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Hell Fest dey one - the recap

Hellfest - Dinosaur Stage (Elizabeth, NJ) - [100_demons][calico_system][ed_gein][full_blown_chaos][nag_hamadi][oval_portrait][randomshots][saving_throw][starting_to_wonder][the_dead_season][through_the_discipline][time_in_maltia][walk_the_line][with_honor][all_else_failed][as_i_lay_dying][every_time_i_die][found_dead_hanging][halifax][misfits][norma_jean][sick_of_it_all][terror][the_akas][the_juliana_theory][the_red_chord][unearth][adelphi][all_that_remains][anterrabae][broke_neck][burnt_by_the_sun][day_of_contempt][engineer][ensign][glass_eater][hawthorne_heights][pig_destroyer][premonitions_of_war][randomshots][sycamore_dreams][today_is_the_day][your_enemys_friends][champion][draw_blood][folly][himsa][mastodon][randomshots][remembering_never][shadows_fall][spitalfield][strike_anywhere][suffocation][the_ataris]
[Jul 23,2004 11:55pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, i'm back.
working on the pictures.
like 30000034098238409238409
[Jul 24,2004 12:56am - the_reverend ""]
done orgonizing...
now I'm going through them all...
[Jul 24,2004 1:05am - JonahBloodbath ""]
aaron, maybe i'll see you at sunday..
[Jul 24,2004 8:38am - succubus ""]
you mean see us

[Jul 24,2004 9:18am - Jay TUS  ""]
Damn man, I can just picture you running everywhere like a mad man hahaha...
[Jul 24,2004 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
yeah.. taking horrid pictures.
the lighting is dredful and there is no photopit.
[Jul 24,2004 10:03am - Jay TUS  ""]
Hey, comes with the territory I guess. There are a couple decent ones in there from what I've seen so far. What the hell was up with Winny the poo???
[Jul 24,2004 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
there were a couple kids in animal suits up there.
it was a million degrees so I don't know how they did it.

oh, and I just uploaded with honor pictures, I guess they didn't load up for some reason.
[Jul 24,2004 10:21am - Jay TUS  ""]
Haha good job, you left out some of your best pictures. That band is amazing.
[Jul 24,2004 10:53am - dirteecrayon ""]
elizabeth, ma?

wheres that?

is it raining where you guys are?

[Jul 24,2004 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
damn it!
I fucked up so many things!!!

I just found that all the ed gein pictures were mixed in with the FBC pictures and it took me all my time to move those...
[Jul 24,2004 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
Dinosaur Stage
through the discipline: they had a pretty huge crowd for them. great to see after the maine show. the bassplayer from full blown chaos played with them too which was weird.

walk the line: with honor-like posi-core.

oval portrait: is there such a thing as pedal-core? I don't know... their cd is good, but I don't know how well it translates live cause you miss a lot of the things that the production on the cd brings out. it just all sorts of gets lost.

starting to wonder: had no idea what to expect from this band, but they were a interesting twist on the typical metal-core.

calico system: seen them before, not bad, but I was running around during their set.

100 demons: awesome! there were so many people in that small room and they were dancing like you'd expect, assholes. I don't think the NJ kids were ready for the mosh-crews from mass and ct.

ed gein: they came, they grinded. anyone that knows them knows what to expect from them, 3 people screaming. the only issue was some technically issues. I guess they have a release on BMA coming out soon too.

full blown chaos: their set was much like 100 demons in crowd respond... I'll give you a hint: people bleeding.

nag hamadi: I don't know why, but most of their fans and some of their members have head-towels on.

saving throw: I thought this was the judas cradle. I was thinking that all day.

the dead season: they had dual and some times tri singers.

time in maltia: you think the cd is slow and wussy? geez... live is just the same.

with honor: I've seen them a billion times and it never ceases to amazing me the crowd response they get. kids all over the stage, singing along. excellent set
[Jul 24,2004 11:36am - indian413  ""]
yo rev are you going to be in springfield sunday? torn asunder, j/w.
[Jul 24,2004 2:39pm - Kalopsia ""]
rev and carina, are u guys going to have any free time at all before u head back to new england?
[Jul 24,2004 3:05pm - dirteecrayon ""]
the singer from atr took his shirt off. i swear he does it to show off his nipple rings!

[Jul 24,2004 10:28pm - nick ""]
hey rev if anyone dies during bad luck 13's set make sure you get a picture of that. i heard hellfest was going to be thier last show. not that i think they are cool or play decent music but i expect them to at least kill someone.
[Jul 24,2004 11:08pm - Jay TUS  ""]
Did anyone else hear about the kid that almost died jumping from the balcony? I guess he broke both legs and his back :o
[Jul 24,2004 11:32pm - arsonick ""]
i wish i could have gone to hellfest this year.there's not that many good bands, but it would have been a great time.

and yes!
i want to see what happens for Bad luck 13!
i wouldnt be too surprised if a PLANE crashed into the stage during their set. or they hire a bunch of taliban savages.

i probably shouldnt have said that...
[Jul 25,2004 1:02am - the_reverend ""]
I guess bad luck 13 had to sign some form saying that they won't do anything too bad.

