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I remember when this site was fun...

[Oct 1,2013 3:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 1,2013 3:13pm - Get rid of anonymous posting  ""]
Get rid of anonymous posting
[Oct 1,2013 3:24pm - ark  ""]
facebook integration! conform!!!!!!!
[Oct 1,2013 3:33pm - RTTP autoresponse service  ""]

Get%20rid%20of%20faggets% 20like% 20me%20posting said:Get rid of logged in posting
[Oct 1,2013 4:23pm - grandmotherweb ""]
bump the fun threads, then
[Oct 1,2013 6:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 1,2013 9:51pm - kaboomgan  ""]
what Dwyer said
[Oct 1,2013 11:38pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
pre facebook and pre widespread anon logins. I want my 2005 back
[Oct 2,2013 9:35am - Stoned Mulatto Troll  ""]
I apologize for my inability to contribute high-quality trolling of late. Even trolls have real-world responsibilities.

RTTP is a great fucken site and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

The problems are twofold:
1. The great modern metal trend has failed.
2. Forums in general are failing as smart people flee the internet.

Dwyer's got a point with Facebook, but if you ask me, this was coming. First they got the college kids online, then the upper middle class kids, then the middle class kids, then all the fuckups (www.reddit.com), the ghetto birds, the people on mental health disability, the grannies on social security, the fat people, etc.

That's why myspace ate shit. It was great when it was college and middle class kids, but then when all sorts of other shitheads showed up, it went screaming into the abyss.

These clowns have overwhelmed the internet and so now the default expectation of any forum is total mental retardation.

RTTP is a nice exception, great work Rev, sorry about all the AIDS porn I posted in 2008.
[Oct 2,2013 9:55am - Hot Buttered Anal  ""]
Well said.
[Oct 2,2013 10:01am - largefreakatzero ""]
I still don't have Fagbook and hopefully never will. I still like this site, but the forum used to be a lot more hilarious. Now it's just overrun with unfunny retards that were born in the 90s.
[Oct 2,2013 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
I agree with the fb thing. It is killing most of the Web by homogenizing it. One platform to ruled them all and in darkness bind them.
[Oct 2,2013 10:36am - the_reverend ""]
The other weird thing is that ips are still looking just not staying.
[Oct 2,2013 10:39am - xmikex ""]
*Complains that the forum used to be better*
*Gets a prolapsed butthole any time the old regulars post anything or try to have a sense of humor*

[Oct 2,2013 11:12am - conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:One platform to ruled them all and in darkness bind them.

Also applies to: Wikipedia, Google, Metal-Archives, NWO.

But it's true.

People are probably drive-by-ing because it requires effort to "forum." Facebook is just scroll and click LIKE anytime there's tits.
[Oct 2,2013 11:17am - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

Stoned%20Mulatto%20Troll said:I apologize for my inability to contribute high-quality trolling of late. Even trolls have real-world responsibilities.

RTTP is a great fucken site and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

The problems are twofold:
1. The great modern metal trend has failed.
2. Forums in general are failing as smart people flee the internet.

Dwyer's got a point with Facebook, but if you ask me, this was coming. First they got the college kids online, then the upper middle class kids, then the middle class kids, then all the fuckups (www.reddit.com), the ghetto birds, the people on mental health disability, the grannies on social security, the fat people, etc.

That's why myspace ate shit. It was great when it was college and middle class kids, but then when all sorts of other shitheads showed up, it went screaming into the abyss.

These clowns have overwhelmed the internet and so now the default expectation of any forum is total mental retardation.

RTTP is a nice exception, great work Rev, sorry about all the AIDS porn I posted in 2008.

[Oct 4,2013 11:17pm - Babies with Kitten faces MEOW!  ""]

Get%20rid%20of%20anonymous%20posting said:Get rid of anonymous posting

[Oct 5,2013 12:42pm - conservationist ""]
A middle option would be to reduce anon posting to "Anonymous Coward" /. style.
[Oct 5,2013 12:48pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
This site would be way more fun if Duncan would give me my $18.
[Oct 5,2013 9:38pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
I'm waiting....
[Oct 6,2013 4:08am - Lamp ""]
This forum kinda jumped the shark for me when dick is bro stopped being funny.
[Oct 6,2013 11:06am - conservationist ""]
A forum is the responsibility of its users.

Admins just keep the underlying infrastructure shit running.

It's up to us to post interesting stuff, bring in new people, rage in the comments...

Without users, a forum is just software rejecting spam attacks.
[Oct 7,2013 9:36am - shuttup_phaget  ""]
shuttup phaget
[Oct 7,2013 9:39am - Blake Judd NLI  ""]
I'm going to punch you in a$$... as soon as my hands stop shaking... and it's so cold in here.
[Oct 7,2013 9:42am - Pig Bag of Assorted Nigger Parts  ""]
Man, you're going to totally love jail. I learned a lot of cool shit there.

Cool shit bro. Smell ya later...

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