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July 13th: Lacuna Coil in Bradford Ma

Club 125 (Bradford, Ma) - [hexerei][i][jaded][lacuna_coil][leaving_eden][leviticus][screw]
[Jul 12,2004 3:22pm - the_reverend ""]
at club 125!?! I just found out this is really happening...
weird... i'm going to try to be there, I guess.
[Jul 12,2004 5:03pm - dreadkill ""]
i heard on waaf that it is an waaf exclusive event, because they discovered lacuna coil, the newest and only metal band ever from italy, and are directly responsible for lacuna coil's success. actually, i think waaf introduced the members of the band to each other and wrote all the songs for them.
[Jul 12,2004 5:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I might just show up.
[Jul 12,2004 6:10pm - dreadkill ""]
show up and tell them you listened to lacuna coil before all their 15 year old fans had menstrual cycles. if that doesn't impress them, poke the bouncer in the eyes.
[Jul 12,2004 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
there are 2 different shows tomorrow.
one is an acustic "special" one and the other is just at a bar in haverhill/bradford.
[Jul 12,2004 7:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i missed the memo on that one. that's a hardworking band. if i didn't have band practice i'd consider going to that show. hopefully all the little girls will win tickets to the aaf show so you won't have to deal with them at the club 125 show.

back when aaf first started playing lacuna coil, i had the radio on at work and carrie was interviewing them. she asked what bands they had recently toured with and they mentioned opeth and some others and carrie asked them why they didn't tour with good american bands. i wanted to reach through the radio and clobber the bitch.
[Jul 12,2004 7:53pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 12,2004 7:59pm - succubus ""]
National Recording Artists 'LACUNA COIL' for their only appearance in the Merrimack Valley!!!!
with Guest bands...
'Leaving Eden'
i don't know any of the other bands...i didn't get to chat with them today unfortunately..i think i wanna go and i know who else will want to
[Jul 12,2004 8:06pm - succubus ""]
damn..the show is sold out
[Jul 12,2004 8:07pm - the_reverend ""]
what?!? it's on my way home so I'll probably stop and bug george.
[Jul 12,2004 8:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
sold out? really wow. i was going to go..its tonight right?
[Jul 12,2004 8:58pm - succubus ""]
no, it's tomorrow
[Jul 12,2004 10:02pm - dyingmuse ""]
ahh i see. i never know what the date is
[Jul 12,2004 10:57pm - Jay TUS  ""]
I talked to George a few times today. He's out on Ozzfest for two weeks with God Forbid I think...
[Jul 12,2004 11:00pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it... I wonder who from CM or NB will be there
[Jul 13,2004 12:15am - dreadkill ""]
i saw that band hexerei one night when i was hanging out at the bombshelter. they are one of those rapping nu metal bands. the other ones i have never heard of. blarf
[Jul 13,2004 1:39pm - Sinistas ""]
jaded is apparently an all-female hard rock band, or so I hear
[Jul 13,2004 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
word 'em up!
[Jul 13,2004 5:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm heading off to this now.
if anyones curious about if it's sold out or not, you cand call me later if you want to see about going.
[Jul 13,2004 7:50pm - succubus ""]
ok just got off the phone with aaron and he told me to pass along the message...it's definitely not sold out

lacuna coil is going on at 11pm
[Jul 13,2004 11:26pm - succubus ""]
weird..he called me again and it's still not sold out
[Jul 14,2004 1:10am - the_reverend ""]
ok, I'm working on pictures, they will be up in a few minutes.

question: why when a bunch of photographers are taking pictures, I'm the one that gets told to stop shooting after 3 songs? I didn't like lacuna's tour manager.
[Jul 14,2004 1:14am - the_reverend ""]
pictures should be uploading now.
[Jul 14,2004 7:36am - Kalopsia ""]
that whole pictures for the first 3 songs bit is so retarded. there's no point to it
[Jul 14,2004 8:25am - succubus ""]
well there is a point...for people paying for tickets so that they do not have people in front of them for their entire set
plus it can be distracting to the band as well.

most of my shows are no flash...but imagine with a flash...more distracting to everyone
[Jul 14,2004 9:02am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:
question: why when a bunch of photographers are taking pictures, I'm the one that gets told to stop shooting after 3 songs? I didn't like lacuna's tour manager.

o well it's just lacuna coil.... looks like you got plenty of shots off in that amount of time anyways.

holy hottness

the question is, were they actually good?
[Jul 14,2004 9:08am - succubus ""]
his point isn't that 3 songs isn't enough .. it's that whenever time is up or whatever...there can be 10 photographers in the pit and they will go to him right away and tell him to stop taking photos...

