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Godflesh tour postponed till April

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Oct 13,2013 10:44am - spence ""]
[Oct 13,2013 10:48am - xgodziIIax  ""]
[Oct 13,2013 11:29am - Burnsy ""]
I don't get this band at all. I couldn't get 3 songs into that concept album about sweeping streets or whatever.
[Oct 13,2013 12:12pm - the_reverend ""]
streetcleaner was my jam. I talk about it on RTTP a lot.
[Oct 13,2013 5:04pm - conservationist ""]
Streetcleaner is the peak of this band. They've never attained it before or since. I will always wonder what was responsible for this sudden leap in quality.
[Oct 13,2013 9:33pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
I think Pure was pretty good, and the Merciless EP is essential. But yea, after Streetcleaner they got pretty boring.
[Oct 15,2013 11:46am - chrisREX ""]
Not many records in this world are heavier than Streetcleaner.
[Mar 26,2014 2:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
So this is in two weeks. Same night as the Satan show. I'm torn... Already have the Satan tickets.. Might sell em.. Anyone going to this?
[Mar 26,2014 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
MAKE A NEW THREAD. i saw "Godflesh tour postponed" and almost had a fucking coronary.
[Mar 26,2014 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
I don't even care what they play, just play! I'll take a 20 minute set of "Go Spread Your Wings" for fucks sake.
[Mar 26,2014 3:32pm - Divaldo Gustavo  ""]
I go to show. I want satan but no ticket for ralph. GOSFLESH AND DIMONIC REQUIEM SHOULD SHOW TOGETHER. KNOW THE BOOKER?

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