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TimRiley is Duncan hiding behind a different name!

[Sep 7,2014 2:05pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
No wonder you owe me $18 you stupid motherfucker!
[Sep 7,2014 2:17pm - TimRiley ""]
That doesn't even make any sense.
[Sep 7,2014 3:59pm - shutup willey fagget  ""]
shutup willey fagget
[Sep 7,2014 4:42pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
Just fight me already.
[Sep 7,2014 4:46pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Give me the $18 you owe me and I will.
[Sep 7,2014 4:48pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Sep 7,2014 6:10pm - TimRiley ""]
can't we all just laugh at serenade II darkness and quit this played out, worn out hooker pussy that is $18
[Sep 7,2014 6:50pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF BARTERING  ""]
.... $10.
[Sep 7,2014 7:13pm - TimRiley ""]
send me your paypal
[Sep 7,2014 7:51pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Meet me at the Gates of Chinatown with my $18 my midnight or I'll send Megatron to find you!
[Sep 7,2014 10:20pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
One hour and 40 minutes left you stupid motherfucker!
[Sep 7,2014 10:22pm - Nick NH  ""]
You better not flake on us. I'll hunt you down. You better hope Megatron finds you before I do!
[Sep 7,2014 10:56pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
What the fuck is Janssen gonna do when he hunts me down? Attempt to slap me with his bitchtits or something?
[Sep 7,2014 11:50pm - Outsiders ""]
Hey Yo,

You ladies are fucking pathetic, you don't want a war, you can't even keep your panties dry or on for that matter.

[Sep 8,2014 12:34pm - Nick NH  ""]
You stood us up last night Duncan! Megatron and I are gonna hunt your little candy ass down!
[Sep 10,2014 9:33am - Michael Jackson Pollock  ""]
I am Jannsen McCormick

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