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Converge and Cavein

Jackson Mann (Allston, Ma) - [a_life_once_lost][cave_in][converge][draw_blood][mi_amore][abhorred][ascendancy][randomshots][throne_of_hate]
[Jul 18,2004 3:04am - the_reverend ""]
awsome show.
pictures are uploading.
[Jul 18,2004 3:32am - the_reverend ""]
that jackson mann place had a sucky stage (read during draw blood), BUT was air conditioned!

mi amore: they sounded more like led zeplin then sludgey... reminded me a lot like coalesce.

draw blood: their branded of short, sweet, and to the point hardcore-ish songs have gotten them a lot in a very short time. they are even playing on hellfest this year. I cut my leg on the stage during their set when maxi-aaron (as oppose to a mini-aaron) hit me. I stood back right, snapped a few shots and thought "that's got to be blood running down my leg" looked and it was so I snapped a few more shots and then when to clean myself up. I got back for their last couple songs.

a life once lost: see devon... the singer told the crowd to go apeshit... anyhow, their set was awesome except for the fact that like all bands, if you stood in front of the PA, all you could hear was the vocals..

cave in: they played a couple of songs that I didn't care about. then a song that was decent. then some more songs that were "hippy shit cause that's what we play now... where have you been for the last 3 releases?" finally, right when I was thinking "why did I want to see them" they ended with juggernaut. that made my night. they were very evil playing teaser song bits in between songs and when people cheered, saying "yeah that is a good song" and stopping. I wished, like always that they would play more old songs.

converge: what can I say about their set? it seems that at points, there were more people on the stage than in the audience with massive pile ups going on on stage. I kept either ducking and pulling my camera back, pushing people back of kurt (guitarist), or getting kicked in my injured leg causing it to bleed more. they played 1 or 2 new songs and they sounds groovier, like one had some riffs that were sabbath-esque. at one point they even started off with a cave in teaser... damn it...
[Jul 18,2004 12:39pm - nick ""]
i think its time for jake bannon to eat a sandwich.
[Jul 18,2004 3:34pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
haha i love how after bob of ALOL was like making fun of all the kids who danced when he said that. haha. oh well. haha they crashed here last night and regis CP knocked on their van in the middle of the night to notice 3 people were sleeping in it and had to explain that they didn't have a place to stay and a few of them were up in my room and shit.

i'd also like to add that the attendence was fucking amazing. it's been a long time i've seen a good DIY styled show like that happen with a crowd this big. I hope more good shows get to this place and that stupid kids that start fights durring converge (Right after jake gave a speach about integrity in the scene) don't ruin it.
[Jul 18,2004 3:40pm - tbone_r ""]
the energy during converge was amazing, both from the crowd and the band. i cant wait to see them again
[Jul 18,2004 3:44pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
converge seemed to be real sloppy on their jane doe stuff. and parts of the song you fail me were pretty sloppy. but they played the rest of the set tighter than they ever normally do.
[Jul 18,2004 3:48pm - George ""]
i got a concussion from the friday show

i hate faggot hardcore retards.

but jacob almost vomited on me during great devistator. the icc really needs an air conditioner, that was disgusting.
[Jul 18,2004 6:14pm - salty_fist ""]
Holy shit that show was amazing. Cave-in was incredible. That instrumental song was cool and groovy. Moral Eclipse and Juggernaut, the two heavy songs they played were great to hear too. I've seen Converge way too many times and I've got to say that was one of the funnest sets ever. Kids really need to stop fighting at shows too. But all in all, I had a great time.
[Jul 19,2004 6:43pm - Phoenix in Flame  ""]
That show was fucking amazing!! I went to both, the second show was far better than the first, better bands and just a better show, 'cept for that fat kid that started fights. I got hit in the right temple by him and it still hurts..bastard. First times i've ever seen Converge and it was incredible, definetly going to the show at the middle east on halloween when they come back.
[Jul 19,2004 6:54pm - tbone_r ""]
does the middle east allow dancing? i thought i heard they didn't
[Jul 19,2004 7:31pm - BigMastaJay ""]
that kid didn't start the fight at the end the fight started because people think they where tuff by cheap shotting a 145 pound kid
[Jul 19,2004 7:35pm - anonymous  ""]
i hate hardcore jocks named collin who punch kids
[Jul 19,2004 7:37pm - anonymous  ""]
that kid fucking sucks!
[Jul 19,2004 11:38pm - XSEXYX  ""]
i think a lot of you are jelous because you dont have a tight friend circle . whomever had the hulk gloves-classic.
[Jul 19,2004 11:41pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
XSEXYX said:i think a lot of you are jelous because you dont have a tight friend circle . whomever had the hulk gloves-classic.

