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Does anyone even look at the "Still Well Angel" thread anymore?

[Mar 24,2015 3:04pm - Dumper Fire  ""]
That dead horse joke was well beaten months ago.

Just bury it already.
[Mar 24,2015 3:09pm - Yeti ""]
oh Rob, you silly goose.
[Mar 24,2015 3:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Dumper%20Fire said:That dead horse joke was still well beaten months ago.
[Mar 24,2015 3:20pm - Wise old man on a hill  ""]

Dumper%20Fire said:That almost dead horse joke was still well beaten months ago.

[Mar 24,2015 3:24pm - add a message to your video  ""]
shut up rob YOURE band is THERE only problem
[Mar 24,2015 4:10pm - Sacreligion ""]
I got 99 problems and trolling ain't one.
[Mar 24,2015 4:37pm - Dead Horse  ""]
[Mar 24,2015 4:47pm - HookedonMetal ""]
They stole money from a cancer victim, which needless to say is a pretty horrible thing to do. So in that regard, they definitely do deserve some of the flack they've been getting. At this point, I kind of do think they're beating a dead horse, but given this forum's track record, it isn't the first time and it definitely won't be the last.
[Mar 24,2015 4:59pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
theres nothing else to talk about on this forum besides crappy movies rev posts about and the samefag line up shows that no one goes to. this is like a train wreck reality tv show with a new episode every week. if it is annoying to you then dont click on the link or start another fun thread. i dont see what the big deal is.

[Mar 24,2015 5:10pm - Wise old man on a hill  ""]
Plus, they keep releasing horrible shit. The stream keeps flowing.

And now we have two threads about them.
[Mar 24,2015 5:19pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Mar 24,2015 5:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It's good this thread was started, now we have a place to update the answer to the OP's question:

Currently just over 66,000.
[Mar 24,2015 6:36pm - the truth  ""]

Alx_Casket said:It's good this thread was started, now we have a place to update the answer to the OP's question:

Currently just over 66,000.

now THAT is depressing
[Mar 24,2015 7:09pm - xmikex ""]
By all means and in all seriousness...

[Mar 24,2015 7:12pm - bad bands  ""]
i, for one, open that thread every time i see a new post. quote from xmikex: "i cant get my dick out fast enough for this thread"
[Mar 24,2015 7:28pm - the truth  ""]

xmikex said:By all means and in all seriousness...


Just because there isn't a better thread doesn't mean you HAVE to keep posting in it. You could just, you know, not go on rttp until you've got something fresh to discuss. Like me. Everything I say is worthwhile. Except that. And that. And t
[Mar 24,2015 7:48pm - xmikex ""]
There are 25 threads on the first page. It will not hurt my feelings in the least if more than one of them suddenly turns out to be worth reading. BUT UNTIL THEN FUCK OFF.
[Mar 25,2015 10:02am - napoleon blown apart  ""]
this band is on pace to experience william hung level of notoriety. i only wish they could have actually played on america's got talent for maximum lolz.
[Mar 25,2015 10:20am - narcosis ""]
if the show still exists, i imagine they'll be doing a "live audition" annually.

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