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Local hipster black metal

[Jan 28,2015 9:24am - Local hipster black metal?  ""]
Other than Vattnet Viskar and Obsidian Tongue, what are some other local hipster black metal bands?
[Jan 28,2015 10:00am - Fenriz  ""]
Any of the the ones that have "credibility" in the local scene.
[Jan 28,2015 10:23am - worryJEW  ""]
Worrying about being deemed credible by the scene makes you more of a hipster-fa'jole than youre aware of.

Then again, GHAAL eats cock and designs clothes.

[Jan 28,2015 10:27am - Local hipster black metal?  ""]
Credibility in the scene? People care about that?
[Jan 28,2015 10:39am - the truth  ""]
Grue are absolutely not hipster but 90% of their crowd is and it makes going to see them incredibly unpleasant.
[Jan 28,2015 10:53am - RTTP DEPARMENT OF FIX'D  ""]

THE%20OPINION said:Grue are absolutely not hipster but 90% of their crowd is and it makes going to see them incredibly unpleasant.

[Jan 28,2015 10:54am - THE OPINION  ""]

THE%20OPINION said:Grue are absolutely not hipster but 90% of their crowd is and it makes going to see them incredibly unpleasant.


What exactly did you fix? You just quoted the same statement...
[Jan 28,2015 10:58am - King Thûndérstøol  ""]

[Jan 28,2015 11:05am - RTTP DEPARMENT OF FIX‘D  ""]

THE%20OPINION said:Grue are absolutely not hipster but 90% of their crowd is and it makes going to see them incredibly unpleasant.


What exactly did you fix? You just quoted the same statement...

[Jan 29,2015 9:47am - Fenriz  ""]
Grue is hipster as fuck, who are you trying to kid here? Total trendhopping bullshit.

[Jan 31,2015 1:04am - Noose?  ""]
I only checked out their website because their logo is dumb.
If this isn't hipster bullshit, I don't know what is. A human wasted several minutes of their life writing this.
[Jan 31,2015 10:35am - Snowden ""]
That Noose website is pretty weird, but last time I saw one of them he was leaving a show early to put his kid to bed. I think that's an immediate hipster disqualification.
[Jan 31,2015 2:42pm - christraper ""]
talking shit anonymously about who's more trve than the next band sounds pretty fucking hipstery to me. im sure there's a bridge tournament you ladies can sign up for. you might make some friends.
[Jan 31,2015 6:12pm - King Thûndérstøol  ""]

[Jan 31,2015 11:45pm - Uncle Pauly  ""]
Martyrvore are the biggest nowadays hipster bm heroin cocksucker gay fags around.
[Jan 31,2015 11:46pm - Uncle Pauly  ""]
Ratt Shittings is a true blue poser.
[Feb 1,2015 12:08am - Uncle Pauly  ""]
One way o' anuva, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna git ya git ya git ya, I is, guvnah.
[Feb 1,2015 1:12am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OV BACKED  ""]

Uncle%20Pauly said:Ratt Shittings is a true blue poser.

[Feb 1,2015 1:34am - Department ov R. Garcia  ""]
I enjoy Cheese and Leggings
[Feb 1,2015 1:54am - Department ov R. Garcia  ""]
[Feb 1,2015 3:27am - Dept ov Ratt Shittings Nose  ""]
[Feb 1,2015 3:27am - Dept ov Ratt Shittings Nose  ""]
Get a load of that honker!
[Feb 1,2015 8:28am - Lol at all nowadays black metal  ""]

christraper said:talking shit anonymously about who's more trve than the next band sounds pretty fucking hipstery to me. im sure there's a bridge tournament you ladies can sign up for. you might make some friends.