[Jul 14,2004 10:47am - SUBJUGATE ""]
hey rev howz about a review of the show
[Jul 14,2004 10:50am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 14,2004 10:51am - RustedAngel ""]
I want to hump the guitarist and vocalist.
[Jul 14,2004 10:52am - succubus ""]
he's working on it now! (almost done) =)
[Jul 14,2004 10:56am - SUBJUGATE ""]
i wanna know if they are any good or just some gay novilty

their bio makes em out to be a novilty and says nuthing about what they sound like
[Jul 14,2004 10:59am - the_reverend ""]
I met up with jeremey( http://www.jeremysaffer.com/ ) there who got me in. I got to hear all about how good the RIB slayer set was. We hung out with Marco from lacuna coil and Dan from Century Media playing pool before the show.
why were there so many people in this club that I recognized from pinkerton academy?

screw: they reminded me of that resinator band that I saw once from portsmouth. this was thefirst nu-metal band.

i: the second nu metal band. they were only interesting cause all 4 members sang and did some harmonies which caught your attention because there was 4 voices blaring at you, it sounded like tool covering priest. They had samples that played between songs.

leviticus: 3rd nu metla band. from newton, nh? weird... toolish sounding vocals. I'd never seen them, but always heard about them from the bombshelter staff. they weren't really my thing, but they weren't that bad. I don't know what's up with the skull paint so don't ask me.

hexerei: slow.. and when they said they were going heavy, it wasn't. what's with all the tool-esque vocals? if you are counting, nu metal band #4.

jaded: I was expecting the worst from them. their songs were simple tame-girl-punk rock. Like the pictures show, there was a lot of show-boating and stuff like that; long drum solo, the guitarist getting up on the bar and playing, etc... Half the time I would have sworn they were lip-synching cause it didn't really seem like they were playing... sort of like when the save-by-the-bell kids played in a band. they ended with a cover of Youth Gone wild that I will admit, I was singing along to. This band definitely has the Andrew WK factor... you know, it's not really your thing and the music isn't that original, but they are having such a genuinely great time that you can't help but enjoy it.
ps: is that starry (spider gates) on bass?

leaving eden: they started off on a bad note,imho... the girl singers were horribly out of tune with each other. it got better in to the set. they guy guitarist also sung which maybe balanced things out. they ended with a cover of the song Zombie by the cranberries.

lacuna coil: these guys (and girl) were the reason I went to the show. Even though their tour manager bothered me, I enjoyed myself thoroughly. their set was very enjoyable and sounded awesome (barney from the palladium was there doing the sound). I heard someone say that all their songs sounded the same.. and they sort of do.. 3 of the songs they played tonight sounds very similar. they played one song in italian. I did notice that all the crowd was very WAAF and danced like they were in sipknot to lacuna... that weirds me the f out. they even did 2 encore songs. Makes me want to hear their acustic set they did earlier in the evening.
[Jul 14,2004 8:41pm - wee...bink!Haverhill  ""]
was this Hot Bitches Playing Music Fest 2004 or what?
[Jul 14,2004 10:04pm - WhyamIandasshole at home  ""]
Maybe I'm missing something but the only Lacuna Coil I heard sounded like Evanescence but not as infuriating. Does the rest of there stuff not sound like that?
[Jul 14,2004 10:05pm - Kalopsia ""]
wee...bink!Haverhill said:was this Hot Bitches Playing Music Fest 2004 or what?

no but that's a damn good idea
[Jul 14,2004 10:09pm - Kalopsia ""]
ok so someone just informed me that i should remove these photos because they are so huge and are taking up too much bandwith or something like that. i really don't understand but whatever, i don't wanna cause a problem so i'll just leave one pic up. go to jadedrocks.com and check out their photos, for they are hot.

