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The OFFICIAL not in a band and paying to get into PRAY FOR DEATH FEST II Thread

[Aug 6,2014 7:20pm - Enthusiastic Music Fan  ""]
[Aug 6,2014 8:22pm - Upwards and uninterested  ""]
Ha! I bet it doesn't break 15 for the entire weekend.
What a joke
[Aug 6,2014 8:33pm - Bands watching other bands fest  ""]
Ezra crying about the lack of support for this fest the day after will make it all worth it.
[Aug 6,2014 8:54pm - TimRiley ""]
in truth, the attendance headcount isn't looking awesome right now according to the facebook event. but i have no problem going there and enjoying the bands regardless of who shows up. i personally booked crucifier because they haven't been up this way in a long time. i paid for their guarantee out of pocket because i wanted to see them and thought they would add to the strong lineup on the saturday of the fest.

say what you will about that, but when there's a band that i want to personally see, i have no problem using my own money to book it because i can afford it without having to worry about recouping any of the funds.

i also booked obsidian tongue for a show i am doing as a subsidiary booker for promotorhead on 9/6. i'm footing that guarantee too and not taking any door money.

that pretty much sums up my opinion on all that. if 1 person shows up and pays, that's unfortunate for the booker/promoter. if 100 people show up and pay, that's great for the booker/promoter.

doesn't affect me. i'll just be watching bands and drinking booze.

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