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Samsung Galaxy S6/S6 edge

[Mar 29,2015 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]
My note II is getting long in the tooth. I'm debating getting the S6 edge. Mostly cause sprint has an international roaming plan added on to it for free.
[Mar 29,2015 7:06pm - Alx_Casket ""]
You're gonna lease it? You realize it's international capped at 2g? Since when are you allowed to leave the country?
[Mar 29,2015 9:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't really care about speeds. as long as I might be able to use waze, get/send SMS/MMS, and make calls. I'm going to be in montreal a bunch of times this summer (much like last summer). It sucked missing a turn and having to figrure out on my own or find wifi to recallibrate.
[Mar 29,2015 9:19pm - the_reverend ""]
Also, I don't think Canada is included so I might not do it.
[Mar 30,2015 9:59am - Alx_Casket ""]
Just read some reviews on this, Samsung is dropping the expandable storage and removable battery for a slightly lighter and thinner phone, dropping waterproof feature that was on the S5, and going to their own processor that most software isn't optimized for. At least they're keeping the wonderful touchwiz interface. Fuck that, just buy an iphone if you want to give up your freedom.
[Mar 30,2015 10:18am - the_reverend ""]
I don't give a crap about the expandable storage. I have everything in the cloud any how. The non-removable battery is a boner killer, but they put in wireless charging and claim you can fast charge it from 10 minutes to add 4hrs of standby time. If there is a way to put a wireless charging pad in my bag or something, that would be awesome. Think of wireless charging pockets in your bags. I would love it.

This shows it charging to full in an hour.


As for the processor.. I'm not sure what you are talking about there. The Exynos has been used in a lot of samsung's phones. Including the one that is in my pocket. They have also worked on all of the apple processors.

I didn't know that they removed the waterproofing. WTF! that is the only reasonI wanted the S5. that sucks.
[Mar 30,2015 10:55am - Alx_Casket ""]
I thought that they were all using the latest snapdragon chips for the flagship phones since forever. And not like optimization matters that much anymore, but it does when the battery is smaller than the S5 and non-removable. Screen looks great, but everything on the table, I prefer my 5 pound rooted S4 with microsd and zerolemon tricell battery. The camera lens is faster, but it's still a fucking cell phone camera.
[Mar 30,2015 11:34am - the_reverend ""]
I still have my Galaxy Note 2 with a Zero Lemon battery. I loaded a Lollipop Rom (Cianide L 5.0.2).
[Mar 30,2015 11:40am - the_reverend ""]
Before loading this ROM, I would get 2-5hrs out of a charge from the standard battery. Now, I've gotten 7-12! But this port has its issues. Video doesn't record. Snapchats are only 1 second long. I've also been getting this lagging issue where it hangs. I also totally miss touchwiz. Since this phone is now worth less than the deductible, I don't have the insurance. If it break, I was just going to buy a note 3 for the cost of the deductible.
[Mar 30,2015 11:43am - the_reverend ""]
What interests me about the new s6 is the plan that they have for it. I might just see about switching to that plan without getting the phone.

I also can't go the iPhone route cause I use SMS backup+ and cause I use a OTG cable to sort pictures. I don't want to have to carry and charge a separate device just to sort pics in between bands. Though I do usually carry an iPhone 4s with my to take photos and just turn on the hot spot of my phone.
[Mar 30,2015 11:46am - Alx_Casket ""]
What do you like about that plan? I'm not a fan of leasing phones. And I think it's only for new contracts and the S6
[Mar 30,2015 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
They have a free add on for international roaming. I want the specifics. I also hope that normal roaming is allowed to be more than 300MB/month. Right now, I roam 9-5pm M-F and then 6pm to 1am Mondays. I basically get cut off from service 9 days into each billing cycle. Verizon wired the building I'm in with microcells.
[Mar 30,2015 11:57am - the_reverend ""]
I also wished that Hangouts worked with Sprint and backed up to gmail. It would be nice to have my MMS/SMS backup and be available through other devices without having my phone involved.
[Mar 30,2015 2:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm considering switching to tmobile at the end of my contract. International plan and wifi calling support.
[Mar 30,2015 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]
tmobile is supposed to be even worse than sprint. I know no one with tmobile at my work has service at all.
[Mar 30,2015 4:49pm - Alx_Casket ""]
tmobile has better 4g where I live than sprint does. We're comparing city to the sticks though. Tmo sucks in rural spots
[Mar 31,2015 7:17am - Burnsy ""]
It seems every carrier has something blowy about their plans. Tmobile has been a net positive for me. I had 3g service in Amsterdam so that was pretty cool. You can check signal strength on their website. my experience mirrors Alex's in terms of boonie-signal though.
[Mar 31,2015 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
I live only in the boonies which sucks for me.
[Apr 2,2015 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
The reviews of the S6 are all about how it looks. Though they say the battery life sort of sucks... and not water proof. Debating just getting a S5 on ebay for $250. Or just keeping my current phone.
[Apr 2,2015 4:37pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:I live only in the boonies which sucks for me.