[Jul 14,2004 10:28pm - christraper ""]
Ill take the guitar player please.
[Jul 14,2004 11:45pm - Abbath ""]
i think i just filled the cup
[Jul 14,2004 11:49pm - Kalopsia ""]
i filled a fucking keg
[Jul 15,2004 7:21am - Kalopsia ""]
does leaving eden have a website?
[Jul 15,2004 8:07am - the_reverend ""]
go figure.
[Jul 15,2004 3:45pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Jaded: the drummer is from Tootsie,And the Guitarist used to be in Still Well Angel if anyone really cares...
[Jul 15,2004 6:04pm - BornSoVile ""]
I saw Tootsie one night.
[Jul 15,2004 6:28pm - Kalopsia ""]
ok so leaving eden's music is really not good, but the girls are so hot i'd still see them live
[Jul 15,2004 7:06pm - JellyFish ""]
[Jul 16,2004 1:11am - Abbath ""]
looking at these girls makes me happy
[Jul 16,2004 1:41am - the_reverend ""]
eric (csdo) was there and gave carina and me a p0rno dvd.
looks like I gotta set up that surround sound.
[Jul 22,2004 11:45pm - hippie  ""]
Does anybody know anything about Still Well Angel??? What kind of music they were? Who was in the band? Did Brittney record any demo's with them?? Do they have a website???
[Aug 1,2004 4:36pm - wildzebra ""]
well i USED to be a friend of the boys in STILL WELL ANGEL so i know pretty much anything you want to know.....for one thing sean the lead singer is a cocky bastard who thinks he was a born celebrity. he strings the rest of them around somehow and he pretty much thinks the band is just him. he is also the reason why they can't get gigs and have PISSED through guitar players in the last 3-4 years....i haven't heard of them playing a show recently or having anything planned in the future....even there website is gone.....i think it's safe to assume the band has failed.....and in my opinion....they were lucky for the short time they had Brittany Steel on board she kicks ass and i do not know what would have made her join the pathetic enterage
[Aug 1,2004 4:45pm - wildzebra ""]
also regarding still well angel as i got carried on about their bad points .....sean's twin brother steve is the drummer (very talented guy by the way)...kex is their evil and mysterious bass player..also very talented...and sean is lead vocals and rythym guitar....also heard they had taken on their millionth guitarist....kex and steve should seriously consider ditching sean and trying something without a dictator and their sound was similar to pantera meets backstreet boys
[Aug 1,2004 10:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
you are wild!
I am black from the waist down and white from the wallet up!!
[Aug 1,2004 11:51pm - slippy  ""]
Is Brittany singel? I heard she is lesbo? Any truth to this??
[Aug 2,2004 12:39am - Abbath ""]
god i love jaded but only for looks holy hottness just looking at them makes me giggle
[Aug 2,2004 1:12am - swamplorddvm ""]
damn dey be some hot sluts at that show!!!
[Aug 2,2004 2:28pm - wildzebra ""]
not sure on brittany's "preference" but I sure hear that she is not shy...i've also been told all the girlz are great musicians and very friendly and appreciative of the fans
[Aug 3,2004 7:37pm - Evergreen ""]
Saw Jaded on Saturday night at Bomb Shelter - I blew off Jars of Clay and Newsboys to see them. Wicked show, well put together, yeah the girls are hot but mainly they're a good band. Let's do something together again. Oh, and, um, sorry I almost walked off with your snare!
[Aug 6,2004 4:48pm - wildzebra ""]
this is for hippie....re: still well angel....guess i was wrong...they aren't done yet.....still well angel will be playing for rock 101's homegrown show Wednesday Aug 11 @ 8:30 @ the Hog's Trough Saloon in Manchester NH
[Oct 6,2004 8:50pm - megadeth  ""]
rumor has it ...brittany is just an immature girl ....very flirttacious..she doesn't give two shits about her fans...just takes em for granted. She is not sencere in what she says and big time BULLSHITTER. She's mad fake..On the other hand the drummer is supposed to be the coolest one of them all...totally opposite from the rest of em.
[Jan 5,2005 11:43am - anonymous  ""]
saw jaded at the rockpile on new years and they sucked. they been
doing the same songs,the same boring drum and guitar solos since
they started, the bass sucks,the singer can't sing,the drummer is the
only one that is good in the band. the guitarist is a self centered
immature girl that doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself.
all they are is good to look at. but maybe someone should tell them
that there is a little more to this business then the way you look.
[Jan 5,2005 11:47am - JusticeACR ""]
who fuckin cares man... why do these random jaded things keep poppin up, this is a metal forum
[Jan 5,2005 11:48am - litacore ""]
I love that a band called Hexerei opened this bill for one of my most UN-favorite bands, Lacuna Coil

sounds like a great show.
[Jan 5,2005 11:48am - RustedAngel ""]
the day they play naked is the day I become a fan.
[Jan 5,2005 11:50am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:I love that a band called Hexerei opened this bill for one of my most UN-favorite bands, Lacuna Coil

sounds like a great show.

great like getting eviscerated for christmas:pukeface:
[Jan 5,2005 11:50am - tbone_r ""]
"the day they become naked is the day i become a fan"

hahah agreed.
[Jan 5,2005 11:50am - litacore ""]
I tried to play topless during a Pornbelt show but the bartender admonished me

but it certainly got people's attention
[Jan 21,2005 3:48am - SC  ""]
Nevermind Jaded
Here Comes

[Feb 4,2005 1:51pm - anonymous  ""]
i will agree and say jaded is pretty talentless... i mean, they are "attractive" but only in that 1984 kind of way. the drummer, hillary, is the only one that can actually play her instrument. from what i've seen, brittany just plays scales the whole time, and the bass player struggles to play a simple beat. also, how much talent could they have if they just ripped off tootsie's set list? jaded just reminds me of a tootsie tribute band, accept they do a shitty job impersonating erika and the bass player. where is erika? listening to tragic just isn't the same.

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