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Never heard of them, but quite impressed...

[Mar 10,2014 12:01am - Hoser ""]


[Mar 10,2014 8:53am - beyond creation  ""]
to me, they're the best death metal band out there right now. Dominic "Forest" Lapointe is an amazing fretless player. the whole record is brimming with awesome musicianship from every member.
[Mar 10,2014 10:33am - Höser  ""]
Way better than that shit band Hand Stroke Cock ever was.
[Mar 10,2014 6:14pm - Hoser ""]
Hahahahaha.....I love the fact that at least someone posts SOMETHING. These guys are pretty damned good. The vocals are "meh", as they sound pretty much like everyone else, but the musicianship is very good.
[Mar 10,2014 6:15pm - Hoser ""]
BUT, I wouldn't really call them death metal by any means of the title.
[Mar 10,2014 6:22pm - Hoser ""]

Höser said:Way better than that shit band Hand Stroke Cock ever was.

Methinks that this is the same bitter dickhead that constantly tries to bedraggle me.....However, HCN had their niche, we had a lot of fun, we played a ton of shows, met some great people, and had a pretty dedicated fan base as far as I'm concerned. They were some of the best musicians and band mates that I ever had the pleasure of playing with. So, eat a dick anonymous poster guy.
[Mar 10,2014 6:24pm - Hoser ""]
Somebody here has to make a "Real Men of Genius, Mr. Anonymous Poster Guy" I'd pay money to see that.
[Mar 10,2014 7:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I was confusing this with beyond description. oops.
[Mar 10,2014 7:26pm - Spence ""]
Yeah these guys have definitely been building up a solid following over the past two or so years. They even opened for that Cannibal Corpse / Immolation / Napalm Death tour last year.

Their bassist is a beast.
[Mar 10,2014 8:22pm - C_C  ""]
Metalcore with (AWEFUL drum sound) Necrophagist esq arpegiated faggotry with excellent bass work. Take the bassist out of it and put some pick using fag and its a yawn fest of pointless wankery.
[Mar 10,2014 10:01pm - absurd commentator  ""]
bonk bonk slap bounce + metalcore

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