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Raising Kubrick cd release party

[Jul 23,2004 2:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It was a good time, got 30 people out on a thursday. Bane of Existence was awesome, especially with the second guitarist. Doug's vocals were great, one of his better sets.
Dissector had a short set due to some equipment troubles, but they were good. I think they played a new song, I really liked it.
Phantom Limb was up third and sounded the best of the night, I think micing the kick drum was a good idea. They are trying out second guitarists now, I can only imagine how sick they will be then.
Raising Kubrick headlined and it was fun to see them again. Sarah's vocals were too loud, but not like they were when I saw them way back in 2003 at Bostons Dead. They were killer as usual, I hope their tour does well.

[Jul 23,2004 2:54am - deathcow ""]
Joe, you need to book Dissector on a show with IWEIPH. It'd be zombietastic.
[Jul 23,2004 10:47am - dugoxistance  ""]
out of curiousity, how were they different this time as opposed to others? I want to know what i did right or wrong. Regardless I can barely talk today. It was a good time. I wish I could've stayed, but i suck at life.
[Jul 23,2004 10:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How was who different?
I am not sure what you did right or wrong, but your voice just sounded alot better last night. Part of it might have been that new mixing board, the old one was such a piece of junk who knows how it was effecting the sound.
[Jul 23,2004 5:15pm - dugoxistance  ""]
you question my question and then answer it. neat.
[Jul 23,2004 5:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well you asked two questions, were both about your band? I didn't think so because you said 'how were they different?'

[Jul 23,2004 7:13pm - dugoxistance  ""]
they = my vocals. all about me joe. mememe.
[Jul 23,2004 7:27pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh, well I don't know. Some shows your vocals sound like they are just getting warmed up during the first song or two. This show didn't really seem that way, your vocals sounded better then alot of shows have, for the entire set.
[Jul 23,2004 8:56pm - lady_czerach ""]
I was two seconds from socking that annoying dancing girl in the jaw. she kept stepping on Blue's pedals and falling into my lap.

Good show, Joe. As usual. All the bands r0ck3d.
[Jul 23,2004 10:13pm - deathcow ""]
Some girls better be falling into my lap on the 31st, or Stabbing Day comes early this year.
[Jul 25,2004 2:30pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
deathcow said:Joe, you need to book Dissector on a show with IWEIPH. It'd be zombietastic.

I was thinking the same thing. Call it Zombie Fest haha.
Joe, I said this on the other thread, if we suck as bad the 30th as we did at this show, never book us again.

Fun show though.

[Jul 25,2004 5:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
lady_czerach said:I was two seconds from socking that annoying dancing girl in the jaw. she kept stepping on Blue's pedals and falling into my lap.

Good show, Joe. As usual. All the bands r0ck3d.

hitting lesbians is considered a hate crime and gets you harsh penalties in uber-liberal america, regardless of the circumstances.
[Jul 25,2004 6:24pm - lady_czerach ""]
Joe/NotCommon said: hitting lesbians is considered a hate crime and gets you harsh penalties in uber-liberal america, regardless of the circumstances.

She probably would have liked it. She wanted a piece of the Asian booty. :doublehorns:
[Jul 25,2004 6:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jul 25,2004 6:45pm - Dissector ""]
That girl was pissing me off.
[Jul 26,2004 1:41am - eddie ""]
what i don't get is why would you mosh(dance what ever the fuck she was doing), when theres absolutly no room for it ? well, i guess a couple beers could of took care of that little piece of logic,
[Jul 26,2004 1:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
One lady lusting after another, trying to impress her with a nature dance. Cut her some slack.
[Jul 26,2004 1:45am - eddie ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:One lady lusting after another, trying to impress her with a nature dance. Cut her some slack.

hahahahah!!!! thats the funniest thing i've heard all day.
[Jul 26,2004 10:24am - Dissector ""]
Yeah but the day was only one hour and 45 minutes long when you read that.
[Jul 26,2004 11:59am - Iren_the_Viking ""]
i almost took a dump on one of the lesbians chests!:doublehorns:

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