scenesters are gay fuck you and your bullshit unity that you read about.

too many cliques and politics.

xputting x's around your name is retardedx
[Jul 19,2004 11:50pm - JellyFish ""]
what he said
[Jul 20,2004 3:04am - attendmyrequiem ""]
BigMastaJay said:that kid didn't start the fight at the end the fight started because people think they where tuff by cheap shotting a 145 pound kid

haha then they got wrecked by the converge merch dude. hahahaha
[Jul 20,2004 7:26am - -l-invertedcorpse-l- ""]
Let Jesus Fuck You!!! Let'm Fuck You!!! Grrrrraghhhh!!! :middlefinger:
[Jul 20,2004 1:24pm - anonymous  ""]
hey that fat kid that punched my friend needs to realize just cause he's a whale doesnt mean he can pick on kids half his size, 2 of my friends got thrown out mid set because that prick decided to hit my friend alex, they got beaten up then thrown out, they diddnt even do anything!
[Jul 20,2004 3:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
there were whales at that show?


[Jul 20,2004 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
whales are big big big moshers if you didn't know.
they are xmoshxtasticx
[Jul 20,2004 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and colin is one of the scariest, craziest, and nicest people ever.
for the music and the "scene" he's all heart, just stop by mission hill.
[Jul 20,2004 4:45pm - anonymous  ""]
send that fucking meat head colin back to arabia...fucking asshole!
[Jul 20,2004 5:04pm - tbone_r ""]
is that a tear?
[Jul 20,2004 7:13pm - intricateprocess ""]
i think i saw colin somewhere up by the ceiling about to jump off

i thought it was fucking classic

and for a classic qoute that has nothing to do with anything
Jack Parkman,Chicago white sox, from the movie major leauge 2"

"dont stand on the tracks when the train is coming through"
[Jul 20,2004 7:17pm - JellyFish ""]
major league movies are hilarious
[Jul 20,2004 7:18pm - intricateprocess ""]
the best part is the annoouncer
Bob Youker?
[Jul 20,2004 7:20pm - JellyFish ""]
yeah something like that.
[Jul 21,2004 9:53am - sunofneurot  ""]
i drove 200 miles from new york to see this show since i havent seen converge in close to a year. what i dont understand is why people insist on dancing next to the crowd when the pit is ENORMOUS AND COMPLETELY EMPTY. why punch people that are actually trying to watch the band play? when i felt the need to dance i went into THE MIDDLE OF THE PIT. boston style sucks. try to pull that shit in new york.
[Jul 21,2004 1:48pm - joostin in beantown  ""]
maxi-aaron was amazing
[Jul 21,2004 3:11pm - JellyFish ""]
sunofneurot said:i drove 200 miles from new york to see this show since i havent seen converge in close to a year. what i dont understand is why people insist on dancing next to the crowd when the pit is ENORMOUS AND COMPLETELY EMPTY. why punch people that are actually trying to watch the band play? when i felt the need to dance i went into THE MIDDLE OF THE PIT. boston style sucks. try to pull that shit in new york.

