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shroud of bereavement new forum

[Jul 25,2004 4:12pm - dyingmuse ""]
we just got added to doom-metal.com's offical support forums! woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is awesome so everyone should post and show shroud some love!!!!!
here is the link

[Jul 25,2004 4:28pm - powerkok ""]
im there man
[Jul 25,2004 4:30pm - powerkok ""]
crap...makin me register which I will do in a moment.
[Jul 25,2004 4:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
cool man! thanks
[Jul 25,2004 6:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
bump!!!!!!!!!!! come on guys we got no love here! just post
[Jul 25,2004 7:00pm - thornnvine ""]
the official shroud of bereavement forum

yeah baby.
[Jul 25,2004 7:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah my niggas!
[Jul 25,2004 11:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
we got no love.

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