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who is the biggest shitbag from the New England Metal scene?

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[Apr 8,2016 9:25pm - TMZ  ""]
Over the years many shit bags have come and gone but these slime balls are the most noteworthy
[Apr 9,2016 11:29am - Rttp poll update  ""]
Dwyer and Mike are tied so far. Thought Gemini would have been leading by a landslide by now?
[Apr 9,2016 12:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No contest.
[Apr 9,2016 1:14pm - Truth  ""]
There is no scene. Just people showing up to shows to take Instagram pictures and talk shit on forums
[Apr 9,2016 1:32pm - TMZ  ""]
3 way tie between Shitting, Dwyer and Mike Gayzehrer
[Apr 9,2016 1:36pm - TMZ  ""]
Frodo ain't so bad after all?
[Apr 9,2016 3:21pm - TMZ  ""]
Dwyer is ahead in the polls with 6!!!
Notshaver at 5!!!
Shittings at 4!!!!

It is still anyone's race!!!!
[Apr 9,2016 3:32pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I voted for aril
[Apr 9,2016 3:53pm - I voted  ""]
For Raynard
[Apr 9,2016 5:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Upskirts FTW
[Apr 9,2016 6:17pm - King Thûnderstøol  ""]

[Apr 9,2016 11:54pm - Hoser-NLI  ""]
[Apr 10,2016 12:10am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
I vote for Duncan!
[Apr 10,2016 12:52am - TMZ  ""]
Dwyer with the commanding lead!!!! You must be a total piece of shit to be dominating scum bags of this caliber!!! The worst of the worst!!!
[Apr 10,2016 12:55am - TMZ  ""]
Wait!!! Looks like Gemini has dealt out another dose of lethal heroin !!! He's right on your tail!!!!
[Apr 10,2016 8:11pm - TMZ  ""]
Notshaver the ugly piece of shit from Florida has really pulled out all the stops for this one!!! A bigger piece of shit than Dwyer!!! It could be!!!

Meanwhile A1 fagboy Ratt Shitting is not far behind. He is just one more overdose away from becoming the biggest sack of shit.
[Apr 10,2016 8:16pm - TMZ  ""]
Dwyer has just ripped off another shitty slam core death metal band and tried to pawn their CD's off to Red Stream for a ludicrous price while simultaneously stalking the next generation of metal skanks with daddy issues!!! Holy shit, he means business!!!

Andrew has managed to finally get things in gear. The long time NASCAR enthusiast has been to busy trying to apologize to win this one!!! Get your head in the game!!! We all know you are one of the biggest shitbags ever!!!
[Apr 10,2016 11:34pm - alicia beanie  ""]
Matt, where is my lap top?
[Apr 11,2016 10:43am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Only person I ever ripped off was Josh Staples.
[Apr 11,2016 10:45am - TMZ  ""]
^^ this after repeatedly "I never ripped anyone off"... Now a confession!
[Apr 11,2016 3:42pm - alicia beanie  ""]
Matt, where is my engagement ring?
[Apr 11,2016 3:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 is a fag  ""]
I will smile and toast my beverage to the sky when you die, you worthless woman-stalker.
[Apr 11,2016 3:59pm - Romantic Gemini  ""]
Don't worry my sweet bean, we can overdose and die together and leave this cruel world..... Try this new stuff I laced with fentanyl. Reaper did not feel a thing xoxo
[Apr 11,2016 4:23pm - Serious Perspective  ""]
i'm all about laughing at the travesty that is comprised of the New England Metal Network (TM) but that was a bit fucked dude, I can't lie. ^
[Apr 11,2016 4:51pm - word on the street  ""]
Word on the street is that Gittings actually hid bodies of people that od'd and died with him.
[Apr 11,2016 5:39pm - I voted  ""]
You're a fucking pussy paul. Quit starting fucking rumors.

word%20on%20the%20street said:Word on the street is that Gittings actually hid bodies of people that od'd and died with him.
[Apr 11,2016 5:43pm - word on the street  ""]
Who is Paul?
[Apr 11,2016 5:53pm - Haverhill police department  ""]
Where is Mathew Gittings?
[Apr 11,2016 6:19pm - is this for real?  ""]
I have heard stuff about the drummer from martyrvore. Is this stuff true?
[Apr 11,2016 6:19pm - not the haverhill police department  ""]

feel like i'm on a fucking rotor with all the bullshit talk here.
[Apr 11,2016 6:21pm - King Thûnderstøol  ""]

