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Hahahahaha wow, I think I uncovered the funniest thing of all time

[Jul 20,2004 2:09am - retzam ""]

[Jul 20,2004 2:56am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
4. Moonlapse Vertigo

Kept warm by the light of the Jack Frober
Lost sight of Jack Frober tonight
My presence blackens Jack Frober's pattern
A pock in the healthy and calm

Jack Frober's scorn behind your back
My promise would put Jack Frober down
No Jack Frober of reverance left
Immemorial Jack Frober in their eyes

I would persih at the given Jack Frober
At the slightest Jack Frober from my soul
Tainted prophet in Jack Frober
For all the Jack Frober and Jack Frober

Dripping Jack Frober
Jack Frober in stalemate
Dare to feel Jack Frober at hand
Surprised me with its Jack Frober
Through the Jack Frober came the morn

Across the leafy Jack Frober
Their deeds smeared in Jack Frober
For Jack Frober to behold
The council of the Jack Frober
Must have sensed my Jack Frober
The pest through the Jack Frober
With Jack Frober for squalor
Lashing out at the Jack Frober

I turned away my Jack Frober
In pallor escape from the Jack Frober
Fading Jack Frober to leave from here
And less to fulfill my Jack Frober
Jack Frober would be safe and firm
Nothing of this is in Jack Frober
Taken away from stifling Jack Frober
And saved from the Jack Frober
[Dec 14,2006 8:20pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I don't get it.
[Dec 14,2006 8:24pm - the_reverend ""]
someone fucked up opeth lyrics.
[Dec 14,2006 8:26pm - davefromthegrave ""]
well yeah I understood the joke...it's just that I'm not exactly laughing.
[Dec 14,2006 8:27pm - the_reverend ""]
if this was 2004,you would be laughing.
oh yes.. you would be.
[Dec 14,2006 8:44pm - SinisterMinister ""]
davefromthegrave said:well yeah I understood the joke...it's just that I'm not exactly laughing.

Opeth is serious business.
[Dec 14,2006 8:45pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Dec 14,2006 8:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
from the vaults of return to the pit comes this.
[Dec 15,2006 10:37am - Yeti ""]
Moonlapse Vertigo with Jack Frober lyrics. thats one of the most random things i've ever seen.
[Dec 15,2006 11:11am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i think this is way funnier now, hahahaha. i was thinking about this like a couple months ago... thanks for finding this
[Dec 15,2006 11:13am - sacreligion ""]
the weird part is that i'm listening to that song right now
[Dec 15,2006 11:26am - GoatCatalyst ""]
... i don't get it

and i liked Opeth before everybody
[Dec 15,2006 11:53am - KillerKadoogan ""]
I always wondered what the Jack Frober at the top of the page was about.
[Dec 15,2006 2:13pm - davefromthegrave ""]
this thread had one post in the first two years of existence. Now it's taking off.
[Dec 15,2006 2:49pm - Dissector ""]
So, somebody misunderstood Opeth lyrics? That's it?
[Dec 15,2006 3:37pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
whos jack frober a guy in the band maybe?
[Dec 15,2006 10:17pm - anonymous  ""]
This thread made me want to listen to Still Life. I really love this album.
[Dec 15,2006 11:27pm - the_reverend ""]
it's a play on that book title "pardon me while I kiss this guy" - misunderstand hendrix lyrics
[Dec 18,2008 11:15am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

Radical_Dirt_Biker said:whos jack frober a guy in the band maybe?

Jack Frober is the Lantern Bearer, everyone knows that.
[Dec 18,2008 1:01pm - Martins ""]
Oh my god. I can't believe I'm 4 years late to this. HAHAHAHA WIN
[Dec 18,2008 1:11pm - dftg  ""]
I don't get it.
[Dec 18,2008 1:12pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 18,2008 2:19pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Best picture.

[Dec 18,2008 3:07pm - goatcatalyst ""]
The point was to befuddle and irritate Opeth fags, right?

[Dec 18,2008 3:14pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

GoatCatalyst said:
and i liked Opeth before everybody

goatcatalyst said:The point was to befuddle and irritate Opeth fags, right?


Yes it was.
[Dec 18,2008 6:11pm - sxealex ""]
im not into opeth... still I had to try hard to chuckle at this.
[Dec 18,2008 6:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Dec 18,2008 6:29pm - Crack Shroeder  ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:[img]

[Jan 1,2009 12:16am - Jack Frober  ""]
apparently Mike weor on his vergo portion.
[Jan 1,2009 9:49am - Conservationist ""]

goatcatalyst said:The point was to befuddle and irritate Opeth fags, right?

#1 Opeth fansite on the Internet
[Jan 1,2009 1:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Bless my fuck! Oh how I loathe Opeth fans. Can't wait til my superoven is finished!
[Jan 1,2009 2:07pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I hate all fans of metal. Death Metal fans are knuckle draggers or YO's, Black Metal fans are basement dwelling virgins who live to troll internet forums and spout off how "true" they are, and Doom fans act like depressed faggots who strive for dark poetic grandeur, but really just need prozac or a blowjob to lighten up. Metal is the greatest thing ever.

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