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The Death of Wolverine

[Sep 17,2014 10:27pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Anybody else reading this, or am I the only one? Got issue #1 when it came out, just finished the first issue. I know kill him off only to bring him back for some bullshit reason, but it's got my attention and will read.


[Sep 18,2014 12:17am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm still getting through Rise of Cerebro.
[Sep 18,2014 9:12am - the_reverend ""]
there were way too many stories so I gave up.
[Sep 18,2014 10:07am - posbleak ""]
It's just another overhyped Marvel event, it's not like one of their highest earners is going to stay dead
[Sep 18,2014 10:15am - MotleyGrue ""]
I know they are going to bring back his healing factor and he will somehow be brought back to life. I stopped reading Wolverine in the late 90's, so this peaked my interest just like the Death of Superman or the Breaking of the Bat (batman) in the 90's. This series is only 4 issues so yeah I will probably stop once it is over.
[Sep 18,2014 10:17am - the_reverend ""]
Maybe I'll read it too... I stopped reading around 1995 cause I didn't have $36/mo to get the whole story.
[Sep 18,2014 10:18am - the_reverend ""]
I want to catalog all my comics. Is there a discogs for comics?
I think I have wolverine's solo comics 1-75
[Sep 18,2014 11:58am - Yeti ""]
he'll come back as 4 Wolverines.
[Sep 18,2014 12:52pm - Comic Book Faggets  ""]
If you're over 16 years old and read comics, you're a faggot.
[Sep 18,2014 1:44pm - hi my name is this comics guy and i post about comics like this  ""]

the_reverend said:I want to catalog all my comics. Is there a discogs for comics?
I think I have wolverine's solo comics 1-75

[Sep 18,2014 10:07pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Picked up issue #2, enjoying a good drink while listening to music, may read it tonight or whenever, we'll see.

[Sep 18,2014 10:09pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Issue #1 wasn't too bad I enjoyed it, but is subjective as people always find faults with things.
[Sep 19,2014 9:23am - the_reverend ""]
I think I can speak for everyone when I say, where is the female wolverine?
[Sep 19,2014 10:20am - posbleak ""]

the_reverend said:I think I can speak for everyone when I say, where is the female wolverine?

Last seen rejecting Scott at the New Xavier school
[Sep 20,2014 8:14am - demondave ""]

posbleak said:
the_reverend said:I think I can speak for everyone when I say, where is the female wolverine?

Last seen rejecting Scott at the New Xavier school


but where are the sideburns?

[Sep 20,2014 12:24pm - the_reverend ""]

demondave said:
posbleak said:
the_reverend said:I think I can speak for everyone when I say, where is the female wolverine?

Last seen rejecting Scott at the New Xavier school


but where are the sideburns?

She is a failed clone... Some how adding on to his y chromosome.
[Nov 4,2014 1:12pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Ok, I should have known this small series would let me down.

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