i met a guy once who was from jersey and said in new york and jersey the whole crowd fights back when people punch the crowd. That would be glorious to see.
[Jul 21,2004 3:52pm - sunofneurot  ""]
its damn true. ive even seen groups of girls kick the shit out some dudes. bottom line is, dont be a jerk or you will get yours.
[Jul 21,2004 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
lizzy can kick the shit out of anyone, but I think she was on the tour with 100 demons.
[Jul 21,2004 4:12pm - mosh hard or go home!!  ""]
Lizzy is the toughest female ever. She moshes hard.
[Jul 21,2004 4:13pm - tbone_r ""]
yeah, and she doesnt take any shit
[Jul 21,2004 5:11pm - nick ""]
one time in 1992 i was watching blood for blood at the rat and lizzy frigging picked up a radiator and just gunned it at my head. ive still got the radiator, fucking insane!
[Jul 21,2004 6:01pm - todayistheday  ""]
post by sunofneurot at Jul 21,2004 9:53am

i drove 200 miles from new york to see this show since i havent seen converge in close to a year. what i dont understand is why people insist on dancing next to the crowd when the pit is ENORMOUS AND COMPLETELY EMPTY. why punch people that are actually trying to watch the band play? when i felt the need to dance i went into THE MIDDLE OF THE PIT. boston style sucks. try to pull that shit in new york.

shutup. atleast people dance here.....ive been to cbgbs a million times and the crowds always just stand there like idiots
[Jul 21,2004 11:59pm - tbone_r ""]
standing 5ft away from an area that has people flailing around limbs isn't gonna be safe. there are almost always places for people to stand if they really dont wanna get hit.
[Jul 22,2004 12:23am - JellyFish ""]
dude it should be kept in the middle. People on the sides should not be hit, EVER.
[Jul 22,2004 7:06am - anonymous  ""]
I saw this one girl standing on the side during a Life Once Lost and she got nailed in the head by that fat kid. People should watch where they are mindlessly flailing their limbs around.
[Jul 22,2004 7:11am - succubus ""]
that's my lef on the left (jeans)
and NO ONE should ever hit the rev


(or me for that matter)
[Jul 22,2004 11:17am - sunofneurot  ""]
todayistheday said:post by sunofneurot at Jul 21,2004 9:53am

i drove 200 miles from new york to see this show since i havent seen converge in close to a year. what i dont understand is why people insist on dancing next to the crowd when the pit is ENORMOUS AND COMPLETELY EMPTY. why punch people that are actually trying to watch the band play? when i felt the need to dance i went into THE MIDDLE OF THE PIT. boston style sucks. try to pull that shit in new york.

shutup. atleast people dance here.....ive been to cbgbs a million times and the crowds always just stand there like idiots

you obviously go to the wrong shows.

[Jul 22,2004 5:24pm - JellyFish ""]
succubus said:that's my lef on the left (jeans)
and NO ONE should ever hit the rev


(or me for that matter)

absolutely not. But its not like flailing limbs around mindlessly is whats happening. Theres plenty of dick holes who hit people in the crowd, in both the metal and hardcore 'scenes'. Theres no reason why a fan or someone taking pics should be hurt when they arent participating.
[Jul 22,2004 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
people are usually good about looking out for me.
the only time I usually get hit is when I'm someplace stupid.
like in the front row of terror at nemhf dumb me.
[Jul 22,2004 5:37pm - Mosh hard or go home!!!  ""]
Then MOSH HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:skull:
[Jul 22,2004 10:54pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
sunofneurot said:i drove 200 miles from new york to see this show since i havent seen converge in close to a year. what i dont understand is why people insist on dancing next to the crowd when the pit is ENORMOUS AND COMPLETELY EMPTY. why punch people that are actually trying to watch the band play? when i felt the need to dance i went into THE MIDDLE OF THE PIT. boston style sucks. try to pull that shit in new york.

um i think that style was created in NY. go to a Madball show 5 years ago.

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