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San Diego School District's New 18-Ton Armored Vehicle Creates Stir

[Sep 15,2014 12:28pm - the_reverend ""]

[Sep 15,2014 12:31pm - Skinner  ""]
[Sep 15,2014 1:43pm - BOLT THROWER  ""]


[Sep 15,2014 11:51pm - Hoser ""]
More lefty whining please. This thread does not deliver. Fucking thing cost $5000 Rev! Tell me you wouldn't buy it for $5000. Stop being so afraid of everything, gawd!
[Sep 15,2014 11:52pm - Hoser ""]
You'll be safe in Porthsmith don't worry.
[Sep 16,2014 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
you could buy a huge box of m-80's... but should you? I know you are all about big government since you live in Maine, but maybe instead of spending $5000 on this (plus the gas, maintenance, etc...) they could choose not to buy one. A normal cop car costs something like $600/hr to run. What is the hourly rate to run an MRAP? Yet they can't pay for good teachers. Reading that article and what they want to use it for, a $40 wheel barrel would probably have them covered for most cases.
[Sep 16,2014 10:32am - largefreakatzero ""]

Hoser said:More lefty whining please. This thread does not deliver. Fucking thing cost $5000 Rev! Tell me you wouldn't buy it for $5000. Stop being so afraid of everything, gawd!

It may have cost the school district $5000, but it came from the Fed. That means the Fed paid for it. That means your Fed taxes, my Fed taxes, everyone's Fed taxes paid for that stupid armored RV.

I don't know about you, but my wife and I pay a shitload of Fed taxes every year, and to think that I'm paying for the street legal version of battle tanks???
[Sep 16,2014 11:19am - Heavy Amored Hamburger  ""]
You know because terrorism and shit.

[Sep 16,2014 1:07pm - Yeti ""]


A fucking +
[Sep 16,2014 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:I'm paying for the street legal version of battle tanks???

"street legal" they are technically street legal, but tear up the roads and can't go over many bridges.
To cross small bridges, troops must dismount from the vehicle while the driver sticks his foot out the door to “walk” the multi-ton truck across the way, says Brig. Gen. Larry Nicholson, deputy commanding general of the Marine Corps Combat Development Command.
[Sep 16,2014 2:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
^That doesn't sound safe or practical.
[Sep 16,2014 3:19pm - WOLVERINES  ""]
[Sep 18,2014 12:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been looking at a lot of the bridges around the area... they all say 8T max... How did the MRAPs get from place to place during the bombings shutdown?

[Sep 18,2014 11:37pm - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Hoser said:More lefty whining please. This thread does not deliver. Fucking thing cost $5000 Rev! Tell me you wouldn't buy it for $5000. Stop being so afraid of everything, gawd!

It may have cost the school district $5000, but it came from the Fed. That means the Fed paid for it. That means your Fed taxes, my Fed taxes, everyone's Fed taxes paid for that stupid armored RV.

I don't know about you, but my wife and I pay a shitload of Fed taxes every year, and to think that I'm paying for the street legal version of battle tanks???

Itwas already purchased by the Fed for use in the combat theater. Now they're just selling the used ons back to smaller towns. I don't see what all the hubub is about.
[Sep 19,2014 8:19am - Tom Brokaw  ""]
Hoser doesn't understand something, film at 11.
[Sep 19,2014 8:33am - Yeti ""]

Hoser said:
largefreakatzero said:
Hoser said:More lefty whining please. This thread does not deliver. Fucking thing cost $5000 Rev! Tell me you wouldn't buy it for $5000. Stop being so afraid of everything, gawd!

It may have cost the school district $5000, but it came from the Fed. That means the Fed paid for it. That means your Fed taxes, my Fed taxes, everyone's Fed taxes paid for that stupid armored RV.

I don't know about you, but my wife and I pay a shitload of Fed taxes every year, and to think that I'm paying for the street legal version of battle tanks???

Itwas already purchased by the Fed for use in the combat theater. Now they're just selling the used ons back to smaller towns. I don't see what all the hubub is about.

It's a tank. for a school district. A tank. they haven't even been fucking invented yet!!
[Sep 19,2014 9:08am - Pat Sajak  ""]

Yeti said:
It's a tank. for a school district. A tank. they haven't even been fucking invented yet!!

And we have a winner! Other contestants will receive a copy of the RTTP home game.
[Sep 19,2014 1:47pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Hoser said:
largefreakatzero said:
Hoser said:More lefty whining please. This thread does not deliver. Fucking thing cost $5000 Rev! Tell me you wouldn't buy it for $5000. Stop being so afraid of everything, gawd!

It may have cost the school district $5000, but it came from the Fed. That means the Fed paid for it. That means your Fed taxes, my Fed taxes, everyone's Fed taxes paid for that stupid armored RV.