US Cellular has the best coverage for NH, hands down.
[Apr 2,2015 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, sad but through. Though I think either they or star cellular just gave up a tower spot near me.
[Apr 3,2015 3:22pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Apr 6,2015 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
I think I'm going to wait for the Galaxy S6 Active
[Apr 10,2015 1:50pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like the Active will be out on AT&T. the sport is no where to be seen :(.
I went and played with them both at Best Buy. The edge looks and feels kind of weird.
The S6 is solid. IDK now. I can get a S6 for $5/month added to my bill and that is all.
[Apr 13,2015 8:43pm - the_reverend ""]
ok.. my phone now keeps not charging. I think I'm just going to say f-it and get the S6 edge. I played with them again today (when I phone wouldn't charge) and the Edge's screen just looks bigger. I'm going to be confused with the lack of a menu button.
[Apr 14,2015 6:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
Good luck with your new gimmick phone. Just signed up for free international roaming and texting, even though Canada isn't included, Germany is.
[Apr 14,2015 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
I played with them and the screen on the edge is just beautiful. it goes from edge to edge. So nice. I'm getting the 64GB I guess. I'm spending $100 for the gimmick part, but after playing with it, I think that it's cool enough to keep in my pocket for 2-3 years. Granted as I'm typing this of course my phone starts charging again.
[Apr 14,2015 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
I looked at roaming in Canada and it would be too expensive. I'm around wifi enough up there (keep a iPhone 4s in my pocket up there instead of phone).
[Apr 15,2015 4:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I went and played with it again.. might go for it tonight.
still dont' know.
[Apr 16,2015 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, got it. let's see how long before I hate it.
[Apr 20,2015 2:09pm - the_reverend ""]
So this is the best phone I have ever used. The only problem is the battery life. It was at 7% at the end of the third day of metal fest. Sort of my testing out if it. I think I'm going to return it and wait for the note 5. Or maybe get a s5/note 4 until the note 5. Then sell the s5/note4 and get the note 5
[Apr 20,2015 3:55pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Knew you couldn't deal with that shitty battery life, and that's on a new phone. It would only degrade with time. Dunno wtf samsung was thinking.
[Apr 20,2015 6:46pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I think if I get a zero lemon 10,000mah battery and a used Note 4, it will be about $300 total. Then Sell the Note 4 for like $200 with the battery if I want the Note 5.

My problems with the Note 2 now are that it won't stay charging. With a lollipop rom, the battery life is awesome on the Note 2, but the reception sucks. I'm going to miss this screen, the instant on camera, and the new touchwiz.
[Apr 21,2015 11:10am - the_reverend ""]
oh, a note 3 is around $300. a note 4 is around $430. A S5 for $260 with a zero lemon battery... hm.
[Apr 21,2015 12:05pm - Alx_Casket ""]
At the end of the day you have to ask yourself how big do you want the dicks you draw to be. Going down to an S5 size screen from a note 2 won't be easy.
[Apr 21,2015 12:54pm - You could be a man  ""]
You could be a man and stop samefagging every thread.
[Apr 21,2015 1:04pm - chinese american  ""]

You%20could%20be%20a%20man said:You could be a man and stop samefagging every thread.

[Apr 21,2015 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
your comment about dicks really hits home.
[Apr 22,2015 1:19pm - the_reverend ""]
So I ordered a black Note 4 for $400.
[Apr 22,2015 5:49pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 23,2015 9:32am - the_reverend ""]
I'm looking for a good running armband for the Note 4.
Though I'm also considering a flipbelt for it.
[Apr 23,2015 10:29pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just duct tape an ipad to your forehead, it will look just as cool as strapping a note to your arm.
[Apr 24,2015 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
I'm ordering one of these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JF9EAH..._1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AIOMXZ8QI8AYJ
and yes, I know it's basically a fanny pack. Then again

[Apr 29,2015 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
weird, I typed somethings and they are gone. Anyhow, I got the Note 4. Returning the S6 Edge today. The Note 4 has everything that they were going to make awesome with the S6, but it's all Kludgy. After using the S6, the Note 4 is a bit of a let down. But the battery life of the Note 4 is killer. I hope they tweak the ROM for Note 4 so that it's like the S6. TouchWiz is just so much nicer on the S6.
[Apr 29,2015 12:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
What features are on the S6's touchwiz? Btw touchwiz must have been named by a non-english speaker.
[Apr 29,2015 12:57pm - You could be a man  ""]
You could be a man and buy a Nokia flip phone, but instead you buy this crap?
[Apr 30,2015 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:What features are on the S6's touchwiz? Btw touchwiz must have been named by a non-english speaker.

It's sleaker, the app draw works better, there are less bloatware installed by default, etc..
They also group things together nicer in the app draw. The icons look better. The Note 4 looks like a kludgey mess. There are plenty of things on the Note 4 ROM that show they were just in a hurry to get it out.
the battery selection is called power saving
there is no flash light option in the pull down so you have to install 3rd party
there is no "the phone has been on for xhrs" in the power saving/battery menu
the camera has different [less] options that don't use the whole screen
[Apr 30,2015 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I like the fact that I took the Note 4 off the charger on the stock battery last night at 5pm. I used it all night/day. It was at 15% a few minutes ago so I plugged it into the charger.
It has a black and white mode that is cool. adds like 6-10hrs to the battery life too.
The SMS app allows you to attach images straight from onedrive which I love!
The spen works awesome compared to the note 2.

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