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Metal Thursday CCXXIX: INTHESHIT, Fröst Rot, Hospital Bomber, Boxcutter Facelift

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Dec 16,2013 11:00am - robotpie ""]
Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/805889649425328/

21+ / $6


Fröst Rot

Hospital Bomber


Fröst Rot will have some copies of our Rot N' Roll demo tape available, $3 or a gansett
[Dec 16,2013 11:01am - lulz  ""]
in b4 INTHESHIT drops off
[Dec 16,2013 2:34pm - Goatrider ""]
Uh... Is this show even gonna be an hour total?
[Dec 16,2013 3:05pm - Timriley ""]
lol ^
[Dec 16,2013 3:24pm - Eric Struth's Stuffed Peppers  ""]
First 25 people through the door get a complimentary delicious stuffed pepper!
[Dec 16,2013 3:25pm - Timriley ""]
dealbreaker: red or green bell pepper?
[Dec 16,2013 3:37pm - The Real Stuffed Pepper  ""]
Only stuffed ghost peppers are real.
[Dec 16,2013 3:40pm - Timriley ""]
oh man. ghost peppers. worst day of your life the day after.
[Dec 16,2013 4:12pm - xgodzillax ""]
HxB will have some cdrs, cause apparently people still listen to CDs....
[Dec 18,2013 4:19pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Dec 18,2013 5:13pm - Samantha ""]
There is an updated flyer for this on the Facebook event page. I would upload it here now, but I'm at work, and my work computer hates Facebook.
[Dec 18,2013 5:20pm - robotpie ""]
[Dec 18,2013 5:21pm - HookedonMetal ""]
I wonder if Frost Rot is gonna do that cover of "Ausgemobmbt" again.
[Dec 18,2013 5:21pm - Samantha ""]
... and you just beat me to it by 1 minute.
[Dec 18,2013 5:25pm - robotpie ""]

Goatrider said:Uh... Is this show even gonna be an hour total?

To address this concern, we can do an extended version of this immaculate performance of impeccable technical prowess:

[Dec 18,2013 9:27pm - xgodzillax ""]

Goatrider said:Uh... Is this show even gonna be an hour total?

we'll be playing around, MAYBE 15 minutes... I doubt it though
[Dec 19,2013 12:41am - ADD enthusiast  ""]

Goatrider said:Uh... Is this show even gonna be an hour total?

if a show lasts over two hours, you're doing it wrong
[Dec 19,2013 3:48pm - hauptpflucker ""]
[Dec 19,2013 4:02pm - TimRiley ""]
metal thursdays. never does a lineup appear that i am interested in on a payweek. dang'ol bi-weekly shit.
[Dec 19,2013 8:57pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS  ""]

TimRiley said:metal thursdays. never does a lineup appear that i am interested in
[Dec 19,2013 9:39pm - real_shutup_fagget ""]
shutup fagget
[Dec 20,2013 9:00am - robotpie ""]
Fun show was fun
[Dec 20,2013 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
I didn't know this was last night... wasn't on the events page.
[Dec 20,2013 1:07pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Great time last night. The presence of hardcore dancers at this show kinda made me cringe, but Frost Rot was really good. Still a few bugs to shake out, but I noticed a huge improvement since the last gig. Also, that Venom cover was sick.
[Dec 20,2013 2:46pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
[Dec 20,2013 3:00pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Luckily I heeded that precaution and didn't wear spandex.
[Dec 20,2013 3:57pm - xgodzillax ""]

HookedonMetal said:The presence of hardcore dancers at this show kinda made me cringe

whats funny is that they were just drunk, but you still didnt have enough balls to say anything to their faces. you just stood there and talked shit behind and gave them numerous thumbs down while their backs were turned. and if you didnt realize, hospital bomber is just a confused hardcore band, but maybe the pizza grease and womens hair products clogged your ears...

Anyways, thanks Chris for letting us make everyone uncomfortable last night
[Dec 20,2013 4:14pm - HookedonMetal ""]
More likely it was the added grease from the egg rolls they had in back.
[Dec 20,2013 4:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Dec 20,2013 4:43pm - Christian Weston Chandler  ""]
Were there any boyfriend free girls?

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