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Presidents Rock Club (Quincy, MA) - [big_noise][eyehategod][fistula][livver][randomshots][summoning_hate][the_confrontation]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Oct 22,2013 12:25pm - Robing ""]
16+ 6pm
Tix available here:
[Oct 22,2013 1:12pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Who is drumming for EHG?
[Oct 22,2013 1:42pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?
[Oct 22,2013 2:25pm - Devin Charette  ""]
I'm assuming I get into this shown for free since you are in love with me. If I have to pay then I'm going to get my old neighbors to come by and to you at gun point just like they did to me.
[Oct 22,2013 2:25pm - Devin Charette  ""]
Rob you at gun point.
[Oct 22,2013 3:18pm - Pushed was the Robin  ""]
Pushed was the Robin
[Oct 22,2013 10:17pm - RobinG ""]
[Oct 22,2013 10:18pm - RobinG ""]
Let the jealousy begin :( too bad.
[Oct 22,2013 11:36pm - Devin Charette  ""]
You are me. I am you.
[Oct 24,2013 11:56am - Robing ""]
clever tix on sale now.
[Oct 24,2013 1:06pm - Devin Charette  ""]
clever tix on sale now.
[Oct 25,2013 3:39am - Devin Charette  ""]
Coffee cake is dry as fuck. I live in Salem now fuck you if you don't want to buy a slice.
[Oct 25,2013 11:47am - Robing Your Wallet  ""]
What a shock. Your shitty fucking band that can't even keep their only talented members is opening up for EYEHATEGOD again. What a shock. The only other bands on the bill are the last pieces of scum in this town who you haven't pissed off. What a shock. It's at a shitty fucking club that no one wants to go to in fucking QUINCY because you've burned every fucking bridge at any club where people would actually go to see this. You've got about 6 months left of booking shows before people realize that you have no pull in Boston anymore, as if you ever did.

As soon as everyone realizes that the only shows you can book are in Quincy or in fucking basements in Lynn they're all going to someone else who can still book them at a real bar in the fucking city. And then what's Livver going to when they have no shows to play? Oh probably just suck eachother off like you do right now anyway. Good job you piece of shit.

[Oct 25,2013 12:03pm - shitcunt  ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Who is drumming for EHG?

Anyone know yet?
[Oct 25,2013 6:09pm - Slayer drenched in syrup  ""]
ehg has an open tourdate the night before this show: please tell me they're gonna play pvd?!?..
[Oct 25,2013 6:40pm - Man Rammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?
[Oct 25,2013 6:46pm - curious observer  ""]
What's all the hatred for Robin G about? I wouldn't pay $23.75 to see EHG anyway. Tickets should be $18 for the LULZ.
[Oct 26,2013 6:23pm - One Fund  ""]
Why wasn't the benefit money ever turned in?
[Oct 26,2013 7:36pm - James Taylor  ""]
Robin takes credit for the marathon bombing benefit show despite having almost nothing to do with it.

Sweet dreams and flying Goodhues at the bottom of the stairs
[Oct 26,2013 7:50pm - Josh Martin NLI  ""]

Robing%20Your%20Wallet said:What a shock. Your shitty fucking band that can't even keep their only talented members is opening up for EYEHATEGOD again. What a shock. The only other bands on the bill are the last pieces of scum in this town who you haven't pissed off. What a shock. It's at a shitty fucking club that no one wants to go to in fucking QUINCY because you've burned every fucking bridge at any club where people would actually go to see this. You've got about 6 months left of booking shows before people realize that you have no pull in Boston anymore, as if you ever did.

As soon as everyone realizes that the only shows you can book are in Quincy or in fucking basements in Lynn they're all going to someone else who can still book them at a real bar in the fucking city. And then what's Livver going to when they have no shows to play? Oh probably just suck eachother off like you do right now anyway. Good job you piece of shit.

