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NADER SADEK Debuts Final Track from The Malefic: Chapter III

[Jan 21,2015 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
NADER SADEK Debuts Final Track from 'The Malefic: Chapter III"

Multi-media artist NADER SADEK has debuted the final track from The Malefic: Chapter III. The song "Descent" is now streaming at www.terrorizer.com, www.metalwani.com and http://www.jorzine.com/.


Nader Sadek had this to say about the song: "Initially for 'Descent' I had asked Rune Eriksen to write a song that would be a sequel to " Nigredo in Necromance," a song from our first record, with the exception of a few spoken word lines, an instrumental . What Rune presented us with was way beyond my expectations and hopes, Multi-layering gives depth and a sense of exploration in the emotion of tragedy and remorse. The structure of the song also carries you all the way up to the crescendo and then drops; this technique is utilized several times in the song. With the help of Flo Mounier's [CRYPTOPSY] non-static drumming, textures come and go, further intensifying the song. During the mixing stage, we had decided that it would be criminal not to include Carmen's amazing chants , as well as several passages of vocals with Travis Ryan's [CATTLE DECAPITATION] and I . Andreas Kisser's [SEPULTURA] solos give the song an unexpected turn, extending and conjuring warm emotions from an unexpected style, yet fitting seamlessly. We all pitched in on certain aspects of the mix at the Helm of Bassist Martin Rygiel. 'Descent"' is the perfect closer to the demise of the story line, and marks this song as one of our most collaborative efforts."

In other news, NADER SADEK will be performing at Neurotic Deathfest in Tillburg, Holland (April 17-19, 2015).

NADER SADEK's new four-song EP The Malefic: Chapter III was released as a free CD insert in November and December via Decibel Magazine (#122), Terrorizer Magazine in the UK (#254) and Legacy Magazine in Germany (#94). The Decibel release has a different mix and master from the UK and German versions. .The album will be available digitally in the coming months.

Deformation by Incision
Carrion Whispers
Entropy Eternal

"Passionately evil and punishing death metal that will punch a hole in your heart and still take you out for breakfast in the morning." -
Metal Sucks

"On his new EP Sadek has assembled one hell of a team...a sick technical death metal super group." - Invisible Oranges

"One ferocious blend of multiple metal sub-genres." - Rock and Metal Temple

"I don't know how Nader Sadek gets his musicians to collaborate so fluidly, but they work perfectly together." - Alex Phillips (Skullbanger.net)

"The Malefic: Chapter III has a slew of moments that should please the Cryptopsy, Behemoth and Cattle Decapitation/Murder Construct fan alike." - New Noise Magazine

"Is there any heavy metal story more heroic and heartening than that of Nader Sadek?" - Shawn Macomber (Decibel Magazine)

Returning to the fold are main songwriters Flo Mounier of CRYPTOPSY fame, master composer and guitarist Rune Eriksen of black thrashers AURA NOIR and ever-rising, multi-voiced growler Travis Ryan of CATTLE DECAPITATION. Bobby Koelble, whose jazz-influenced technique mixed with tinges of Eastern passion, brings a fresh flare into the sound. Depending mostly on what sounds like millions of notes being touched at ungraspable speed, Koelble is best known for his work with genre creating band DEATH, as he collaborated in creating their most revered record, Symbolic. Lastly, the solos of Brazilian guitarist Andreas Kisser from yet another genre defining band, SEPULTURA bring an emotion that is both chaotic and yet full of feeling, and whose whammy-bar twisting and dragged notes introduce a wicked counterpoint to Koelble's style. Shimmering on the surface are the angelic sirens of Carmen Simoes formerly of the AVA INFERI and current MOONSPELL backing vocalist, who conjures a sense of depth to the song "Descent".

Musically, the EP runs through a variety of emotions and styles, resulting in a schizophrenic sound that nonetheless yields a tight, cacophonous, and nightmarish unit, serving the album's concept of a man's struggle with the self-defeating consequences of his own decisions. It can be said that each track leans towards a different subgenre of extreme metal, starting with mid 90's style Death metal, coursing through Black metal, going back to late '80s era Death metal and finally concluding with a Doom metal track. However, the general feel of the EP is an undeniably intense Death metal vibe.

The album concept conjures an unknown time and place from which God has withdrawn, and even his arch-nemesis has resigned from his post due to inactivity, stranding all souls in Limbo. In order to rescue his loved ones, and all the souls of humankind, from this limbonic afterlife, a nameless protagonist journeys to the sacred mountain of the divine. Convinced by the righteousness of his mission, he believes that his enthronement on the divine mountain will release all souls to eternal bliss. Yet blinded by his own arrogance, he realizes only too late that he has reactivated and occupied the throne of the devil, condemning all souls, even those of his family, to an eternal inferno. Chapter III signifies the final act and conclusion of the story, which is set to be re-released as a graphic novel in the future along with Chapters I & II

The fantastical imagery and vocabulary of The Malefic: Chapter III conceals a combative political allegory in that the journey of the nameless protagonist replays the journey of most politicians. Seeking power to serve righteous ends, their arrogance and access to the corridors of power corrupts them until they pursue personal gain above all else, even to the point of destroying the very things they originally desired to save.

Other important production choices amplify this wide-ranging sonic palette. For example, almost each song uses a different bass player. As artist/lyricist/producer Sadek notes, "While the composition of a song is the most important part of its architecture and aesthetic success, I believe that bass is the agent that congeals all the instruments, giving it backbone and weight. That's why I have chosen some of the hardest working and original bassists who I personally find to be the most important members in their respective and former bands." These include the prodigy, newcomer to the project and permanent bassist Martin Rygiel, formerly of DECAPITATED, who also mixed and mastered the EP, plays a highly controlled yet grinding low end frequency; and guests CANNIBAL CORPSE chief-songwriter Alex Webster, adds his signature sound of truly sickening rhythms to the song "Deformation by Incision"; while the young Olivier Pinard, formerly of NEURAXIS and currently touring bassist for CRYPTOPSY, brings a dark and foreboding vibe to "Carrion Whispers". https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/RnNZfQn2o2xpggJQqefCOervMbPIci5mujDPJnvl43kv6Rtxjyh5gHN_JKVzeU-aaGz3pePFgxfoAAtZJZNx8mveVTc-11j98EfuAJVcumUenA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif

Adds Flo, "Rune, Nader and I really wanted to create something unique with this release. Our styles adapted to form this new direction and sound that was only touched upon for In This Flesh. We've grown to have total confidence in each other's musical and creative abilities which allows us to try anything we want. I think it was our differences that made this what it has become. And all the rest of the unique talents on this release and you pretty much have a global effort like none other! The perfect elements and chemistry to create the hybrid which is The Malefic: Chapter III."

While SADEK is well-known for curating this musical collective and hand-drawing all the artwork, for this EP he has also written all the lyrics and composed most of the vocal phrasings delivered by Ryan.

The EP was recorded in various location and with multiple engineers. Most notably are Christian Donaldson, who recorded guitars and Drums in his Montreal Studio, the Grid. Vocals were recorded by Casey Smith and Jay Newman in New York, with additional vocals recorded by Sam Lathrem and Martin Rygiel in San Diego.

[Jan 21,2015 12:55pm - narkybark ""]
dig this tune.
[Jan 21,2015 12:56pm - MartyBored  ""]

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