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[Sep 4,2014 4:14pm - Lodgarh ""]
[Sep 4,2014 4:14pm - Lodgarh ""]
[Sep 4,2014 7:46pm - EEEEEYYYYEEEAAAHHHH  ""]
Say what you want about liberals, Raynard....
at least they have.....
......wait for it.......

Gun control.

Better luck next time, buddy.
[Sep 4,2014 10:11pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
I can't even......fucking Raynard...
[Sep 4,2014 10:20pm - TimRiley ""]
CJ has been broken!!!!
[Sep 4,2014 10:34pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Sep 5,2014 9:05am - honest to god  ""]
this dude raynard really is just the absolute biggest loser in new england
[Sep 5,2014 9:55am - Norman Bates  ""]
Can I interest you in a cheese sandwich and a glass of milk? Why it would be no trouble at all and honestly I could use the company, what do you say? It's not like I am putting a gun to your head.
[Sep 5,2014 10:27am - the_reverend ""]

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