All black metal fucking sucks.
[Feb 1,2015 12:10pm - christraper ""]
but never as good as your mom
[Feb 1,2015 12:20pm - christraper ""]
[Feb 1,2015 2:57pm - gearmandude  ""]
Still in the brook paul, living w daddy? Id say so since you're cashing my pops checks he's sending you to buy budlight and tv dinners. No, i'm not doing or moving drugs and clearly my bands are all doing better than yours and creating better records. You know where I am, but slandering ol' ratt shittings on the net is as tough as you'll get... You're
[Feb 1,2015 2:57pm - gearmandude  ""]
[Feb 1,2015 3:22pm - Killyourself  ""]
Pauly has Matt crush
[Feb 1,2015 3:44pm - Gay Doughman  ""]
Dreaming about heroin covered dicks getting sucked so good.
[Feb 1,2015 3:51pm - gearmandude  ""]
good job Paul. All future payments have now become unredeemable, you wet brained trumpeter of christ
[Feb 1,2015 4:28pm - Gay Doughman  ""]
Mmmmm.... dicks.
[Feb 1,2015 4:33pm - PaulyShoreNorthernVengeance  ""]
biggest wannabe aryan known to man. compensating for something.

[Feb 1,2015 4:55pm - Uncle Pauly D  ""]
[Feb 1,2015 7:14pm - steve from still well angel OFFICIAL  ""]
i've tasted feeeeet
[Feb 1,2015 8:48pm - THE SPIRIT OF THE OLD  ""]
[Feb 1,2015 11:06pm - THE SPIRIT OF THE TROLLED  ""]

THE%20SPIRIT%20OF%20THE%20OLD said:[img]

[Feb 2,2015 10:53am - Jealousy is so kvlt  ""]
Please,like there is any real trve kvlt black metal from new england in the first place. How many of you fags burned down a church? How many of you fags killed another fag? How many of you fags have ever done anything besides talk shit about each other online and play d&d and write songs based off of your fucking monster manuals? Real black metal is dead. Please tell me how many real black metal bands there are in New England,that aren't just a bunch of fags who got picked on in high school.Please explain how you're not a hipster,since you've been kvlt before it was kool....
[Feb 2,2015 11:35am - anonymous  ""]
check up on your facts, bub. there's some true shit that went on in the new england black metal crowd.
[Feb 2,2015 11:52am - Trve kvlt NEBM  ""]
Yeah, members of the New England black metal scene managed to steal thousands from a charity organisation. That's kvlt as fvck! We're basically on par with the Helvete Inner Circle at this point. If anything, the Norwegian black metal scene should be looking to us for inspiration.
[Feb 2,2015 12:01pm - Jealousy is so kvlt  ""]

anonymous said:check up on your facts, bub. there's some true shit that went on in the new england black metal crowd.
And i bet you wish you wish you were there for it.
[Feb 2,2015 12:04pm - Fixxed  ""]

anonymous said:check up on your facts, bub. there's some true shit that went on in the new england black metal crowd,but it was so underground,that you probably never heard of it.
[Feb 2,2015 12:30pm - Lords of Gayos  ""]
I have good sources that tell me New England had a minimum of 10 underground masters who had contact with varg and euronymous sending dick pics. They recorded some of the most extreme and underground BM you've never heard, due to the fact they committed suicide in ritual self sacrifice to satan after recording the 4th and final track of their masterworks. you would need to search the pawn shops of new England to find this lost gems, hoping to find a Tascam porta studio with the tape still in it, the musicians moms not knowing the power held on those tapes when they cleaned out the basement.
[Feb 2,2015 12:51pm - anonymous  ""]
how about Horn of Valere having a song called of pure blood and having a jew member?
[Feb 2,2015 1:28pm - Newport Kelly Slater  ""]
But I'm uncircumcised bro...
[Feb 2,2015 2:13pm - ITT TRYHARDS  ""]
[Feb 2,2015 3:03pm - observer of pronouns  ""]

Trve%20kvlt%20NEBM said:Yeah, members of the New England black metal scene managed to steal thousands from a charity organisation. That's kvlt as fvck! We're basically on par with the Helvete Inner Circle at this point. If anything, the Norwegian black metal scene should be looking to us for inspiration.

[Feb 2,2015 3:40pm - Grim Kim Riley  ""]
i think grue would benefit from a different singer, the music is def solid. the vocals are slightly annoying but otherwise is good.
[Feb 2,2015 3:56pm - Megatron  ""]
Give NH Brufaggotry his $18!
[Feb 3,2015 8:42am - Yeti ""]
play bridge while basement-dwelling or false.
[Feb 3,2015 2:57pm - Narcosis ""]
probably actually happened


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