I don't know about you, but my wife and I pay a shitload of Fed taxes every year, and to think that I'm paying for the street legal version of battle tanks???

Itwas already purchased by the Fed for use in the combat theater. Now they're just selling the used ons back to smaller towns. I don't see what all the hubub is about.

It's ok dude, I know you want one so you can see if it does brake stands. At least, that's what I would do with it.
[Sep 19,2014 11:38pm - the_reverend ""]
MRAPs are all automatics and all wheel drive.
I don't think you can do break stands in those.
[Sep 19,2014 11:54pm - Hoser ""]
And to the very obviously misinformed low information voters out there; an MRAP is absolutely NOT a tank. Not even minutely close to one.
[Sep 19,2014 11:58pm - Hoser ""]


Not a tank:

[Sep 20,2014 8:06am - demondave ""]
Your point is completely ignored,
in lieu of focusing on the turret of the tank
which says "STINKFIST"

[Sep 20,2014 8:56am - DYA is IN MORKNING  ""]
ITT: Low-information persons
[Sep 20,2014 12:25pm - the_reverend ""]
Grenade launchers for LA schools? Ok.
[Sep 20,2014 1:20pm - hey hoser  ""]
we get that you have obviously had a positive experience with the police, but there are a lot of other people in this country who have not, and that doesnt make them ''uninformed'' or ''ignorant." these people are just as american as you or I whether you like it or not, and with the public trust and respect for police officers going down every year, youd think they might want to start opting for a less vulgar display of power, because military weapons and vehicles for our school districts doesnt exactly scream reassurance to people who already see them as having too much power. Noone is saying anything about you personally but you need to stop attackng people for having a different outlook based on life experiences different than yours.
[Sep 20,2014 1:27pm - hey hoser  ""]
oh and to a soldier overseas fighting in a war, that may not be a tank, but it isnt overseas it is on the streets of civilian america. The second amendment was created as a last line of defense against a potentially tyrannical government, and let me tell you, to the average joe shmoe who has a small handgun he bought from wal mart in case of an unlikely extreme situation where he needed to protect his family, THAT THING IS A FUCKING TANK.
[Sep 21,2014 12:52am - Hoser ""]
Just trying to make a little sense of the "hysteria" that is gripping America recently.

Oh and Rev, Police don't and never have use "grenade launchers", unless they hurl a 40mm tear gas shell for riot control. Research before you believe every word you hear.

Read NH RSA 627:5. I don't think that a "grenade launcher" as your type call it would quite fit in here.

Also, an MRAP is not a fucking tank. It's an armored vehicle that can pick up a shit ton of school children and drive them safely away from the scene of a mass shooting, God forbid it happen again. It can also safely evacuate citizens from flood waters or tornados without being swept away by a strong wind. Think about everything before you just attack Police. We're not robots retards, we put our pants on one leg at a time...just like you. Holy shit you people are uber-sensitive. Grab a hankie and cry it out already...fuuuuuuuuuuu.....
[Sep 21,2014 10:43am - School child  ""]
I'd be confident it could save me until I got to a bridge and had to get out and push.
[Sep 21,2014 10:44am - the_reverend ""]

Hoser said:Oh and Rev, Police don't and never have use "grenade launchers", unless they hurl a 40mm tear gas shell for riot control. Research before you believe every word you hear.

Read NH RSA 627:5. I don't think that a "grenade launcher" as your type call it would quite fit in here.

I was just going on the article that quoted the LA school system who received the grenade launchers The Los Angeles unified school district, the nation’s second-largest at 710 square miles with more than 900,000 students enrolled, said it would remove three grenade launchers it had acquired because they “are not essential life-saving items within the scope, duties and mission” of the district’s police force.

[Sep 21,2014 11:44pm - Hoser ""]
Ya, I agree with what was said in the article, right up until the media calls them "grenade launchers". Most likely they were M79's, which are 40mm and capable of launching grenades. However, they were most likely sent to launch 40mm smoke and teargas shells....not fucking grenades. God, I hate the fucking media.
[Sep 24,2014 8:31am - the_reverend ""]
sounds like you are assuming... anyhow say they are shooting 40mm smoke and teargas shells: why would a school need to shoot 40mm smoke and teargas shells?
[Sep 24,2014 8:33am - the_reverend ""]
and yes, they are 40mm
[Sep 24,2014 8:35am - Faux Shaux  ""]

the_reverend said:sounds like you are assuming... anyhow say they are shooting 40mm smoke and teargas shells: why would a school need to shoot 40mm smoke and teargas shells?

[Sep 24,2014 9:46am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
wow that is insane
[Sep 24,2014 9:48am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
sounds crrazy
[Sep 24,2014 10:11am - Radikult_Dirt_Biker ""]

Radical_Dirt_Biker said:sounds crrazy


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