I AM THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Apr 12,2016 2:55pm - real_shutup_fagget ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Only person I ever ripped off was Josh Staples.

shutup fagget
[Apr 12,2016 4:01pm - This Justin  ""]
Huh? Oh yeah thanks for being here.
[Apr 12,2016 4:05pm - Newport police  ""]
All just a matter of time Jon till this happens to you:

Just a mattet of time......
[Apr 12,2016 4:09pm - jordan durant  ""]
Matt, why is my girl friend hooked on heroin?
[Apr 12,2016 7:04pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan still owes me $18!
[Apr 13,2016 3:33am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I don't drink.
[Apr 13,2016 6:35am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:I don't drink.

You owe me $18!
[Apr 13,2016 8:31am - Garcia's Mom  ""]
Has anybody seen my sweet boy richard garcia?
[Apr 13,2016 8:36am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Yeah that monstrosity you stupidly chose not to abort is probably raping some innocent woman instead of giving me the $18 he owes me!
[Apr 13,2016 12:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
$6 $6 $6
[Apr 13,2016 1:05pm - Hookedondwyerbullying  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:I don't drink.

Maybe not but there's plenty of them on the road. All it takes is just one...
[Apr 13,2016 3:26pm - Matt Gemini  ""]
Did I win.... yay
[Apr 13,2016 3:28pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:$6 $6 $6

You owe me $18, too! Cough it up!
[Apr 13,2016 3:35pm - Adam Trese  ""]
[Apr 13,2016 4:07pm - There I said it  ""]
King Thunderstool. Greatest shitbag of all time.
[Apr 13,2016 9:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm glad to be seen as a shitbag, never wanted your respect or friendship.

[Apr 14,2016 12:10am - MotleyGrue ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:I'm glad to be seen as a shitbag, never wanted your respect or friendship.


Say hello to the Bad Guy, there's a Bad Guy posting here.
[Apr 14,2016 12:12am - real_shutup_fagget ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:I'm glad to be seen as a shitbag, never wanted your respect or friendship.


shutup fagget
[Apr 14,2016 2:48am - Fuck your fucking scene  ""]
What is this? high school?
[Apr 14,2016 3:44am - hey  ""]
Paul is just mad he got fired from Gravity Kills.
[Apr 14,2016 8:29am - Humdinger  ""]
I'm glad you're misanthropic. I hate rich people too.
[Apr 14,2016 3:40pm - aliciabeanie  ""]
Matt where did my credit card go?
[Apr 15,2016 11:36am - aliciabeanie  ""]
Matt, why is that girl blowing you for smack?
[Apr 15,2016 12:37pm - BOLD PREDICTION  ""]

aliciabeanie said:Matt, why is that girl blowing you for smack?

Few months from now you will be blowing us to score some smack for Matt!
[Apr 15,2016 3:14pm - Romantic Gemini  ""]
Sweet bean,
I'm clean will you come back to me and marry me to support my dope habit?
[Apr 16,2016 12:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
In the lead, Johnny is happy.
[Apr 16,2016 12:08pm - KurtRussell ""]
you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?

[Apr 17,2016 1:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The day you people like me is the day I'm doing something wrong.
[Apr 17,2016 9:05pm - Make RTTP Great Again  ""]
Dwyer is just happy to be winning at something. He's so much of a loser that he doesn't care what it is he's winning at.
[Apr 17,2016 10:55pm - The Escape Horse  ""]
There hasn't been a scene since Matt Frado died.
[Apr 18,2016 12:45am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck all scenes, I like good music, people ruin all scenes.
[Apr 18,2016 12:46am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
And I've been self employed since 2001 and doing my Distro since 1993, so who is winning?
[Apr 18,2016 8:02am - RTTP Department of Death Before Dishonor Trivia  ""]

The%20Escape%20Horse said:There hasn't been a scene since Poopa died.

[Apr 18,2016 9:11am - Frado's Angelfire Site  ""]

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