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More Acts of Public Racism From The Totally Innocent CTBM Scene

[May 6,2014 11:24pm - Any Given Person With A Web Browser  ""]

Matt Levesque of the band Obsolescence
[May 6,2014 11:35pm - Arduous Task  ""]
You PC fairies think just because we like to use historical terms for referring to negroids that we're racists. Have you ever considered that we're just really interested in history and reenactments?
[May 6,2014 11:54pm - Hollis Hurlbut  ""]
These history buffs seem to forget what happened to all those other bands that talked like racist retards and pretended they weren't NS. Now get out! You're banned from this Historical Society. You, and your children, and your children's children! ... for 3 months.
[May 7,2014 12:05am - Massachussetts  ""]
If "anyone with a web browser" can see it, why bring it up?
Obviously, he posts under his own name, and isn't hiding it, unless it's sarcasm - Why not blow the non-cover in CT instead of here?
If you're so busy naming names, why not yourself?
It is all very boring, the sordid details of a band that sucks and no one cares about but you're making them important, boo-hoo.
[May 7,2014 9:13am - MattL  ""]
Matt lives in MA. Sean lives in RI. what does this have to do with CT again?
[May 7,2014 9:28am - Girlfriend Parents Am Disappoint  ""]
Matt you fucking deadbeat pay us back the $2300. We know you spent $35 on an oil change and wasted the rest on your bullshit demo. It sounds like complete ass and slap bass is for faggets.
[May 7,2014 10:11am - FUKOFF  ""]
Jesus you fucking fairies... Do something with your lives besides stalking peoples FB page... Seriously u FAGGOTTS I hope u all burn u pricks
[May 7,2014 10:14am - Dear Sir or Mam  ""]
Hey is Faggets not Faggots
[May 7,2014 10:43am - Society for Creative Anachronism  ""]
Hark! Thine fooles of thee Connecticut Colonies are most certainly of Hebrew or Moorish ancestry. Spy ye swarthy skins and shifty eyes; the stench of Termagant lie upon them. Guardthytongues_sodomites
[May 7,2014 10:58am - Arduous Grammar Nazis  ""]

FUKOFF said:Jesus you fucking fairies... Do something with your lives besides stalking peoples FB page... Seriously u FAGGOTTS I hope u all burn u pricks

"You" - it's three letters. Just two more than one. Comma after "Jesus." Also ellipses don't work like that. "People's" is possessive and requires an apostrophe, and "faggots" is spelled "faggets," not "faggotts."
[May 7,2014 11:04am - Uncle Pauly in his Fried Dough Stand  ""]
Wots all this wit folks avin a go at me blokes in AT? PC Pansies, the lot of yahs. We stand for vaugely alluded to pricipals you lot can't handle, wink wink nudge nudge like
[May 7,2014 11:04am - FUKOFF  ""]
So funny how NOT ONE of you cowards would DARE speak up to anyone at shows, or in general. U FUCKING PUSSIES! U run to your computers to talk shit, typical PC warrior Faggs
[May 7,2014 11:09am - Arduous Grammar Nazis  ""]
[May 7,2014 11:33am - Somewhere a child is starving  ""]
Arduous Task (n)- A difficult project, an undertaking requiring significant input factors

Listening to the CT black metal band prattle on with their socialist version of history was an arduous task.
[May 7,2014 11:59am - Readers Digest Editorial  ""]

FUKOFF said:So funny how NOT ONE of you cowards would DARE speak up to anyone at shows, or in general. U FUCKING PUSSIES! U run to your computers to talk shit, typical PC warrior Faggs

Speaking of cowards, please tell us which one of you fagget slobs is posting, so we can make said complaint to your bloated pasty face.
[May 7,2014 12:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
On the off chance this isn't all samefag trolling, I will be present and available for comment throughout this evening's Sadistic Intent show.

