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More Black Pyramid drama

[May 24,2014 1:32am - doom patrol  ""]
Just received this email from a friend of mine that I'd know was involved with the new lineup of the band:

I just can't do this anymore. Too much weirdness and I have a heavy heart about it all. I was excited to have this opportunity to play with a real band for once. One with such reputation and promise. I just don't know what's really going on with them. None of it makes any sense. It should have clued me in that they're having anyone even distantly involved sign legal releases not to talk about the band to outsiders. That included me, and they specifically don't want talk of the lineup. Theirs the weird thing of having the label reps at every single practice. Then the practices themselves which are so strange. They bring in all of these guest musicians for the song writing. All of the songs seem different every time we would play them. They would have killer writing and we'd play a song that was fifteen to twenty minutes long. And when I would ask if he could do some vocals so I could get the cues better I'd be told that there was no vocals. That it was an instrumental called "Fuck The Music Industry" or some weird shit and it seemed like the two of them were behind some fucked up inside joke. And the label lady would just sit there, laugh nervously and then make these promises about all these big tours. Monday's practice was the last straw and I would never have even stuck it out for that long had it been any other band. But they talk a good talk and you think things will turn around. Fuck that, these people are fucked and so is the band.
[May 24,2014 2:23am - comedic genius  ""]
[May 24,2014 2:35am - hlrie ""]
FYI this is all BS. Nice try.
[May 24,2014 8:42am - orly  ""]
you just talked about the band to outsiders
[May 24,2014 4:58pm - CRYP-TOR  ""]
They practice now in the same building as us. Loud band is loud. Wonder who left, all of them are nice guys.
[May 25,2014 8:06am - HookedonMetal ""]
I don't know them or anything, but this sounds like typical RTTP mudslinging.
[May 25,2014 5:12pm - womp  ""]
shame if this is true. latest album sucked fierce but seems they got back on track now that they have a better lineup.
[May 25,2014 9:00pm - Steve Shea  ""]
And...I'd rather fuck a meat grinder than listen to this bullshit
[May 26,2014 12:49am - Gein  ""]
We have some slots available in the lineup. Anyone interested should email the band.
[May 26,2014 12:54pm - MetalThursday ""]
[May 26,2014 2:47pm - doom patrol  ""]
All 100% true. That was the exact email sent from my friend who drummer for them for the past six months.
[May 26,2014 3:06pm - NICE TRY DOUCHENOZZLE  ""]
band broke up so this is all BS
[May 26,2014 3:13pm - doom patrol  ""]
Look asshole you don't know shit from shinola. They got a big record contract and reformed. A friend of mine had been working on a new album with them for the last six months.
[May 26,2014 3:44pm - THE UGLY TRUTH  ""]
i knowz it and i aint gonna say
[May 26,2014 10:25pm - hlrie ""]
Trolls to be ignored. All up in this thread.
[May 26,2014 10:49pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 27,2014 9:21am - PxBx  ""]
All BS. As stated ignore the trolls. We share a practice space with them and they were still practicing yesterday.

[May 27,2014 9:38am - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
^ Plack Byramid?
[May 27,2014 9:39am - Snowden ""]
Pyramidus Blackulus, if you want to get technical.
[Jun 24,2014 8:06am - Cemetarian  ""]
I laughed when I first read this but turns out it's all true. Lineup is Andy, the first bassist and there having trouble keeping a drummer. There's some chick managing them who is trying to book shows in W. Mass I got asked to do a show with them and got details because it seemed fishy. Still seems fishy.
[Jun 24,2014 12:45pm - maggot piece of shit  ""]

Cemetarian said:I laughed when I first read this but turns out it's all true. Lineup is Andy, the first bassist and there having trouble keeping a drummer. There's some chick managing them who is trying to book shows in W. Mass I got asked to do a show with them and got details because it seemed fishy. Still seems fishy.

log in or false report
[Jun 24,2014 4:54pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
Does anybody still give a shit either way?
[Jun 24,2014 4:54pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
(inb4 crossbow)
[Jun 24,2014 6:13pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 24,2014 7:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Black Pyramid was cool before the nonsense. Fond memories of some great gigs with 'em. RIP Black Pyramid.
[Jun 24,2014 8:45pm - management  ""]
No worries Ryan. You can always come to pray for death since you're the new rttp spokesperson/hype man here. Regarding bottle service in the VIP section, do you have a certain spirit you'd like to reserve?
[Jun 24,2014 9:51pm - management  ""]
perhaps a nice bottle of our vintage.

[Jun 25,2014 11:51am - PxBx  ""]
They just got a new drummer and he has a nicer kit. They all have really nice gear. And really loud.
[Jun 25,2014 12:30pm - Furrow my borough  ""]
wearing a black pyriamid shirt right now. mainly because its a cool shirt. beyond that... i believe this band is no longer relevent.
[Jun 25,2014 1:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
They were good. Unfortunately, the style of doom is beaten to a pulp now. But they were one of the best around thst did it.
[Jun 26,2014 8:46am - what the fuck  ""]
I heard that the chick from Hekseri is their manager now? Is this true?
[Jun 26,2014 11:40am - largefreakatzero ""]

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