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so I saw that Vacant Eyes band last night..

[Apr 5,2014 11:17am - anonymous  ""]
And they really are the best doom band in New England. If you don't believe that then go find out yourself.
[Apr 5,2014 2:46pm - DYA is BILLYUNS  ""]
Did not see that coming. Well-played.
[Apr 5,2014 4:18pm - Under the bridge  ""]
trolling aside, it was fun folks.
<iframe src=\"//player.vimeo.com/video/91092364\" width=\"500\" height=\"281\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=\"http://vimeo.com/91092364\">Vacant Eyes- Silent Acquiescence Indifference</a> from <a href=\"http://vimeo.com/user3697282\">Ecat Channel 5</a> on <a href=\"https://vimeo.com\">Vimeo</a>.</p>
[Apr 5,2014 4:19pm - Under the bridge  ""]
yes i failed. once again, it was fun, folks. https://vimeo.com/91092364
[Apr 7,2014 5:48pm - another vid  ""]
only half the song but what can ya do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcPgMbIsr1A
[Apr 7,2014 6:37pm - Definitely NOT in the band  ""]
Vacant Eyes is the best doom metal band in New England.
[Apr 7,2014 6:57pm - TimRiley ""]
I posted the video links NLI. whoever the OP is, is without a doubt a troll.
[May 18,2014 9:30am - josh hates logging in  ""]
So I saw that vacant eyes band last night. They were really good.
[May 18,2014 12:21pm - I can tell they are cool  ""]
by their gay selfies and all-over print shirts.

[May 18,2014 2:40pm - legit question  ""]
Did someone photoshop that picture to make that guy's face look freakishly too small for his head?

[May 18,2014 10:32pm - truth  ""]
Band isn't bad but they would do well to ditch the chubby deathcore kid on bass. He is embarrassing.
[May 18,2014 10:41pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
So Damian Sandow shaved? I don't get it.
[May 18,2014 10:41pm - Burnsy ""]

truth said:Band isn't bad but they would do well to ditch the chubby deathcore kid on bass. He is embarrassing.

TimRiley NLI self-deprecation?
[May 19,2014 9:35am - Impressive  ""]
-Goes to band's show.
-Thinks band sounds alright
-Instead if meeting members and seeing that theyre cool guys, runs to RTTP like a faggot to find something to make fun of
-thinks other people are insecure
[May 19,2014 10:22am - Metalcore Groupie Kid  ""]
The bassist is really hot I want to bum him all night long
[May 19,2014 1:28pm - BenFo ""]
Yea I went to that show as well. Pretty fucking awesome music, and most "funeral" doom doesn't really do it for me. I talked to their singer for about 20 minutes. Super chill dude. Not exactly impressed with the new set up at KC's, but whatever.

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