Why would you book a show like that and NOT put your own band on the bill??? Thats the whole point of booking a show like that. Its not like theres a ton of money to be made.
[Oct 26,2013 8:06pm - Show Improvement Advisor  ""]
Totimoshi should be on this bill as well just so we can watch Robin get beaten to a pulp again.
[Oct 28,2013 9:23am - Robing ""]
I paid Totimoshi everyone knows your a liar.
I took credit for finding a venue that would hold the benefit. Money not being turned in is getting worked out by 2 band members and I am CC'd on the conversation and have helped get them in touch with both parties who have not turned it in.
So yeah you know alot. Livver has tons of good shows coming up, RI, NH, Maine, possibly a tour with Hivesmasher and Iron Reagan next year and Canada.
[Oct 28,2013 9:26am - Robing ""]
Keep on thinking of me as a show promoter as well, I do one hundred other things but since you can't figure anything out for yourselves like how to e-mail or call a venue or have a meeting with the city because your too high or stupid that's not on me.
[Oct 28,2013 9:48am - Robing ""]
As for working in Boston, TT's, Cambridge Elks, PA's, Obriens, and more I continue to put shows there. So your statement is void. I may also be doing more at Lido, Sammy's Patio, Presidents and more. Sorry your so fucking mad. I am just a promoter, promoting shows.
[Oct 28,2013 9:50am - Robing ""]
I don't burn bands either they burn me. Get it straight.
[Oct 28,2013 10:56am - Negative  ""]
Robing you don't have to explain yourself to these cocksuckers! Obviously they're jealous you book great bands and they don't! If they have a problem with you they should at least say it to your face and not hide like faggots behind a keyboard..
[Oct 28,2013 11:12am - SAMEFAG CONTAINMENT UNIT  ""]

Negative said:Robing you don't have to explain yourself to these cocksuckers! Obviously they're jealous you book great bands and they don't! If they have a problem with you they should at least say it to your face and not hide like faggots behind a keyboard..

[Oct 28,2013 11:21am - GRAMMAR NAZI  ""]
[Oct 28,2013 12:09pm - Robing ""]
[Oct 31,2013 6:16pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Who is drumming for EHG?

[Oct 31,2013 7:27pm - derm  ""]
locals + $23.75 + quincy + sunday = don't think i love eyehategod that much

[Nov 13,2013 1:13pm - Robing ""]
Only a handful of online tickets left.
[Nov 13,2013 1:33pm - Melody Permablackeye  ""]

obvious%20answer%20man said:
R.%20Obin%20Throw%20(E.R.) said:[img]

[Nov 17,2013 6:53pm - the_reverend ""]
Here. The venue's awesome. COLIN runs it.

Big noise was really cool. What made them even better was their equipment was playing the TVs sound when they were quiet. That was cool.
[Nov 17,2013 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
Summoning Hate with erectile dysfunction commercials was hilarious. On the sides of the stage, it sort of sounded like ass, but once you went to the middle of the stage, it sounded great.
[Nov 17,2013 7:45pm - the_reverend ""]
This place is like a much bigger O'Briens.
[Nov 17,2013 8:14pm - the_reverend ""]
The confrontation sounded really really good. Again, it sounds so much different on the side for the stage and the front of the um... "stage"
[Nov 18,2013 1:47am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 18,2013 4:51am - xgodzillax ""]
summoning hate and confrontation pictures got mixed up
[Nov 18,2013 10:12am - the_reverend ""]
what the hell did I do there...
[Nov 18,2013 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
should be fixed now.
[Nov 18,2013 1:20pm - TMZ Social Media  ""]
TMZ will be posting the details of the Rev's royalty checks from PRC. Laying it on a little thick.
[Nov 18,2013 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I got some videos of EHG that I will upload tonight after my checks clear.
[Nov 20,2013 3:08am - desperate  ""]

the_reverend said:I got some videos of EHG that I will upload tonight after my checks clear.

any word on when them videos are going up rev?
[Nov 20,2013 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
oops, thanks for the remind. let me organize them and upload them. I had 2.

on a related note, I "recorded" white nigger and one other song and then realized that I never hit the record button.
[Nov 20,2013 4:53pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Checks didn't clear :(
[Nov 20,2013 7:19pm - the_reverend ""]
i have a job..
[Nov 20,2013 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 20,2013 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 21,2013 6:44am - badsneakers ""]
the bennyhillifier is really funny on the first video

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