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Fri Oct 4th: SOURVEIN, PILGRIM, BRAIN FAMINE @ Dusk Providence

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[Sep 23,2013 10:26am - DistortThrash ""]
[Sep 23,2013 10:32am - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
Pilgrim @ Providence?!? sounds like a jest only BRIAN FAMINE could come up with.
[Sep 23,2013 11:18pm - Nli  ""]
Brian's a dick.
[Sep 24,2013 12:32am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Pilgrim and Sourvein, Brain Famine aside SMH at this shit.
[Sep 24,2013 9:46am - xmikex ""]
Will Pilgrim be reminiscing about the glory days of the 2009 Providence metal scene?

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