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digital camera help needed

[Jul 27,2004 12:46pm - Lynneaus ""]
sooo im in the market for a new digital camera....

but its been a looooooooong time since ive looked at them... so im really clueless.... i asked for a canon digital rebel for my bday but my family laughed at me... soooooo

i have about $400 or so to blow... what is something around that range that is really nice?
[Jul 27,2004 12:48pm - the_reverend ""]
basically any consumer camera would do... what features are you looking for?
what do you want the camera for?
you want a long zoom? small camera? what media type do you want?
[Jul 27,2004 12:52pm - Lynneaus ""]
i dont care about size...

i want something with a good zoom, possibility of having manual/auto focus (tho i could live with just autofocus)

something to be my buddy.... i take a lot of random pictures.... landscapes, closeups, bands, as well as my artwork... but while not professional i still like my crap to look good,

i just need something that takes pictures... i dont need mpegs... i have a videocamera for that. jpg would be preferable but im willing to bend on that too....
[Jul 27,2004 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
there's an olympus with a 10x zoom that's pretty nice.
I suggest going to best buy AND circuit city, look at and play with cameras on display, don't listen to any of the sales people.

write down all the camera's that you are looking at an like the feeling of. then go to http://www.dpreview.com and look up the cameras there.
or post back here and I'll can look up links to each camera.

I would most definitly look for one with an illuminator so you can focus in the dark.
[Jul 27,2004 1:37pm - succubus ""]
for me something also important is a camera that has different ISO's...try to get one that allows you to use higher ISO's, i see a lot with max 400...i think 800 is better.
[Jul 27,2004 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
most cameras have that now.. though ISO's on consumer cams are horrid at 800... NOISEY as FUCK.
I would stick 100-400.
[Jul 27,2004 1:43pm - succubus ""]
not sure about what you are saying...did you play with consumer camera's at iso 800?

you need the flexibility of being able to use the camera in low light settings = higher ISO... a lot i see do not have ISO 800..

i would not get one with a max ISO of 400...no way

you always use flash, i don't...it's more important to me...my first cosumer digital had max iso 800 and it was fine...
[Jul 27,2004 2:12pm - Lynneaus ""]
<-- feeling overwhelmed
[Jul 27,2004 2:25pm - succubus ""]
i'm sick...

aaron make me soup please!!

i think i'm gonna leave work in a couple of hours and rest up


aaron is going to diss me for saying this but whatever

canon has a G5 (i have both canon and nikon gear but i invest the msot in my nikon now) anyhow...what's nice about it is that you can put other lenses over it...like a wide angle teleconverter....i'm more familiar with this one and it's really great...also know a photographer who uses it
it's 5 megapixels
now if aaron wants to list comparable one's made by others...go ahead..i just don't know them.

[Jul 27,2004 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
the g5 is one of the camera's I was thinking about when she posted this, but I think it's around $500-600, not sure though I'd have to check on the web.

lynne: ISO is the sensitivity to light used with film, but digital uses the same basic rating. it's like with film 200 speed, 400 speed, etc... the film is more senstive to light, but there is more noise (in the ditigal world) or more gaininess (in the film world).
that's a blow-up of an image from carina and my camera's younger brother.
[Jul 29,2004 9:14pm - Lynneaustoolazytologin  ""]
well armed with all the info i got on this board and another board i post on, plus all the stuff i read on www.dpreview.com (which someone posted on the other board as well) i headed down to best buy tonight.

found out that the two gift certificates i had left over from last xmas are around $50 and i went to the camera dept.

i spent roughly an hour playing with all the cameras... seeing which ones felt comfortable, ease of use, etc. finally i decided on the canon A80.... i walked over to the counter (cuz no one came and asked me if i needed help the whole time i was there...maybe the large pentegram on the back of my shirt?) and asked to see the box... apparently it was the guys first day so he went over and said something to the chick workin the dept... she comes to me and says "what do u mean you want to see the box?"

apparently it was an odd question i asked?!?! so i replied "i would just like to read the box before i decide whether to purchase said camera"

so she tells the new guy to get it for me... after looking in ever cabinet in the dept (behind the counter and under the displays) he goes and gets the girl who says "guess we are out"

i ask him if/when they will be getting more in... poor guy apologizes and says if i want to wait a min the girl could answer... so i wait.... SHE AVOIDED ME... walked away as quickly as possible... im now getting slightly annoyed... i mean i get its the dudes first day...and he was nice about it...so that didnt bother me... but this chick was doing everything she could to not wait on me.

