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This Weds: Vattnet Viskar, Hivesmasher, InAeona, and Astronoid

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Dec 15,2013 8:31pm - aaron_michael ""]
Weds December 18
TT the Bears

Vattnet Viskar (Atmospheric Metal)
HIVESMASHER (Angry Male Music)
InAeona (Second Wave Christopher Cross)
Astronoid (Atmospheric Third Wave Christopher Cross)

People experiencing homelessness have a much higher risk than the general population of developing exposure-related conditions such as hypothermia and frostbite. These conditions can be immediately life threatening and may also increase the risk of dying from unrelated conditions in the future. Increased homeless services, especially additional shelter availability, are necessary to accommodate the amplified need in the winter.

When shelters are full or not an option, let's help deliver some warmth this winter!

$10 without donation
$5 with donation of clothing
Bring usable hats, gloves, scarves, winter jackets, etc.
[Dec 15,2013 9:24pm - Faggets Gonna Fag  ""]
Bring useable pillows. Use them while Vattnet bores the ever loving shit out of everyone at the show.
[Dec 16,2013 1:07am - Urban Outfitters  ""]
Vattnet fans oughta be able to keep homeless necks warm for generations to come.
[Dec 16,2013 1:08am - Urban Outfitters  ""]
(That was a scarf joke.)
[Dec 18,2013 7:56am - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 18,2013 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
Damn, if this had been on the events page, I would have brought my gear.
[Dec 18,2013 10:36am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Good job not putting it on the events page, buttdarts. I could have gaffled Aaron's camera when he fell asleep during Nappnet Whiskar
[Dec 18,2013 1:50pm - aaron_michael ""]
So come without your gear. And those wall pissing beasts you're always complaining about. We can throw them against the walls and show them who's boss.
[Dec 18,2013 2:03pm - Alx_Casket ""]

the_reverend said:Damn, if this had been on the events page, I would have brought my gear.

Spoken like a true non-photographer

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