I'll be the smiley motherfucker with the great hair who logs in to post. Not too hard to find. But ya knew that.
[May 7,2014 12:27pm - FUKOFF  ""]
On no... Is that a threat? Good thing your band isn't playing, I would have to report you and have u guys kicked out
[May 7,2014 12:31pm - Arduous Grammar Nazis  ""]
[May 7,2014 12:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]

FUKOFF said:On no... Is that a threat? Good thing your band isn't playing, I would have to report you and have u guys kicked out

Lol your funny
[May 7,2014 12:45pm - Grammar Cop  ""]
[May 7,2014 12:46pm - lead by satanism  ""]

goatcatalyst said:who logs in to post.

The%20Breathing%20Process‘%20new%20muffintop%20keyboardist said:Dylan says he'd be willing to offer his kit for y'all motherfuckers to use. Just bring cymbals, pedals and snare.

I'm a fascist, so I'll be bringing my amp+cab regardless.

If we could use Nachzehrer bass stuffs for backlining, that could be phat.

What y'all think?

[May 7,2014 12:56pm - xmikex ""]
These guys should take a page from the pros. Hire an NS tour bus driver to do all their racisms for them. A snazzy ad in Northeast Performer aught to do the trick.
[May 7,2014 1:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]

And it would seem my fascist ways have been uncovered. Looks like I won't be able to play out any more :(
[May 7,2014 2:23pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
Laughing heartily at the idea of these fucking shitbags touring in a bus. More like the cardboard box on wheels driven by that fat fuck in American History X.
[May 7,2014 2:32pm - History Student  ""]
So, given that we're all students of history (which repeats itself), how long before one of these dudes is indicted for petty, laughable hate crimes, burns to death in a candle fire, or fails at suicide?
[May 7,2014 2:33pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]
[May 7,2014 2:47pm - Racism  ""]
Racism is only okay when it pays for hosting fees.
[May 7,2014 3:24pm - KTHRSS ""]
The only people one could demonstrate conclusively that Drudkh supports which would display bigotry of any kind would be their support of UPA, also known in English as Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which ethnically cleansed a section of Ukraine of its native Polish population. I understand that Roman Sayenko was in Hate Forest, and that hating Jews is THE WORST POSSIBLE KIND OF HATRED EVAR!!!... But Drudkh have worked pretty hard to separate themselves from that, no?
[May 7,2014 3:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
KTHRSS, they have, and went full-blown hipster with Old Silver Key.
[May 7,2014 3:46pm - Burnsy ""]
Misanthropy or bust. Picking specific avenues of hate is pussy shit.
[May 7,2014 3:49pm - History Student  ""]

Racism said:Racism is only okay when it's not actually a huge deal, just that these dudes are fucking clownshoes and the music is fucking basic and tepid, and also you're not tough edgy boneheads, you're just a bunch of newschool CT townies.

[May 8,2014 8:05am - KTHRSS_nli  ""]
Aril, point taken. However, I would argue that Roman got his hipster out with shitty Old Silver Key, and Drudkh's worst album, I think the English title is Handful of Stars IIRC. Anyway, I thought Vichne Obert Kolesa was quite good. I mostly listen to Orthodox BM now, but I will always appreciate some of the Eastern European BM scene.
[May 8,2014 8:48am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, for a while (maybe they still do, but I'm not sure) Drudkh refused to do interviews. They didn't have an official page until 3 or 4 albums in. I don't think they had realized how big Drudkh was going to get. But they all try to get away from that stigma now, even Nokturnal Mortum.
[May 8,2014 9:15am - xmikex ""]
My worst nightmare is this thread wasting away with a Drudkh discussion
[May 8,2014 9:23am - arilliusbm ""]
^Lol. OK, point taken
[May 8,2014 11:06am - INQUISITION IS RACIST  ""]
Racism is only okay when it pays for hosting fees.

[May 8,2014 11:13am - KTHRSS ""]

xmikex said:My worst nightmare is this thread wasting away with a Drudkh discussion


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