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[Apr 17,2015 6:00pm - Readers Digest Editorial  ""]
DISCLAIMER: This is an ED OP piece and with that being said.

The problem with metal is one many things, blame being placed singly on the musicians, bands, or the fans. Multiple things arise in this debate, mainly stemming from the band, as the genres do not meet the needs of the hungry fans, while it is true there is a more common disconnect from society from the SMART METAL FANS that feel the need to disconnect from society to become a unique individual that is kvlt to others that understand this silly secret metal society handshake. The band must live to an unrealistic expectation of the fan that does not want them to become mainstream or their music will be tarnished by normal people who grow to appreciate this new found music, said band must be restricted to their early albums, and are constrained to keep the same formula and not explore their artistry, but when they do most get frowned upon. The guttural groans of you sold out, you should quit while you are ahead is deafening.

The problem with the SMART METAL FAN or MARK (wrestling term) is they are nerds in their own way, just like the stereotypical nerd gets honor roll grades in school, the SMART METAL FAN wears their patches on their vests like A's on a report card. They still believe in said METAL SANTA CLAUS because dammit it is still real to them in their eyes.

Metal is a vicious, there are no rules, it is the circle of life, out with the old in with the new, just like genres change, born, or get recycled, same thing happens with the fans. Unrealistic expectations that are supposed to be filled to satisfy their vanity, and we are supposed to war with each other over this or so we think.

But for just one moment what if the real problem with metal is the music journalists? The unknown pot stirrer, the hey I am on your side man, they tend to be influential to the unexpecting music fan, or SMART METAL FAN. Is the old saying the pen is mightier than the sword still stand true? Is there not a passive aggressiveness in their writings to sway you, nothing is going on with metal, well let me create some drama, Antifa much? Can I create #METALGATE and start throwing around SJW due to butthurt everyone gets a ribbon nowadays grown ass kid that was supervised by an adult who knew better that I don't agree with about their ideology. They perpetuate the pussiness in you all on whatever weakness they can find, and will continue to do so until their feeble attempts become more recognized, I for one can truly appreciate the DUMB METAL FAN, good music is good music, bad music is bad, ok music is ok, now drink your beer and STFU.
[Apr 18,2015 2:29pm - Murder Everyone in DC  ""]

But for just one moment what if the real problem with metal is the music journalists? The unknown pot stirrer, the hey I am on your side man, they tend to be influential to the unexpecting music fan, or SMART METAL FAN. Is the old saying the pen is mightier than the sword still stand true? Is there not a passive aggressiveness in their writings to sway you, nothing is going on with metal, well let me create some drama, Antifa much? Can I create #METALGATE and start throwing around SJW due to butthurt everyone gets a ribbon nowadays grown ass kid that was supervised by an adult who knew better that I don't agree with about their ideology. They perpetuate the pussiness in you all on whatever weakness they can find, and will continue to do so until their feeble attempts become more recognized, I for one can truly appreciate the DUMB METAL FAN, good music is good music, bad music is bad, ok music is ok, now drink your beer and STFU.

Abundant satire and accuracy. Death to all SJWs.
[Apr 18,2015 5:26pm - Readers Digest Editorial  ""]

Murder%20Everyone%20in%20DC said:
But for just one moment what if the real problem with metal is the music journalists? The unknown pot stirrer, the hey I am on your side man, they tend to be influential to the unexpecting music fan, or SMART METAL FAN. Is the old saying the pen is mightier than the sword still stand true? Is there not a passive aggressiveness in their writings to sway you, nothing is going on with metal, well let me create some drama, Antifa much? Can I create #METALGATE and start throwing around SJW due to butthurt everyone gets a ribbon nowadays grown ass kid that was supervised by an adult who knew better that I don't agree with about their ideology. They perpetuate the pussiness in you all on whatever weakness they can find, and will continue to do so until their feeble attempts become more recognized, I for one can truly appreciate the DUMB METAL FAN, good music is good music, bad music is bad, ok music is ok, now drink your beer and STFU.

Abundant satire and accuracy. Death to all SJWs.

Should be hired for the job then.
[Apr 19,2015 2:40am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 19,2015 1:20pm - What  ""]

[Apr 20,2015 7:17am - You could be a man  ""]
You could be a man and make a YouTube channel rant, oh wait that's that manly. You could be a man and watch HBO late-night programming at my house and Jack me off, but instead you're not a smart metalhead
[Apr 20,2015 9:35am - no idea what all of this is about  ""]
what the fuck SJW.
[Apr 20,2015 9:59am - largefreakatzero ""]

To summarize, it's basically who-gives-a-fuck content.
[Apr 20,2015 10:05am - no idea what all of this is about  ""]
File this under "more reasons to hate the internet"

[Apr 20,2015 10:16am - patient zero  ""]
reading metal sucks gave me hepatitis c. you have been warned!
[Apr 20,2015 12:33pm - Actual person who likes music  ""]
DMU > metal sucks
[Apr 20,2015 1:13pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 20,2015 6:44pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Metalsucks is indeed fucking stupid, I just Googled the metalgate horseshit and that's what came up. I didn't know what it was either, and I'm still not entirely sure, but am 100% positive that I don't care.
[Apr 23,2015 9:47pm - Joyce Kulhawik‘s Penis  ""]
OP started off plausible, huffed too much paint thinner and forgot how to sentence by the middle before getting all "daww bro metal kids united VH1's That Metal Show" on us towards the end. 4/10
[Apr 23,2015 10:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Joyce%20Kulhawik‘s%20Penis said:OP started off plausible

Dunno about you, I stopped reading after he said

Readers%20Digest%20Editorial said:DISCLAIMER: This is an ED OP piece
[Apr 23,2015 11:43pm - Readers Digest Editorial  ""]
ITT: unbeknownst confused SJW's, semi relevant music discussion, mission accomplished on a subpar level that does not meet your needs.
[Aug 12,2015 9:00am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Aug 12,2015 9:40am - yep  ""]
Idiocracy = reality
[Aug 12,2015 10:51am - largefreakatzero ""]

Alx_Casket said:http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/

Wonderful. A whole new degree of useless fagget getting ready to enter the workforce. As if trying to do business with entitled marblemouths wasn't miserable enough.
[Aug 12,2015 10:56am - posbleak ""]
lol people are still getting trolled by ROK
[Mar 2,2016 3:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Mar 2,2016 4:13pm - Non sheeple  ""]

Alx_Casket said:

I always wondered what a hipster looked like. Now I know.

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