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burn, ferguson, burn

[Nov 25,2014 1:31am - protesting hipster  ""]
Hey guys, I'm here in my filthy knitted dread sack supporting the cause in Ferguson, we are anti police anarchists for social equality and freedom in this corrupt country, I hope you all take the flames of the auto parts store inside and let the flames of a new equal America burn in your heart.

thank you
[Nov 25,2014 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
can you get a dredlock into a butthole? I would like to know.
[Nov 25,2014 1:04pm - Colonel_Sangus ""]
[Nov 25,2014 7:38pm - WW2 Enthusiast  ""]
Tim! great post, comrade.
[Nov 25,2014 9:12pm - bill cosby serial rapist  ""]
that eggplant was going for his (cops) gun so fuck him
[Nov 26,2014 12:53am - KCENDER  ""]
TIL: racist Italians refer to blacks as "eggplants". Thank you RttP

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