while contuing to wait for the broad two guys with heavy french accents asks the new guy a question... he cant understand them... man i felt bad for him... so some other dude who works there comes in the dept answers their questions and as they are lookin at the canon rebel ( ) immediately asks if he can help me.

so this guy, who looks like hes 15 (man im feeling old ) tells me that its their most popular camera...that the only place around that might have one in stock is in VERMONT....fucking vermont!, and there is no chance they will get anymore in before the 5th or so.

so best buy had it listed for $300... im thinking ill look elsewhere because i can cover that without the gift cards (and then ill have $50 bucks to blow at best buy)

so frustrating tho... i feel like i wasted most of my night

[Jul 30,2004 7:28am - the_reverend ""]
the people at bb can be complete bitches.

not a bad camera at all.
the only crappy thing is the AA batteries.
I strongly suggest these batteries:
get 2 sets of 2200mah batteries with a charger for like $55 and they last longer than even duracell ultras. I've got a bunch of them and love them.
[Jul 30,2004 7:29am - succubus ""]
yes get those batteries..just don't lend them to aaron...he'll lose them =)
[Jul 30,2004 8:46am - Lynneaus ""]
i have a recharger and rechargeable batteries (AA) because of my camera that i have now.. tho its definately time to get new batteries... but can those batteries be charged on any AA battery charger? its too early for me to read hahaha
[Jul 30,2004 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
I don't think so... but I'm not sure about that...
I've been wondering the same thing since getting my mahas, but going the other direction.
I have a bunch of rayovacs and a crappy 13-hour charger for them. I would love to use my new maha charger on them so they would suck less.
[Jul 30,2004 9:03am - succubus ""]
i would love to use my charger....oh wait...i don't have it
[Jul 30,2004 9:20am - the_reverend ""]
yes, I know... and I will get your charger back, but for some reason your charger is good enough for me to use, but my charger isn't good enough for you to use.
use it and I will get your charger back as soon as I can.
[Jul 30,2004 9:32am - succubus ""]
...whoever said that?

i lent you myne and ou misplaced it that means i have no charger...

i use yours but i, unlike you, no lnoger have a charger
[Jul 30,2004 9:45am - the_reverend ""]
from the great hall on mt. olympus to the banks of the mississippi, there is not one single man nor beast that is more sorry about anything than I am about forgetting your charger at the june 3rd blood for blood show that I left quickly from there in a huffy. forget nazi attrocities, forget slavery, they all pale in comparision to the shame and anger I feel towards myself for forgetting that charger. it was you xmas gift and I am truly sorry for forgetting it there. I will get it back from STF as soon as I can, but for now, I can't since they are on tour all the time. hopefully this sunday I can try to meet up with them and get it back from them, but then I will still have to live for years in shame from this one simple forgetful act. I just hope that in the coming years, you will forget give me. I am sorry.
[Jul 30,2004 9:47am - succubus ""]
no you losing my keys was worse
[Jul 30,2004 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
from the great hall on mt. olympus to the banks of the mississippi, there is not one single man nor beast that is more sorry about anything than I am about having your keys fall out of my pocket when it ripped open and I didn't notice. forget nazi attrocities, forget slavery, they all pale in comparision to the shame and anger I feel towards myself for dropping those keys. it was dumb mistake to wear those shorts and I am truly sorry for that happening. I did get them back from the security guard, but now I will still have to live for years in shame from this one simple accidental act. I just hope that in the coming years, you will forget give me. I am sorry.
[Jul 30,2004 9:53am - succubus ""]
you will find a way to make it up to me tonight
[Jul 30,2004 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
from the great hall on mt. olympus to the banks of the mississippi, there is not one single man nor beast that is more horny about anything than I am about having your anal canl. forget nazi attrocities, forget slavery, they all pale in comparision to the shame and anger you will feel towards me. it will be hot and rough and I am truly sorry if you get injured. I did by some assorted dildos and a kit of save a bone, but now I will still have to live for years in shame from this one simple accidental act. I just hope that in the cumming years, you will give it to me. I am spurty.
[Jul 30,2004 9:58am - succubus ""]

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