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Gunman opens fire at Oregon community college, killing 7

[Oct 1,2015 4:12pm - the_reverend ""]

yet another shooting.
[Oct 1,2015 4:16pm - boblovesmusic ""]
same old same old
[Oct 1,2015 4:24pm - BAN GUNS  ""]
[Oct 1,2015 9:38pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Obama is already working on it.
[Oct 1,2015 9:51pm - Burnsy ""]
Impossible, guns aren't allowed at colleges.
[Oct 1,2015 10:04pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
I read this as Duncan opens fire...
[Oct 1,2015 10:55pm - Alx_Casket ""]
That's what happens when you legalize recreational marijuana!
[Oct 2,2015 8:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
He was definitely ON WEED.
[Oct 2,2015 9:38am - an hero  ""]
Mercer was mixed race, according to an Internet dating profile that appeared to come from him, yet his e-mail address referenced an iron cross, a symbol often associated with Nazis. He described himself as a ‘‘lover,’’ but posed with guns and posted photos glorifying violence.
[Oct 2,2015 10:26am - largefreakatzero ""]
Kid was clearly a confused fagget. Glorifies the IRA, then kills kids for being Christians. Last I checked all those IRA micks were Catholic.

Faggets like this should just kill themselves and leave everyone else alone.
[Oct 2,2015 10:30am - Alx_Casket ""]
This wouldn't have happened if he was using an 1800s flintlock musket.
[Oct 2,2015 10:36am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:Faggets like this should just kill themselves and leave everyone else alone.

fully agree.
[Oct 2,2015 10:55am - largefreakatzero ""]

Alx_Casket said:This wouldn't have happened if he was using an 1800s flintlock musket.

They said he had 1 long gun, so how do you know it wasn't a musket?

Passive-aggressive anti-gun comment noted and ignored.
[Oct 2,2015 11:30am - an hero  ""]
shit like this happens every day in Trashcanistan or Niggeria or wherever
[Oct 2,2015 11:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
Chicago or Detroit...
[Oct 2,2015 12:24pm - Shikaka  ""]
And chicago has some of the strictest firearm laws in america. workin' out great!
[Oct 2,2015 3:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Alx_Casket said:This wouldn't have happened if he was using an 1800s flintlock musket.

They said he had 1 long gun, so how do you know it wasn't a musket?

Passive-aggressive anti-gun comment noted and ignored.

Nah. My sarcastic response was in regards to this:

Vice President Joe Biden is predicting investigators will find that a semi-automatic or automatic weapon was used in the Oregon college shooting.

Biden is speaking at a global summit in New York. He says it's still too early to know all the details, but he's basing his guess on the large number of people killed and injured.

The vice president is renewing his call for what describes as "sane gun legislation." He says the Second Amendment doesn't allow someone to own a bazooka.

Biden says there's almost nothing worse than getting a phone call saying, "Your child is gone." He's alluding to his own son's brain cancer death earlier this year.

I don't think tighter gun control would have prevented this.
[Oct 2,2015 4:17pm - Wise old man on a hill  ""]
If Woody had gone right to the police, this would never have happened.
[Oct 2,2015 8:22pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Alx_Casket said:
largefreakatzero said:
Alx_Casket said:This wouldn't have happened if he was using an 1800s flintlock musket.

They said he had 1 long gun, so how do you know it wasn't a musket?

Passive-aggressive anti-gun comment noted and ignored.

Nah. My sarcastic response was in regards to this:

Vice President Joe Biden is predicting investigators will find that a semi-automatic or automatic weapon was used in the Oregon college shooting.

Biden is speaking at a global summit in New York. He says it's still too early to know all the details, but he's basing his guess on the large number of people killed and injured.

The vice president is renewing his call for what describes as "sane gun legislation." He says the Second Amendment doesn't allow someone to own a bazooka.

Biden says there's almost nothing worse than getting a phone call saying, "Your child is gone." He's alluding to his own son's brain cancer death earlier this year.

I don't think tighter gun control would have prevented this.

My bad. Biden is indeed a clown.
[Oct 3,2015 9:45am - the_reverend ""]
of course tighter gun controls wouldn't do anything. America already has over 300 million guns and we seem to really dig killing each other.
[Oct 3,2015 9:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
The thing is that the antis really haven't proposed any gun control legislation that is practical and could actually prevent any of these loons from pulling shit like this off.
[Oct 3,2015 3:46pm - Burnsy ""]
Agreed LFAZ, but on the same note, those on the right love to go to mental health (obviously a valid point) but don't have any proposals of their own to try to minimize these types of senseless killings.
[Oct 3,2015 4:46pm - MotleyGrue ""]
The mental health herd mentality is an easy excuse to distract as usual.
[Oct 3,2015 4:48pm - Burnsy ""]
Well, not really. It's something that needs to be addressed, but congressional republicans appear unwilling to do so. Shocker.
[Oct 3,2015 5:09pm - MotleyGrue ""]
[Oct 3,2015 5:13pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Systemic issue that has spread like a cancer engrained in the marrow of our country. We have our rights/values to bear arms.
[Oct 3,2015 5:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Burnsy said:Agreed LFAZ, but on the same note, those on the right love to go to mental health (obviously a valid point) but don't have any proposals of their own to try to minimize these types of senseless killings.

Agreed. Contrary to popular belief I'm not all that far right. Though the NRA has its place and I keep my membership current, they really are a bunch of over the top nutbars. Both sides just run their mouths but bring nothing of substance to the table.

I'm just going to keep saving for that flamethrower, that will fix everything.

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