Hopeless Stage
all else failed: this band has so much hype around it that I didn't think they could be good. sure there is all those mp3s I heard that I liked... but how could they live up to the hype. guess what, they did. the set was really instense and ended up with the singer in the audience, bleeding. this sort of set the stage for the day on this main stage.

the red chord: craziness on the stage. the crowd was singing more than guy. it was pretty awesome to see how they got received at some place that isn't mass. there were tons of kids head-walking and stage diving during their set.

unearth: same as with trc, kids were all over the stage.

everytime i die: they got switched on stages with folly for some reason. I guess this was the stage that suited them more anyhow. those kids love them some etid.

found dead hanging: played a new song. I think that some of the shows of them are ok.

terror: the singer did something and got a cuncussion. so he was stuck in his room. the bassplayer sang for a few songs while some other guy played bass. then the singer of blacklisted was given the mic and the bassplayer went back on bass. I'm guessing george didn't know the lyrics cause he kept putting the mic in the audience for them to sing.

as i lay dying: they played at least one new song.

norma jean: some one came out to sing the clean parts.. I'm guessing he's still not comfortable doing that.

halifax: not my thing.

the juliana theory: 2 pictures cause they didn't want anyone taking pictures so I walked off.

sick of it all: I was never really into them, but they were pretty awesome. lots of energy and they even played some songs I knew. I guess they were the ones that started that whole "braveheart" thing.

misfits: they said if they saw any cameras or video they wouldn't play. probably cause they are a joke band... it's like the 70/80's super group or something. Jer, Des (black flag), and marky ramone. it sort of reminded me of the "bonanza at the mall" simpsons episode were there are like 2 indians left "weren't there 3 last year?"
[Jul 25,2004 3:07am - deathcow ""]
the_reverend said:misfits: they said if they saw any cameras or video they wouldn't play. probably cause they are a joke band... it's like the 70/80's super group or something. Jer, Des (black flag), and marky ramone. it sort of reminded me of the "bonanza at the mall" simpsons episode were there are like 2 indians left "weren't there 3 last year?"

So unbelievably gay. They need to hang it up, they've become nothing more than the Punk Rock Senior's Tour.

[Jul 25,2004 10:08am - succubus ""]
dirteecrayon said:elizabeth, ma?

wheres that?

is it raining where you guys are?

yes...it is raining here...and get this..the first day...aaron made us walk from our hotel...it was raining...drenched...not happy succubus...then we had to walk back to the hotel of course...boooo

day 2 he smarted up and we drove..

oh and kalopsia basically we've been getting up i go make us waffles while he writes his review and corrects things...we shower and get ready and leave...snap snap at the show (i did not get every band btw) saw a few assholes, met some nice people and talked to people i knew...then at the end of the night...we get a pizza he works on his pics and i copy myne to my pc...then we go to sleep...just to give you an idea

crazy times!
[Jul 25,2004 11:25am - the_reverend ""]
I guess I'll write about the other stages later.
[Jul 25,2004 2:48pm - Paul FOD  ""]
ahahahaha! all I have to say is "hot topic stage". Hardcore has offically become pop.
[Jul 25,2004 4:11pm - anonymous  ""]
what did you think of Sycamore Dreams rev?
[Jul 25,2004 11:20pm - thestarscanwait  ""]
anyone see the dead season?
[Jul 26,2004 12:40am - the_reverend ""]
hardcore's the new goth, didn't you know that?
[Jul 26,2004 2:52am - anonymous  ""]
will you be posting any bad luck 13 riot pics?
[Jul 26,2004 2:54am - the_reverend ""]
I left before their set.... sorry...
[Jul 26,2004 5:53am - anonymous  ""]
Did anyone take a running count of how many guys were wearing chick pants there?
[Jul 26,2004 11:07am - anonymous  ""]
planes mistaken for stars

best band ever

thats all
[Jul 27,2004 3:24pm - ms. gates!  ""]
anonymous said:Did anyone take a running count of how many guys were wearing chick pants there?

no, but there were a few that we couldnt tell if they were male or female. one was a cute girl/femine boy. one was a little boy/butchy female. totally awesome.
[Jul 29,2004 7:17am - anonymous  ""]
hey did anyone catch the day of contempt set on the hot topic stage friday?
i would love to hear a review xxx
[Aug 3,2004 10:57pm - anonymous  ""]
Did anyone see Nag Hamadi?

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