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actual RTTP appreciation

[Mar 31,2015 7:01pm - the tooth  ""]
because regardless of what it is now, RTTP and the reverend have done a hell of a lot for nothing in return for local music. a message board that brought lots of people together to help book shows, find band members, etc, not to mention shooting bands for free, free promotion, and radio show. blame the RTTPers, not RTTP. cheers to you, reverend fagget.
[Mar 31,2015 11:00pm - demondave ""]

I made a program for Blue's 2009 New England Death Fest
and this is what I put in about RTTP:

RTTP has become a lynchpin of the New England
metal scene, providing a focus for the fans
and musicians alike. The Reverend hits shows at an
inhuman frequency, and religiously posts the photos
up on the site within hours of the show’s completion.
The forum is an informative, humorous, and raucious
environment. What started as a continuation of the
community that existed around the live metal scene,
has turned full circle. RTTP has poured fans into
the scene. It has formed connections for people,
allowing the live shows to be a continuation
of friendships formed through the site.
The Reverend is in the audience and, like
clockwork, you will be able to relive the
event through a massive amount of photos that
will be up on the site before the sun creeps up.
Get in an argument in the forum. Plug into a
broadcast of his show. Reach out to the bands
you like. You’ll wonder what you ever did
before RTTP.
[Apr 1,2015 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 1,2015 9:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
People who complain about this site are the antithesis of heterosexual.
[Apr 1,2015 9:42am - eye-gore ""]
This site is everything a metal site/forum should be and then some......needs more tits or gtfo tho
[Apr 1,2015 10:06am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Appreeshed from the shadows.
[Apr 1,2015 10:19am - Truth  ""]
There isn't anything wrong with this site itself. Its the fact that people use it as a vehicle for shit talk and scenester gossip and whenever anyone actually DOES use this forum the way it's intended, trolls go apeshit on them which makes the people who want to actually do something good for the New England scene not want anything to do with this site.
[Apr 1,2015 11:06am - the tooth  ""]

Truth said:There isn't anything wrong with this site itself. Its the fact that people use it as a vehicle for shit talk and scenester gossip and whenever anyone actually DOES use this forum the way it's intended, trolls go apeshit on them which makes the people who want to actually do something good for the New England scene not want anything to do with this site.

we have 100 threads dedicated that old ass news, this is an appreciation thread, now shutup and appreesh, fagget
[Apr 1,2015 12:16pm - ROBERT KRAFT ON THE WITNESS STAND  ""]

largefreakatzero said:People who complain about this site are the antithesis of heterosexual.

[Apr 1,2015 12:45pm - Yeti ""]

Truth said:There isn't anything wrong with this site itself. Its the fact that people use it as a vehicle for shit talk and scenester gossip and whenever anyone actually DOES use this forum the way it's intended, trolls go apeshit on them which makes the people who want to actually do something good for the New England scene not want anything to do with this site.

wow really? I have never once seen a troll on RTTP. All I see is peaceful and well-constructed discourse about the state of faggotry in black metal.
[Apr 1,2015 1:58pm - Truth  ""]
Why don't you start a better black metal band then?
[Apr 1,2015 2:05pm - Yeti ""]
I prefer one laden with copious amounts of faggotry.
[Apr 1,2015 2:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]

the%20tooth said:cheers to you, reverend fagget.
[Apr 1,2015 3:29pm - Truth  ""]

Yeti said:I prefer one laden with copious amounts of faggotry.

Ah OK. You create faggotry because your life is incomplete when you have nothing to complain about! I get it.
[Apr 1,2015 5:14pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 2,2015 10:17am - Truth  ""]
Well at least you're honest.
[Apr 2,2015 5:59pm - Joyce Kulhawik‘s Penis  ""]
OP is fully back'd
[Apr 3,2015 3:22pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Apr 4,2015 12:53am - Truth  ""]
CJ Peeper is right!

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