Laughable Lumberjack O'Leary[views:11027][posts:53]__________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 12:01am - Battle Flannel ""] [img] |
__________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 9:01am - TimRiley ""] you guys really enjoy my shirt. surprised you don't also enjoy the soccer shorts and hiking shoes. all goes to show how little of a fuck i give about my appearance and/or trying to be trve or whatever. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 9:21am - Betsy Ross ""] TimRiley said:all goes to show how little of a fuck i give about my appearance and/or trying to be trve or whatever. You cared enough to sew all those "cool" patches on your faggy little vest. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 9:22am - Betsy Ross ""] And why is your head so much bigger than your face? Did you get stung by wasps? |
________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 9:23am - xmikex ""] Well hello Tuesday morning... |
________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 9:29am - xmikex ""] Do I assume that the gumball machine in the background is where Promotorhead picks its band names from for their flyers? |
_______________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 11:35am - Joey DeMaio ""] This is not a true brother of steel! His arms are too weak to raise the sign of the hammer high. He probably smells like onions & coconut too. |
__________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 12:49pm - Kindred Spirit ""] [img][img][img][img] |
_________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 1:13pm - CANADA ""] Fuck off eh. we don't want a hoser like this fella. |
__________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 2:30pm - TimRiley ""] it's for a friend of mine who died, but cool story. i will readily admit that re-authoring the sign on the wall was pretty fucking ingenious. |
______________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 2:46pm - Esther Gold ""] I'm David Gold's mother and I approve making fun of this fagget. |
__________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 2:48pm - TimRiley ""] ....that's legitimately an asshole move. |
____________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 2:51pm - David Gold's Rotting Corpse ""] I'm sorry, how do I know you Tim? |
_____________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 2:52pm - Dead, good ""] David Gold, in life possibly a bigger fagget than Grim Gaylord O'Hoolihan. |
______________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 2:54pm - David Gold‘s Rotting Corpse ""] Woods Of Ypres new hit single ' Kiss My Departed Ass With A Desperate Sewn On Patch' |
______________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 3:08pm - Esther Gold ""] I will be signing knockoff David Gold Tribute battle flannels and saying a few words at RPM fest. Right after I mail out personalized Canada patches to all 2000 close personal friends of David on the ITouchedDavidGoldsHandOnce Yahoo mailing list. |
______________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 3:15pm - David Gold‘s Rotting Corpse ""] Mama? Mama is that you? I'm so cold very cold. Why won't they let me rest? Why? I miss you so much Mama. |
_________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 5:59pm - Headbanging_Man ""] TimRiley said:it's for a friend of mine who died I'm confused who/what you are addressing here. Which of these is for your deceased friend: Battle flannel? Sign of the Hammer lowered to half-mast? Coconut/onion fragrance? Low face:head ratio? |
______________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2014 6:59pm - Moronic Memorial McLaughlin ""] [img] RIP |
___________________________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 1:05am - PRAWN SANDWICH GLORYBOYS ""] Soccer shorts? Is that an FCB I spy? You fucking frontrunning fagget; no wonder you have a WitTR back patch and think David Gold was your best friend. Més que un fagget. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 2:52am - anonymous ""] Leave this guy alone. He's actually doing something for the scene rather then sitting online all day and talking trash online like a spineless coward. Get a fucking life. |
_____________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 2:54am - anonymous ""] Oh and for the record my name is Jay and I live in East Longmeadow. Stop being a pussy and man up |
______________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 3:23am - Esther Gold ""] My name is Esther Gold and I dropped more for the scene out of half my pussy than this fagget ever did. |
__________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 8:45am - TimRiley ""] I have been wearing soccer shorts for many years. for no reason other than the $7.99 price tag at Marshall's. Not a fan of soccer. |
________________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 9:21am - In other news ""] Poor ass nigga |
__________________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 10:34am - Ralph Lifshitz ""] TimRiley said:I have been wearing soccer shorts for many years. for no reason other than the $7.99 price tag at Marshall's. Not a fan of soccer. It's nice to see you put as much thought into your sartorial choices as the music you listen to. Mindless consumer seeks like minded fundergrounders, looking for fans of buying patches of bands whose records they've never bought and someone else who doesn't mind eating Applebees. |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2014 5:58pm - Hoser ""] Betsy%20Ross said:And why is your head so much bigger than your face? Did you get stung by wasps? Hahahahahahahahaha. Not jumping on the bandwagon, but that was funny |
