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[Jan 29,2014 8:53pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
People who like early Katatonia, early My Dying Bride and October Tide will probably like us..

Members of Castevet and Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well/Vaura


[Jan 29,2014 10:00pm - TimRiley ""]
this is fucking great.
[Jan 30,2014 3:41am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Thank you bump
[Jan 30,2014 10:30am - boston hobby rocker  ""]
This is really good sounding for two Jews and a faggot.
[Jan 30,2014 12:01pm - Yeti ""]
i like Katatonia and October Tide, i'll have to check this out.
[Jan 30,2014 12:09pm - TimRiley ""]
it's right on the money for pre-distance katatonia. as soon as they started playing in the video, it brought back memories of hearing "deadhouse" for the first time.
[Jan 30,2014 12:10pm - boston hobby rocker  ""]
Wait so who has the trust fund in this band? Oh wait
[Jan 30,2014 1:05pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Oh wait, whose posting anonymously..oh wait.
[Jan 30,2014 2:13pm - xgoblincatcherx  ""]
It's ok but it's no Red Chord.
[Jan 30,2014 3:45pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I dig it.
[Jan 30,2014 5:04pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Thanks, Ryu.
[Jan 30,2014 5:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
8=====D - - - - - ((o))
[Jan 30,2014 5:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
Big fan of older Katatonia, haven't heard this yet. Will check out tonight
[Jan 30,2014 5:32pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Crap vocals but great music.
[Jan 30,2014 5:58pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
A little too much delay on the vocals in the video which is also one of the recordings I put up.
[Jan 30,2014 6:02pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

arilliusbm said:Big fan of older Katatonia, haven't heard this yet. Will check out tonight

Then I would listen to "Transference" first (its the song in the video) because it is filled with K-beats (katatonia beats). The other song is essentially more like early My Dying Bride and Mournful Congregation kind of riffs. These bands are obviously influential to some of our writing.
[Jan 30,2014 6:55pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

Randy_Marsh said:A little too much delay on the vocals in the video which is also one of the recordings I put up.

That's what it is.
[Jan 30,2014 7:40pm - Burnsy ""]
Check out dis parish ova hea! I know dis parish and dis parishionah is dissin tha otha parish.

Good stuff btw, Mike.
[Jan 30,2014 8:04pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Burnsy said:Check out dis parish ova hea! I know dis parish and dis parishionah is dissin tha otha parish.

Good stuff btw, Mike.

Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
[Jan 30,2014 8:40pm - Let Me In The Band  ""]
Thank you.
[Jan 30,2014 9:02pm - divaldo drummer officiel  ""]
band suckss thumb down real drums mesageme
[Jan 30,2014 9:11pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

MillenialKingdom said:
Randy_Marsh said:A little too much delay on the vocals in the video which is also one of the recordings I put up.

That's what it is.

In the very beginning yeah but after that I don't see how they would be "crap" unless you actually don't like the vocals in general because the delay sort of went away and in and out of our whole set.
[Jan 30,2014 9:25pm - Your Dick, My Mouth  ""]
Daddy's check won't clear for another two days and this coke ain't gonna pay for itself.
[Jan 30,2014 9:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Your%20Dick,%20My%20Mouth said:Daddy's anon won't clear for another two anons and this anon ain't gonna anon for itself.
[Jan 31,2014 7:46am - Alx_Casket ""]
cool Kat riffs in the video, I'll check out the soundcloud later.
[Jan 31,2014 4:29pm - cherdentity crisis  ""]
I'm so happy your daddy bought you a new life again in the big city faggot
[Jan 31,2014 6:14pm - anon  ""]
Concerned with anonymous posts pussy? How bout you stop with the "look at me and whos coat tails have I've riden currently" posts on public forums? Better yet come back to Boston and find out for yourself you fucking bitch
[Jan 31,2014 6:32pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I shouldn't have responded it is kind of shitty to post your music on a forum I realized.
[Jan 31,2014 7:40pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
..And I am done posting here.
[Jan 31,2014 10:44pm - Cheerios  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:I shouldn't have responded it is kind of shitty to post your music on a forum I realized.

I disagree. It's not shitty to promote your NEW band on a forum that mainly consists of musicians and fans of music. How else are your material going to get your material out there without riding coattails? You should stop explaining yourself to trolls. Who cares.
[Feb 1,2014 1:21am - Randy_Marsh ""]

Cheerios said:
Randy_Marsh said:I shouldn't have responded it is kind of shitty to post your music on a forum I realized.

I disagree. It's not shitty to promote your NEW band on a forum that mainly consists of musicians and fans of music. How else are your material going to get your material out there without riding coattails? You should stop explaining yourself to trolls. Who cares.

Valid point taken....Thanks.

But it's also never good to be like one of those guys who hands out CD-Rs at the palladium
[Feb 1,2014 12:58pm - fuck AssaJEWzits  ""]
Good band, would be better if it was called Disappreash
[May 6,2015 12:47am - Smurfy827  ""]
Ha!! "melancholy death metal". :::: Pussy ass coward :middlefinger:

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