soup base or painting a big 'ol steak on the grill.
[May 18,2016 8:56am - Alx-nli  ""]
I eat meat and am neither butthurt or amused. Just stating the facts that a diet of mostly red non-lean meat is a huge factor in this country's cardiovascular disease problem. Everything in moderation. A lot of fad dieters eat a certain way without knowing why. Whether it's vegan, gluten free, whole 30, yadda yadda, they need to know nutrition if they're going to be their own nutritionist. A healthy vegan or even vegetarian diet is hard to pull off in this country, especially the red meat and potatoes states. I haven't really met any of the vegan stereotype that's mocked in this video, but I have met the panting, obese, rascal scooter future hecklers that this video is for.
[May 18,2016 9:23am - largefreakatzero ""]
I really don't care what anyone else eats, as long as they don't tell me how to eat. Plus, I can cook circles around most faggets anyway. And I think it's awesome that so many faggets will die young because they're too stupid to take care of themselves -- vegans/vegetarians included in this, because (agreed) most are doing it wrong.
[May 18,2016 9:26am - largefreakatzero ""]
So this is now a food porn thread. Choice ribeye before/after:


[May 18,2016 9:30am - Hoser ""]

Alx-nli said:I eat meat and am neither butthurt or amused. Just stating the facts that a diet of mostly red non-lean meat is a huge factor in this country's cardiovascular disease problem. Everything in moderation. A lot of fad dieters eat a certain way without knowing why. Whether it's vegan, gluten free, whole 30, yadda yadda, they need to know nutrition if they're going to be their own nutritionist. A healthy vegan or even vegetarian diet is hard to pull off in this country, especially the red meat and potatoes states. I haven't really met any of the vegan stereotype that's mocked in this video, but I have met the panting, obese, rascal scooter future hecklers that this video is for.

Good post and agreed. BUT, I have known far too many veggies and vegans that do in fact act like the douche in this video. I had a roommate once that wouldn't let me even cook meat in the house.
[May 18,2016 9:35am - largefreakatzero ""]
Boneless butterflied lamb leg, fat trimmed, dry brined, tied up, dry rub, slow and low with smoke until 110 internal, then moved to hot side of grill to sear to medium rare win:


Served with steamed green beans and sauteed shrooms:

[May 18,2016 9:35am - alx_casket ""]
Did you know that they objected before moving in with the roommate? Did you confront any of these douches about it or let them have the podium until they shutup? Anyone who is so adamant about something sounds like a religious fundamentalist, and should be mocked as such.

LFAZ that looks delicious.
[May 18,2016 9:37am - largefreakatzero ""]
[May 18,2016 9:41am - Hoser ""]
He was literally my best friend for years, but he tried ad nauseum to convert me. All of his buddies were even worse. All they talked about was their idiotic diet. They were mechanics and wore vegan boots that were made of pleather and fell apart on a monthly basis.
[May 18,2016 9:43am - Hoser ""]
He has since dumped the veganism bullshit and become a vegetarian. He looks much healthier and is funnier than ever. Dude is still a good dewd.
[May 18,2016 9:43am - Hoser ""]
Andy....you cook like I cook. We should reunite and cook. Because cooks cook, it's what we do.
[May 18,2016 10:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
Kill & grill, baby.

You know from Meathead? Check his site and do what the man says:


That's where that lamb recipe came from. And his recipes/method for ribs are beyond killer:

[May 18,2016 10:29am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:I eat bacon periodically and I'm pretty fucking healthy. I also save the fat for cooking with -- nothing better for starting a soup base or painting a big 'ol steak on the grill.

a friend spent like days trying to get a clog out of his sinks. I asked "what do you do with the grease from your bacon? Do you put them in a tin can or dump it down the drain?"
"well, my wife also dumps it down the drain"
[May 18,2016 10:30am - the_reverend ""]

Alx-nli said:I eat meat

yeah you do.
[May 18,2016 10:32am - the_reverend ""]

Hoser said:
Alx-nli said:I eat meat and am neither butthurt or amused. Just stating the facts that a diet of mostly red non-lean meat is a huge factor in this country's cardiovascular disease problem. Everything in moderation. A lot of fad dieters eat a certain way without knowing why. Whether it's vegan, gluten free, whole 30, yadda yadda, they need to know nutrition if they're going to be their own nutritionist. A healthy vegan or even vegetarian diet is hard to pull off in this country, especially the red meat and potatoes states. I haven't really met any of the vegan stereotype that's mocked in this video, but I have met the panting, obese, rascal scooter future hecklers that this video is for.