_______________________________ [Jul 23,2014 5:59pm - Hoser ""] CANADA said:Fuck off eh. we don't want a hoser like this fella. I am the only true Hoser |
____________________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 6:06pm - silence-sodomite! ""] silence-sodomite! |
___________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 10:37pm - TimRiley ""] i have congenital heart defects which make me dependent on beta blockers and other medication which are steroidal. much like prednisone, this causes tissue bloating which attributes to my appearance. no wasps, just prescription medication that keeps me alive. |
____________________________________________________ [Jul 23,2014 10:48pm - Puffy Prescription Paddy ""] [img] |
_______________________________________________ [Jul 24,2014 12:45am - Ezra's Pig Faced Wife ""] Oink Oink |
___________________________________________ [Jul 24,2014 12:52am - Therealquestion ""] Why does that gumball machine only have a hand full of gumballs in it? |
_________________________________________ [Jul 24,2014 10:14am - Therealanswer ""] I think fat head is chewing all the other ones. |
_________________________________________ [Jul 24,2014 12:56pm - Ezra Langston ""] I got your back Tim! I have revenge memes & a cunt for a wife. These funderground poseurs are going to need hand printed tickets to their own funerals once I'm rhrough with them. I roll Signature Riff now- I got Jersey behind me. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 24,2014 1:44pm - HookedonMetal ""] Tim's obviously into metal and supportive of the local scene. I honestly don't understand what the troll obsession is all about. |
________________________________ [Jul 24,2014 11:52pm - Hoser ""] Me neither |
______________________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 7:04am - Pray 4 Dick Fest II ""] Hoser said:Me neither Hoser you're just assuming he's a red blooded Obama hater good ol boy because of the flannel. He's actually a huge pussy. |
____________________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 9:44am - real_shutup_fagget ""] Pray%204%20Dick%20Fest%20II said: Hoser said:Me neither Hoser you're just assuming he's a red blooded Obama hater good ol boy because of the flannel. He's actually a huge pussy. shutup fagget |
________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 11:04am - Hoser ""] It has nothing to do with the flannel. I just don't understand why the dude is getting tooled on by trolls. Maybe he does deserve it, I have no idea. I haven't seen any evidence that would prove him a tool. |
____________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 11:27am - Old news ""] He's an overnighter. |
__________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 11:36am - Lurker ""] I knew this guy over a decade ago. met him at a pearl street show his death metal band was playing in 2003 or 2004?- i don't know what he's like now but back then he seemed alright for being a kid who probably wasn't older than 15 in a vanilla death metal band. |
________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 11:44am - Nope ""] Lurker said:I knew this guy over a decade ago. met him at a pearl street show his death metal band was playing in 2003 or 2004?- i don't know what he's like now but back then he seemed alright for being a kid who probably wasn't older than 15 in a vanilla death metal band. but ya didn't. |
_____________________________ [Jul 25,2014 11:56am - ? ""] Are Slipknot influenced high school bands now referred to as vanilla death metal? |
____________________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 12:37pm - anonymous fagget ""] Janssen McCormick [img] |
________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 1:17pm - holla ""] Lurker said:I knew this guy over a decade ago. met him at a pearl street show his death metal band was playing in 2003 or 2004?- i don't know what he's like now but back then he seemed alright for being a kid who probably wasn't older than 15 in a vanilla death metal band. Then I put on my robe and wizard hat. holla |
________________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 2:03pm - Ezra Langston ""] I hate this Jew! |
____________________________________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 3:31pm - LEBRON JAMES AT WENDY‘S IN AKRON ""] THIS NIGGA LEGIT. LEAVE DIS NIGGA ALONE. HE AINT GOT NO TIME 4 DIS |
___________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 4:10pm - RimBrady ""] [img] |
______________________________ [Jul 25,2014 5:05pm - Yeti ""] HookedonMetal said:Tim's obviously into metal and supportive of the local scene. I honestly don't understand what the troll obsession is all about. As you know from experience, it's the RTTP gauntlet run. If you can persevere, as time passes the trolls turn their attention elsewhere. |
_______________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 6:20pm - CTBM cryhard ""] Persevering is not really one of our strong suits. |
________________________________ [Jul 25,2014 8:16pm - xmikex ""] Personally, I don't think Grimey Guts Gallivan comes off as a terrible dude. He knows his FCP and like most people I'm sure if I had a conversation with him IRL we'd get along fine. He's got a real knack for putting a target on his back though and aligning with the "don't call us nazis u kikes" scene doesn't help. |
______________________________________________ [Jul 26,2014 11:48am - Alx_Casket_OFFICIAL ""] There are a number of immature posters on this forum like Aril. Don't let them bother you, Tim. |
______________________________________ [Jul 26,2014 4:38pm - the_reverend ""] for the longest time I thought Grime Gallow-whatever was in fact Kyle George trying to hide. I don't know why. |