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ONCE in Somerville appreciation. Best venue in MA

[Jan 25,2016 10:52am - Boston Is Back  ""]
Seriously this is way better then Ralphs and everything else. You guys have to go here and check out a show. They have awesome shows too like Archgoat and Absu
[Jan 25,2016 11:50am - Long live dumpster fire!  ""]
[Jan 25,2016 1:49pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm still waiting for some stuffed peppers to headline One Night Catering Events.
[Jan 25,2016 3:56pm - god jesus  ""]
Archgoat playing there on 3-19-16
[Jan 25,2016 8:36pm - Here's the deal, faget  ""]
It is definitely shaping up to be a decent venue in the immediate Boston area for metal shows. Unfortunately, it's all shaping up to be a funderground/battle jacket/MA Metal fb forum playskool as well. Hopefully a carload of them will have a few too many plastic drinking horns full of Bud Light & die in a fire-y wreck on they way back to the 'burbs after a tues pizza party & trivia 'metal night'.
[Jan 26,2016 2:05pm - Who cares  ""]
The only way you are ever going to see bigger underground bands like Archgoat or Absu around here is if enough people turn out for the shows. No one is going to sign off on $2k guarantees and $500 room charges to cater for the 40-50 diehards. Someone's gotta make up the numbers, I wouldn't complain too much.
[Jan 26,2016 2:06pm - palladium corpsepaint  ""]
does anyone know where pagan fest is gonna be this year?
[Jan 26,2016 2:06pm - Archgoat sucks  ""]
Archgoat sucks
[Jan 26,2016 2:11pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
It's only good if Duncan shows up with my $18!
[Jan 26,2016 2:48pm - Real talk  ""]
Absu show line up sucks.
[Jan 26,2016 3:39pm - palladium corpsepaint  ""]
never heard of them
[Jan 26,2016 8:18pm - But...  ""]
Dumpster Fire is waaayy better then some faggot Archgoat shit...
[Jan 27,2016 9:02am - ark  ""]

Here said:Unfortunately, it's all shaping up to be a funderground/battle jacket/MA Metal fb forum playskool

You're not kidding but welcome to 2016 and who gives a shit because bands need to get fucken paid bro. THE FUNDERGROUND IS REAL
[Jan 27,2016 9:59am - posbleak ""]
Have they fixed the 'structural issue' w/ the floor yet and what's the parking situation?
[Jan 27,2016 10:29am - Regional Reporting  ""]
My representative has recent conducted a valued survey of the property and has established that the floor will give way soon if nothing is done. We will be filing a complaint with the city of Somerville & advise any and all patrons to not attend any events here.
[Jan 27,2016 2:36pm - posbleak ""]
I would definitely go to a show if a floor collapse and sufficient carnage were guaranteed
[Jan 27,2016 2:41pm - Kwappla Demonico  ""]

posbleak said:I would definitely go to a show if a floor collapse and sufficient carnage were guaranteed

I'm hoping for another station nightclub fire thing too..
[Jan 27,2016 5:31pm - Ark  ""]
man, i dunno. this is a pretty good thread.
[Jan 27,2016 5:33pm - what's the deal, faget  ""]
isn't the concert area on the first floor ?
[Jan 27,2016 7:08pm - palladium corpsepaint  ""]

Regional%20Reporting said:My representative has recent conducted a valued survey of the property and has established that the floor will give way soon if nothing is done. We will be filing a complaint with the city of Somerville & advise any and all patrons to not attend any events here.

the floor is rotting as a result of spilled poser blood! these fuckers will die the next time they pose the halls of infamy and blackened grimness! hail quorthon!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 28,2016 11:38am - arilliusbm  ""]
Been hearing great things about this place; hope to check it out soon.
[Jan 28,2016 1:38pm - Kwappla Demonico  ""]
As long as the fatties stay home the floor should be fine...
[Feb 1,2016 4:04pm - BINNY-VO  ""]
[Feb 2,2016 7:56pm - RobinG ""]
Poison Idea wed feb 17 http://purplepass.com/poisonidea
[Feb 2,2016 11:48pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF TMZ  ""]

RobinG said:Poison Idea wed feb 17 http://purplepass.com/poisonidea

Shouldn't you be getting beaten up?

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