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I would kill somebody in front of their mother for....

[Jul 12,2004 1:40pm - iamwiggins ""]
an eyes like autumn t-shirt or hoodie...

does anyone have any possible leads? any time i saw them i never had enough money to buy merch.

what would you kill someone in front of their mother for?
[Jul 12,2004 1:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
lol, why would you want one of those?
[Jul 12,2004 1:42pm - wood ""]
The chance to rape their mother.
[Jul 12,2004 1:47pm - iamwiggins ""]
i just want one ok?! haha.

no seriously. i do.
[Jul 12,2004 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
their hoodies were funny.

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