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Ascendancy on Myspace

[Jul 27,2004 12:39am - Terence ""]

Thats about it. Yay!
[Jul 27,2004 12:49am - Deathcow ""]

Feel free to add me. This goes for any band/person on this board as well.
[Jul 27,2004 12:56am - Terence ""]
this is strange. im trying to edit it, but nothing is happening.
[Jul 27,2004 12:58am - BornSoVile ""]
yeah, I'm a klutz with that shit. I still havn't figured out how to do mine yet or at least how to invite people and shit.
[Jul 27,2004 1:09am - Deathcow ""]
You have to go through two stages to edit anything. The first is to preview, and then after you click ok, you go to another window where you have to click "submit", or something to that effect.
[Jul 27,2004 1:14am - Josh_hates_you ""]
myspace is gay.
[Jul 27,2004 1:17am - Terence ""]
yeah but it gets your music out there, ol' joshy boy. you better do a good job at Brutal domination.

Ive been having problems uploading the MP3.
[Jul 27,2004 1:22am - Josh_hates_you ""]
am i doing that? you never told me yes or no.
[Jul 27,2004 1:23am - Terence ""]
sure why not. We need all the help we can get.
[Jul 27,2004 1:34am - Deathcow ""]
Terence said:Ive been having problems uploading the MP3.

Yeah, myspace sucks with uploading mp3's. It's more or less impossible to do on dial-up.

[Jul 27,2004 1:36am - Deathcow ""]
Terence said:yeah but it gets your music out there

It also has, to quote the Diceman, "all the whores you can fuckin' eat".

[Jul 27,2004 1:57am - Terence ""]
fuck, I have dial-up
[Jul 27,2004 1:59am - Terence ""]
the song finishes uploading..then it goes to a screen saying it will take 10 minutes for it to show up...so I click continue...then after 10...20....30 minutes, its still not there!
[Jul 27,2004 2:03am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey terence - if you're in ascendancy, check the post "Attn: Ascendancy"

[Jul 27,2004 2:03am - Deathcow ""]
Yeah, I tried uploading some songs for my friend's band, and it would time out like a muthafucka. Lameness.
[Jul 27,2004 2:09am - Terence ""]
OH MY FUCKING CHRIST! Errors left and right!
[Jul 27,2004 2:11am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i told you myspace is gay.
[Jul 27,2004 2:13am - Terence ""]
you are right.
[Jul 27,2004 8:46am - RustedAngel ""]

[Jul 27,2004 8:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Josh was it the link to your myspace profile?
[Jul 27,2004 9:59am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i do not have a myspace profile. i keep making one then getting rid of it cause of all the drama that dumb kids make happen. by drama i mean i try to hook up with some girl who has a friend who knows my girlfriend and i get reamed by both parties involved.

i was on it a "scenesters are gay" if you ever came across that guy
[Jul 27,2004 10:26am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I added you bitches.
[Jul 27,2004 1:00pm - Terence ""]
you guys are too kind! :D

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