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What did you do for New Years Eve 2013?

[Jan 1,2014 12:52am - the_reverend ""]
fire works with the kiddo, then dancing in downtown portsmouth, Book n Bar, but he went to bed at 11:20pm so no ball drop with me. Home scanning documents, drinking moonshine, and listening to sleighbells.
[Jan 1,2014 1:14am - Burnsy ""]
Watched the bruins suck, watched twilight zone marathon, ate beef stew and got laid. Not a bad start.
[Jan 1,2014 1:57am - King Thúnderstøol  ""]

[Jan 1,2014 5:14am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Ate pizza with the family, then went to work, where I still have to be for another hour and a half. PARTY.
[Jan 1,2014 5:36am - Hope-4-2014  ""]
Patiently plotted return of old gore/thrash band SNOTSHAKE. New album? Abortion Smoothie
[Jan 1,2014 8:40am - Theodore Ronald Owen Lionel Lewis III  ""]
I just hung out under a bridge.
[Jan 1,2014 11:34am - conservationist ""]
Roofied a bear at South Beach and blew a load in his ass at the stroke of midnight.
[Jan 1,2014 12:10pm - Divaldo Gustavo  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Ate pizza with the family, then went to work, where I still have to be for another hour and a half. PARTY.

i throw beer in your face
[Jan 1,2014 6:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Got mildly buzzed at home because pro alcoholics don't go out on amateur night. Got up early and went ice fishing.
[Jan 2,2014 10:41am - posbleak ""]
Went to the oyster bar to throw back Wellfleets and Duxburies, lobster tails and prosecco with Sean, good times
[Jan 2,2014 11:11am - shitcunt  ""]
Me and my girl went to my mom's for coffee after work. Hung out for an hour or two, then on to her parents house.
Spent the next few hours sitting at their kitchen table enjoying Weed, dinner, dessert, whiskey, beer, cigarettes, Black Sabbath (Master of Reality), and Melvins (Stoner Witch and The Bride Screamed Murder).

At 11:58 we went to watch the ball drop, and then watched some cartoons (Adventure Time and Secret Mountain Fort Awesome). Went to bed around 2 AM)
[Jan 2,2014 11:25am - goatcatalyst ""]
Ask Ghoulash because my recollection is a glorious haze but I may have smooched a serious baberino.
[Jan 2,2014 11:28am - Alx_Casket ""]

posbleak said:Went to the oyster bar to throw back Wellfleets and Duxburies, lobster tails and prosecco with Sean, good times

You win... you always do.
[Jan 2,2014 11:50am - posbleak ""]

Alx_Casket said:
posbleak said:Went to the oyster bar to throw back Wellfleets and Duxburies, lobster tails and prosecco with Sean, good times

You win... you always do.

Come with next time, those Duxburies were spectacular
[Jan 2,2014 11:53am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'll be there with a british accent!
[Jan 2,2014 12:21pm - Shutup fagget  ""]
I saw the ball drop and immediately shut the TV off and said "shut up fagget".

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