mastodon / gojira / kvelertak show[views:3707][posts:10]____________________________________ [May 17,2014 11:23am - mrrwosis ""] I went to this show at the palladium last night. That was probably the dumbest possible way for me to see Kvelertak but I hadn't seen them since they headlined at Great Scott a couple years ago so attendance was mandatory for me. It was hard to achieve full headbanging catharsis while surrounded by mostly disinterested bloated Mastodon fans (who can blame them for wanting to reserve their spots on the floor for the main event) but Kvelertak were great and I had a blast. Set was about half Meir and half debut album. Over the past few weeks I tried to acquaint myself with Gojira's material so that I might wring a little more enjoyment out of this show; i listened mostly to l'enfant sauvage (the second half of which I thoroughly enjoy). After pumping the venue full of smoke Gojira took the stage and their fans on the floor went crazy through their entire set. I bought a $30 tshirt O_O and left before Mastodon's set while fans were still filing in to the venue (not sure if it sold out but it was pretty packed). |
__________________________________________ [May 17,2014 11:51am - comedic genius ""] so? |
_________________________________ [May 17,2014 12:06pm - Mark_R ""] I sort of wanted to go to this, but it was just under my threshold of being worth driving and paying. I have little interest in Mastodon after Leviathan, and I've read mixed reports about how good they are live. I missed a good chance to see them in a small club right after Leviathan came out. Since then, I can't muster much enthusiasm. |
________________________________ [May 17,2014 12:21pm - BenFo ""] I don't understand what was up with the will call line. Did 1500 people all show up at once? We waited in the will call line for well over 30+ minutes. It blew dicks. |
_______________________________________ [May 17,2014 12:58pm - the_reverend ""] I wanted to go for kvelertak. I don't care about newer mastodon and never got into gojira. |
_______________________________________ [May 18,2014 12:31am - Aids hammer ""] Kindly rev, surely thou findesth Keveleraids most uninteresting and full ov cancer . |
______________________________________ [May 18,2014 8:29am - BeholdJudas ""] A friend of mine got smashed over the head with a bottle there and wound up getting her head split open. Palladium crowds living up to their usual levels of classiness, I guess. |
__________________________________________ [May 18,2014 10:11am - comedic genius ""] BeholdJudas said:A friend of mine got smashed over the head with a bottle there and wound up getting her head split open. Palladium crowds living up to their usual levels of classiness, I guess. post her tits |
_________________________________________ [May 18,2014 11:40am - shutup fagget ""] comedic%20genius said: BeholdJudas said:A friend of mine got smashed over the head with a bottle there and wound up getting her head split open. Palladium crowds living up to their usual levels of classiness, I guess. post her tits shutup fagget |
_____________________________________ [May 19,2014 10:53am - i_am_lazy ""] Mastodon sounded pretty damn good...they just picked a boring-ass setlist (Boring enough that I walked out 1/3 of the way through...well, that, and it was too damn hot and crowded in there) Gojira was awesome as always, and Kvelertak was impressive, if a few of their songs seemed a bit overly repetitive. I like the 3-guitar thing they have going on. |
________________________________________________________ [May 19,2014 11:11am - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE ""] Non-boring Mastodon set = all covers (and probably a lineup change). |