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Marty Friedman's new album to feature David Davidson

[Nov 11,2013 11:32am - zyklon ""]
[Nov 11,2013 11:41am - Jason Becker sitting at home on a couch  ""]
Very well then. *flicks on Spongebob*
[Nov 11,2013 1:56pm - Christian Weston Chandler  ""]
Can Christian and the Hedgehog Boys get on this?
[Nov 11,2013 9:21pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
The article needs to reword the guest appearances section...I doubt Jason Becker's playing anything...unless they taped a guitar pick to his eyelid or something.
[Nov 14,2013 11:59pm - Ancient master nli  ""]
He still compses midi tunes suprisingly, he arranges the notes with his eyes, and hes put out a few albums like that already
[Nov 15,2013 7:23am - Burnsy ""]

Ancient%20master%20nli said:He still compses midi tunes suprisingly, he arranges the notes with his eyes, and hes put out a few albums like that already


IANM - if you haven't seen the documentary "Not Dead Yet," I highly recommend it.
[Nov 15,2013 9:04am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 15,2013 11:16am - zyklon ""]
Good doc
[Nov 16,2013 9:58am - Mess ""]
Marty was a big influence to me growing up
[Nov 17,2013 10:25pm - i_am_lazy  ""]

Ancient%20master%20nli said:He still compses midi tunes suprisingly, he arranges the notes with his eyes, and hes put out a few albums like that already

That's what I was saying. Would he technically be "playing" if he did that?

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