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So sick of political ads

[Oct 28,2014 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
I decided I was voting against shitty scott brownnote masshole douchebag and against frank "oops, I totally forgot about $300K in that bank account" gunta before they even announced. Leave me alone!
If you call me to ask me who I'm voting for, I will hang up and block your number.
[Oct 28,2014 9:30am - Alx_Casket ""]
Where are you seeing ads? I didn't think you watched TV or listened to commercial radio.
[Oct 28,2014 11:45am - question for the rev  ""]
who are you voting for?
[Oct 28,2014 11:54am - cj pepperis  ""]

question%20for%20the%20rev said:who are you voting for?

[Oct 28,2014 12:26pm - Only Buddy is Real  ""]
[Oct 28,2014 1:47pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Oct 29,2014 9:33am - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:Where are you seeing ads? I didn't think you watched TV or listened to commercial radio.
hulu, anyone's house that I'm in with a TV, and I listen to right-wing radio with is all "enough about scott brown, let's talk about scott brown"
[Oct 29,2014 11:16am - largefreakatzero ""]
I'll vote for Brown only because he's not Shaheen.
[Oct 29,2014 11:19am - every democratic election in history  ""]

largefreakatzero said:I'll vote for candidate A only because he's not candidate B.
[Oct 29,2014 4:41pm - my_dying_bride ""]

the_reverend said:I decided I was voting against shitty scott brownnote masshole douchebag and against frank "oops, I totally forgot about $300K in that bank account" gunta before they even announced. Leave me alone!
If you call me to ask me who I'm voting for, I will hang up and block your number.

So your voting for someone who raises taxes every chance she gets, voted for a stimulus that her and her husband were out to profit from, blindly vote for Obamacare and either can't comprehend, or flat out lies about, the fact that it cuts medicare to subsidize the uninsured? Additionally, she supports bringing in tens of millions of low skilled workers to compete with the millions of our own butthurt layabouts that are complaining about income inequality, when they soaked up $100,000 in loans getting a gender studies or art history degree with a 2.1 GPA.

Eliminating the gimme gimme demographic is what the country really needs. If you don't like Brown, a vote for Shaheen is a vote for insane, out of control spending of your money. Brown is not a superhero candidate, but clearly the lesser of two evils.

[Oct 29,2014 4:54pm - oh look  ""]

my_dying_bride said:
the_reverend said:I decided I was voting against shitty scott brownnote masshole douchebag and against frank "oops, I totally forgot about $300K in that bank account" gunta before they even announced. Leave me alone!
If you call me to ask me who I'm voting for, I will hang up and block your number.

So your voting for someone who raises taxes every chance she gets, voted for a stimulus that her and her husband were out to profit from, blindly vote for Obamacare and either can't comprehend, or flat out lies about, the fact that it cuts medicare to subsidize the uninsured? Additionally, she supports bringing in tens of millions of low skilled workers to compete with the millions of our own butthurt layabouts that are complaining about income inequality, when they soaked up $100,000 in loans getting a gender studies or art history degree with a 2.1 GPA.

Eliminating the gimme gimme demographic is what the country really needs. If you don't like Brown, a vote for Shaheen is a vote for insane, out of control spending of your money. Brown is not a superhero candidate, but clearly the lesser of two evils.


a political ad in a thread about being tired of political ads! thanks rttp!
[Oct 31,2014 9:33am - the_reverend ""]
oh the ironing.
[Oct 31,2014 11:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
Not a NH resident anymore, but it's pretty clear he doesn't know NH as well as he should.

[Oct 31,2014 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, fuck that dude. I hate massholes.
[Oct 31,2014 11:39am - the_reverend ""]

it's back.
[Oct 31,2014 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
it's going to be Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster, and then I fear Guinta.
[Oct 31,2014 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 31,2014 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]

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