Good post and agreed. BUT, I have known far too many veggies and vegans that do in fact act like the douche in this video. I had a roommate once that wouldn't let me even cook meat in the house.

I've been veggie for like 20 years and I feed my kid meat cause he chooses to eat meat. I wouldn't have an issue with a roommate cooking meat on their own pans. I would have an issue with them burning meat (or anything for that matter). stuff stinks.
[May 18,2016 10:34am - xmikex ""]
I've been an omnivore my whole life. I'm getting married in October and told my future wife I'd go vegan for her. I look forward to being as not-preachy about veganism as I've always been about straightedge (source: every friend who's the ever done cocaine in front of me).

- Factory farming is horrendous and unsustainable
- Dairy is inter-species breast feeding for diarrhea enthusiasts
- The sausage as a meat substitute for cucumbers joke was pretty funny.
[May 18,2016 1:05pm - alx_casket ""]

xmikex said:I'm getting married in October and told my future wife I'd go vegan for her.

That smells awfully fishy to me.
[May 18,2016 1:31pm - Largefreakatzero  ""]

the_reverend said:
largefreakatzero said:I eat bacon periodically and I'm pretty fucking healthy. I also save the fat for cooking with -- nothing better for starting a soup base or painting a big 'ol steak on the grill.

a friend spent like days trying to get a clog out of his sinks. I asked "what do you do with the grease from your bacon? Do you put them in a tin can or dump it down the drain?"
"well, my wife also dumps it down the drain"

That's fucking retarded. Then again, sounds like something by soon to be ex-wife would do if I wasn't watching.
[May 18,2016 1:34pm - the_reverend ""]

Largefreakatzero said:
the_reverend said:
largefreakatzero said:I eat bacon periodically and I'm pretty fucking healthy. I also save the fat for cooking with -- nothing better for starting a soup base or painting a big 'ol steak on the grill.

a friend spent like days trying to get a clog out of his sinks. I asked "what do you do with the grease from your bacon? Do you put them in a tin can or dump it down the drain?"
"well, my wife also dumps it down the drain"

That's fucking retarded. Then again, sounds like something by soon to be ex-wife would do if I wasn't watching.

congrats. it was the "also" part. I looked at him like he was an idiot.
[May 18,2016 7:09pm - xmikex ""]

alx_casket said:
xmikex said:I'm getting married in October and told my future wife I'd go vegan for her.

That smells awfully fishy to me.

That someone would be dumb enough to marry me?
[May 18,2016 7:12pm - Largefreakatzero  ""]

the_reverend said:
Largefreakatzero said:
the_reverend said:
largefreakatzero said:I eat bacon periodically and I'm pretty fucking healthy. I also save the fat for cooking with -- nothing better for starting a soup base or painting a big 'ol steak on the grill.

a friend spent like days trying to get a clog out of his sinks. I asked "what do you do with the grease from your bacon? Do you put them in a tin can or dump it down the drain?"
"well, my wife also dumps it down the drain"

That's fucking retarded. Then again, sounds like something by soon to be ex-wife would do if I wasn't watching.

congrats. it was the "also" part. I looked at him like he was an idiot.

Thanks for the congrats. I won't do that again.

Yeah I caught the "also" part. So him and his wife form Retard Voltron. Sweet.
[May 18,2016 11:17pm - HanzBurgerMeister  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Kill & grill, baby.

You know from Meathead? Check his site and do what the man says:


That's where that lamb recipe came from. And his recipes/method for ribs are beyond killer:


Shit better be cooked well done or worms.
[May 19,2016 7:13am - Largefreakatzero  ""]
Ribs are indeed cooked well done. 7 hours at 225.
[May 19,2016 7:54am - XChanX  ""]
XmikeX is now a member of Earth Crisis
[May 19,2016 9:05am - the_reverend ""]

Largefreakatzero said:
the_reverend said:
Largefreakatzero said:
the_reverend said:
largefreakatzero said:I eat bacon periodically and I'm pretty fucking healthy. I also save the fat for cooking with -- nothing better for starting a soup base or painting a big 'ol steak on the grill.

a friend spent like days trying to get a clog out of his sinks. I asked "what do you do with the grease from your bacon? Do you put them in a tin can or dump it down the drain?"
"well, my wife also dumps it down the drain"

That's fucking retarded. Then again, sounds like something by soon to be ex-wife would do if I wasn't watching.

congrats. it was the "also" part. I looked at him like he was an idiot.

Thanks for the congrats. I won't do that again.

Yeah I caught the "also" part. So him and his wife form Retard Voltron. Sweet.

damn immigrants coming to our place and ruining everything. it's funny to hear him talking about immigrants ruining the US and I say "you mean like you?"

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