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[Apr 16,2015 4:26pm - John T Dwyer nli  ""]
Why are you ducking me/ignoring my pm's, comments on the event page etc?
I am simply asking for space to set up the Pathos Distro at your show. I feel I deserve some respect ,especiaslly from someone who hasn't been around as long as I have or done as much for New England Metal as myself & Pathos has. Get over yourself.
[Apr 16,2015 4:34pm - John T Dwyer nli  ""]
Oh c'mon tough guy, are you too busy taking 9 years to write a new song to answer me? Pussy
[Apr 16,2015 4:40pm - ANCESTRAL SHADOW WARRIOR  ""]
[Apr 16,2015 6:20pm - John T Dwyer nli  ""]
Do you need to get blackout drunk & pretend you're English to talk to me?
Your shows best band is a Pathos signee, I discovered Desolate & was the driving force behind their re-birth. Best band on your sorry ass 'ritual' ? A Pathos band. You fucking hick.
[Apr 16,2015 9:06pm - John T Dwyer nli  ""]
Pathos Productions, since 1993. Never saw you anywhere till 2006 you fake nazi mystic.
[Apr 16,2015 9:45pm - John T Dwyer  ""]
I'm John T Dwyer everybody! That's my name! I'm not some loser trying pathetically to start shit between 2 40 year old men!
[Apr 17,2015 10:53am - John T Dwyer nli  ""]
Thanks for trying troll, I'm not backing down from shit. I've had over two dozen releases, the majority classics of the genre. Cold Northern White Trash Drudkh what's your excuse? Talk to a real pioneer like me or Gruslin.
[Apr 17,2015 11:36am - Hoser ""]
This post is stupid.
[Apr 17,2015 12:00pm - John T Dwyer nli  ""]
lick my clean balls
[Apr 17,2015 2:25pm - BREAKING NEWS  ""]
Old man Dwyer trolls self, has Alzheimer's, forgets, argues with self
[Apr 17,2015 3:00pm - John T Dwyer  ""]
If anyone wants to talk shit to my face I will be at the at NEMHF.
Fight him or you're a pussy!
[Apr 18,2015 12:48am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF FIXED  ""]

Hoser said:I'm stupid.
[Apr 18,2015 9:12am - Hoser ""]
I just don't get the random troll attacks on Dwyer. I don't know the guy, but likely have met him at a show somewhere along the line. I mean, they're not even funny. I would love a laugh if they were actually funny. Now Paul I do know personally. He's not a bad dude.
[Apr 19,2015 2:41am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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