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Post socially unacceptable truths

[Mar 20,2014 3:16pm - conservationist ""]
[Mar 20,2014 4:19pm - butthead radar  ""]
Aaand a post about black-on-white crime, black IQ, or liberal shortcomings in 5.....4...... 3....
[Mar 20,2014 4:28pm - i will tar myself before i identify as WHITE  ""]
[Mar 20,2014 4:28pm - great post!  ""]
[Mar 20,2014 4:29pm - i am a HUMAN i am not a COLOR  ""]
[Mar 20,2014 4:29pm - i am a HUMAN i am not a COLOR  ""]
[Mar 20,2014 4:45pm - Here's Where the Grown Men Break it All Down  ""]
I am just glad the boot-strapping libertarian grown adult breadwinners are lifting our kumbaya-liberal-cultural-Marxist blinders and showing us what it's like when life gets real.
[Mar 20,2014 4:56pm - philosoraptor.  ""]
truth is subjective.
[Mar 20,2014 5:00pm - conservationist ""]

philosoraptor. said:truth is subjective.

That's a socially-acceptable idea, isn't it?
[Mar 20,2014 5:19pm - Hey Conservationist  ""]
What kinda "socially unacceptable truths" were you hoping for? Maybe that Ishtar was actually a great movie? Or that Ford shouldn't have been taken to task for the Pinto debacle?
[Mar 20,2014 5:46pm - philosoraptor.  ""]
conservation is not fagget and should continue he is talking points.

[Mar 20,2014 5:47pm - philosoraptor.  ""]
poor grammar are acceptable for discussion if waring ironic mustache
[Mar 20,2014 7:13pm - conservationist ""]

Hey%20Conservationist said:What kinda "socially unacceptable truths" were you hoping for?

Anything that's both

(1) Socially unacceptable


(2) True

Whatever you can think of.

Hint: this already excludes popular fictions.
[Mar 20,2014 7:13pm - conservationist ""]

philosoraptor. said:poor grammar are acceptable for discussion if waring ironic mustache

I just drew one on.
[Mar 20,2014 7:22pm - the ballad of ron jeremy  ""]
Why don't you start us off with a few from your repertoire, Conserver.
[Mar 20,2014 8:00pm - conservationist ""]
Jobs are modern servitude and generally a waste of time.
[Mar 20,2014 8:07pm - Snowden ""]

conservationist said:Jobs are modern servitude and generally a waste of time.

You're kicking this off on a surprisingly reasonable note. No sarcasm.
[Mar 21,2014 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
I was extremely disheartened the day I realized that when the kid riding in the back of the car is my age, I will still be doing a shitty job. probably the same shitty job.
[Mar 21,2014 9:52am - shitcunt  ""]

Snowden said:
conservationist said:Jobs are modern servitude and generally a waste of time.

You're kicking this off on a surprisingly reasonable note. No sarcasm.

Maybe I'm crazy here. But I don't know of a better system.

How else would you suggest people live? Do want to grow your own plant foods and hunt your own meats? Build a house, keep warm by fire and have no modern technology?

If not, how else would you guys propose everyone gets everything they need?

I'm not trying to start shit either, I genuinely wish to know if there is a better idea for a new system that I am not aware of.

I've heard the whole resource based economy idea. But there seem to be many flaws in that system.
[Mar 21,2014 9:54am - shitcunt  ""]
BTW, I have no issue with hunting.

It's more the premise of doing all of that shit -gardening, chopping down trees, building house, making a fire every time it's cold and every time you need to cook - that seems like too much for me (and most people who are used to our current society and way of life)
[Mar 21,2014 10:19am - Snowden ""]
No-one said anything about a "system."

Maybe the underlying "socially unacceptable truth" is that there's no "system" that's going to fix humankind.
[Mar 21,2014 10:27am - shitcunt  ""]

Snowden said:No-one said anything about a "system."

Maybe the underlying "socially unacceptable truth" is that there's no "system" that's going to fix humankind.

Thanks for the semantics. And for not answering my question. ;)
Have a nice weekend, buddy.

[Mar 21,2014 10:27am - arilliusbm ""]
We are serfs, just like we were 1000 years ago. Nothing has changed in the history of human culture. You're either working for the man, or you're the man. If you're NOT the Man, then we take any ounce of power we have an exploit it.Then, we crave more. Greed is inherit in the human psyche; we must learn to be humble and look beyond the limitations of the financial monsters that define our world.

Socially unacceptable? We gotta break out of our shackles, first.
[Mar 21,2014 10:33am - Snowden ""]

shitcunt said:
Snowden said:No-one said anything about a "system."

Maybe the underlying "socially unacceptable truth" is that there's no "system" that's going to fix humankind.

Thanks for the semantics. And for not answering my question. ;)
Have a nice weekend, buddy.

This isn't a thread for you to ask questions, it's a thread for SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE TRUTHS.
[Mar 21,2014 10:45am - conservationist ""]

shitcunt said:
If not, how else would you guys propose everyone gets everything they need?

I suggest most people are working on stuff that isn't actually necessary, generally for the pretense of those involved.

I have lived "Office Space" and it was just about exactly as the movie described: a few hours of work a week, and then a lot of pro forma activity, with some exceptions (bursts before deadlines).

I see a lot of people making a lot of money doing not much of anything. And we're all carrying the load of other people -- parasites -- who come in several forms: bureaucrats/regulators, welfare cases, entertainers, etc.

[Mar 21,2014 6:31pm - conservationist ""]

arilliusbm said:We gotta break out of our shackles, first.

I think this happens first in the mind, and second with assault weapons and VX gas clouds over Wall Street.
[Mar 21,2014 11:03pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Sorry to hear you guys all have shitty jobs.
[Mar 21,2014 11:11pm - Shutup_ fagget  ""]
[Mar 22,2014 8:13am - Alx_Casket ""]
Please, let's continue discussing how bad you white men have it. Or how about the truth that most entrepreneurs these days are first generation Americans.
[Mar 22,2014 8:55pm - Hoser ""]
If you perceive the word "greed" to describe people that work hard and EARN everything that they have, but who don't want to give it away to the lazy, entitled millenials of your generation....then I am disagree.

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